Whatever your age, it's never too late to learn this Canadian past-time! Instructional skating programs are available for everyone - our five-tiered curriculum encourages learning at any level with a comfortable pace. Participants may not be able to be relocated if they select an incorrect level. Please read class description carefully. Parents/guardians are requested to remain at the facility during lessons. Learn about Equipment and Safety.
Learn to Skate Adult is divided into beginner and advanced lessons for skaters.
Learn to Skate - Beginner: Development of balance and posture. Introduction to various skills involving balance and posture, forward and backward skating and stopping.
Prerequisite: None.
Learn to Skate - Advanced: Development of edges and turns. Introduction to cross-overs, slalom skating, two foot turns, parallel stopping, backward circle thrusts.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate - Beginner.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate Early Child introduces new skaters aged to basic skating skills. The lesson consists of a warm-up, skill development, games and free skate. Program variations offered: Learn to Skate - Beginner and Learn to Skate with Caregiver.
Learn to Skate - Beginner: Skaters must be capable of going on the ice alone and be able to stand and walk on skates off the ice.
Learn to Skate with Caregiver: Caregivers must be at least 14 years of age, a competent skater and actively participate with the enrolled skater.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet with full face cage (child) and CSA approved hockey helmet (caregiver) in with Caregiver programs. All participants require hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate Older Adult is divided into beginner and advanced lessons for skaters.
Learn to Skate - Beginner: Development of balance and posture. Introduction to various skills involving balance and posture, forward and backward skating and stopping.
Prerequisite: None.
Learn to Skate - Advanced: Development of edges and turns. Introduction to cross-overs, slalom skating, two foot turns, parallel stopping, and backward circle thrusts.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate - Beginner.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate Youth is divided into beginner and advanced lessons.
Learn to Skate - Beginner: Development of balance and posture. Introduction to various skills involving balance and posture, forward and backwards skating and stopping.
Prerequisite: None.
Learn to Skate - Advanced: Development of edges and turns. Introduction to cross-overs, slalom skating, two foot turns, parallel stopping, backward circle thrusts.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate - Beginner.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate 1 will lead to the development of balance and posture and will introduce skaters to forward skating, gliding, stopping and backwards skating.
Prerequisite: Able to stand and walk on skates with straight ankles off the ice.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate 2 will lead to the development of forward gliding, stopping and backwards skating and will introduce skaters to one foot glides and backwards gliding.
Prerequisites: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate 1 or has the ability to skate (with a glide) the length of the ice without falling.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate 3 will lead to the development of backwards stopping, gliding and edges and will introduce skaters to cross-overs, slalom skating and two foot turns.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate 2.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate 4 will lead to the development of cross-overs and backwards stopping and will introduce skaters to one foot turns and backward circle thrusts.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate 3.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.
Learn to Skate 5 will lead to the development of backwards cross-overs, forward edges and skill combinations and will introduce skaters to parallel stopping, backwards edges and turns.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Learn to Skate 4.
Mandatory Equipment: CSA approved hockey helmet and hockey or figure skates.