Children under the age of six are constantly learning by copying what they see and hear. Children are more likely to develop healthy attitudes and adopt healthy behaviours when they see and hear positive health habits at home, at childcare and at school.

As childcare providers and educators, you play an important role in the development of good health habits in children. You also have a great influence on parents. Sharing information about physical activity, healthy eating and self-esteem will help to reinforce the health messages you teach children and the messages you and parents give will be the same. Together, you can play an active role in helping children to develop good health habits that will last them a lifetime.

How to involve parents

There are a number of ways parents/guardians can be informed about the physical activity, healthy eating and self-esteem messages being promoted to their children through Rainbow Fun. Some suggestions include:

  • Sending home parent information sheets.
  • Creating informative bulletin boards.
  • Inserting messages into parent newsletters.

Parent information sheets

Resources for leaders to distribute to parents on ways to encourage their children (3 to 6 years) to be active, eat well and feel great.