City of Toronto Logo Decision Letter


Budget Committee

Meeting No. 36   (Special)   Contact Kelly McCarthy, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
  Phone 416-397-7796
Start Time 9:30 AM
Location Committee Room 1, City Hall
  Chair   Councillor Mike Del Grande  






2013 Capital and Operating Budgets
Committee Decision

The Budget Committee:


1.         Requested the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to submit to the Budget Committee for its meeting on January 8, 2012, a Corporate Report outlining the 2013 Capital Budget and 2014-2022 Capital Plan, based on adoption of the 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget, amended by the following recommendations:


2013 Capital Budget and 2014-2022 Capital Plan


General (Item BU36.1m, Motion 3 by Councillor Del Grande, Motion 20 by Councillor Milczyn, Motion 21 by Councillor Pasternak, Motion 22 by Councillor Ford)


a.         City Council direct that the proceeds (net of legal fees) from the sale of the City's stake in Enwave be deposited to the Capital Financing Reserve Fund (XR1011) to offset future debt issuance.


b.         City Council request the City Manager to study and report back in the second quarter of 2013 on the implications of selling or leasing the Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway, and the possibility of roadway tunnelling, as a way of addressing the on-going maintenance needs of the road system funded through tolls in partnership with the private sector


c.         City Council request the City Manager to identify the capital windfall that may accrue to the City as a result of the sale or lease of the Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway, and report back on how that might be used to fund future transit projects identified by Metrolinx and the TTC in the city


d.         City Council direct the City Manger to explore and report back on how federal infrastructure funding set aside for P3 projects may be used in the process of selling or leasing the Gardiner Expressway and the Don Valley Parkway.


e.         City Council direct that the discussion about selling or leasing the Gardiner Expressway and Don Valley Parkway not preclude the implementations of tolls on the Don Valley Parkway and Gardiner Expressway for non-residents, to fund ongoing repairs and future transit.


f.          City Council request the City Manager to explore options for a world-wide Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) or Request for Information (RFI) for alternative service delivery for the Gardiner Expressway, Don Valley Parkway, and building subways, and report back by May 2013.


Toronto Transit Commission (Items BU36.1w, BU36.1u, Motion 2 by Councillor Del Grande)


g.         City Council approve the 2013-2022 Toronto Transit Commission’s Capital Budget as summarized in Appendix D of the report (October 1, 2012) from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission, noting that certain budget adjustments (detailed later in the report) have been made to balance the budget since the preliminary budget was approved by the Toronto Transit Commission on September 27, 2012.


h.         City Council request the Chief Executive Officer of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to undertake a review of the Victoria Park Subway Station redevelopment capital project to examine options and costs for making the station accessible at the eastern (Teesdale) end of the station, and report to the Commission through the 2014 budget process on implementing such changes.


i.          Letter (October 1, 2012) from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on Toronto Transit Commission - 2013-2022 Capital Budget (Item).


            Lobbyist Registrar (Item BU36.1q, Motion 6 by Councillor Pasternak)


j.          City Council defer consideration of the Report (November 19, 2012) from the Lobbyist Registrar on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Plan, to the 2014 Capital Budget Process.


            Ombudsman (Item BU36.1s)


k.         City Council approve the 2013-2022 Capital Budget and Plan for the Office of the Ombudsman at $1.200 million, attached to the report (November 22, 2012) from the Ombudsman titled “Office of the Ombudsman – 2013-2022 Capital Plan.


            Toronto Police Services (Item BU36.1x)


l.          City Council approve the Toronto Police Service’s 2013-2022 capital program with a 2013 net request of $16.4 Million (excluding cash flow carry forwards from 2012), and a net total of $258.8 Million for 20132022, as detailed in Attachment A, contained in Appendix A of the report (November 23, 2012) from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board.


            Sustainable Energy Plan (Item BU36.1aa)


m.        City Council approve Energy projects for City agencies and divisions demonstrating sufficient projected returns from energy savings or revenue generation, to be financed through recoverable debt, bearing an interest rate of 2.0% above the corresponding Bank of Canada bond yield, and a maximum term of twenty years.


n.         City Council discontinue the issuance of repayable loans from the Toronto Energy Conservation Fund (XR1715) and the Toronto Green Energy Fund (XR1716) and applications which have not been approved be terminated.


o.         City Council close the Toronto Energy Conservation Fund (XR1715) and the Toronto Green Energy Fund (XR1716) once all encumbrances have been paid and the remaining uncommitted funds transferred to the Environment Protection Reserve Fund (XR1718) in order to help defray Emerald Ash Borer related costs and amend Municipal Code 227 (Reserve and Reserve Funds) to reflect this change.


p.         City Council offset the value of all outstanding SEF loans by a transfer from working capital to the Environment Protection Reserve Fund (XR1718), and future payments on outstanding loans be credited back to working capital.


q.         City Council request the Chief Corporate Officer to prepare an annual statement on energy cost savings and repayment status of all energy as part of the operating budget process.


r.          City Council approve the guidelines for the evaluation and approval of energy projects as set out in Appendix 1 of the report (September 24, 2012) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer.


Toronto Public Library (Item BU36.1ab)


s.          City Council approve the following cash flow reallocations, which have no impact on annual debt levels:


i.          accelerate $1,500,000 funding from 2013 to 2012 for the Toronto Reference Library project, comprised of $997,000 debt and $503,000 third party funding; and


ii.         defer $997,000 gross and debt funding from 2012 to 2013 from the Fairview project to offset Toronto Reference Library advance of debt funding.


            Pan/Parapan American Games (Item BU36.1ae)


t.          City Council approve the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for Pan/Parapan American Games with 2013 cash flow of $21.987 million and future year commitments of $51.703 million comprised of the following:


i.          New Cash Flow Funding for:


i.          8 previously approved sub-projects with a 2013 cash flow of $21.406 million; and a future year cash flow commitment of $51.464 million in 2014 and $0.239 million in 2015;


ii.         2012 approved cash flow for 1 previously approved sub-project with carry forward funding from 2012 into 2013 totaling $0.581 million.


u.         City Council approve new debt service costs of $0.375 million in 2013 and incremental debt costs of $3.012 million in 2014, $4.776 million in 2015 and $0.025 million in 2016 resulting from the approval of the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget, to be included in the 2013 and future year operating budgets.


            Facilities Management and Real Estate/Transportation Services (Motion 16 by Councillor Milczyn)


v.         City Council approve the transfer of $1,200,000 from the 2012 Capital Budget for Facilities Management & Real Estate (CCA194-01 Westwood Project) to the 2012 Capital Budget for Transportation Services (CTP811-35 Six Points Interchange Redevelopment Project).


w.        City Council, subject to approval of recommendation “v” above, approve the carry forward of $2,028,425 in approved cash flow from Transportation Service's 2012 Approved Capital Budget (CTP811-35 Six Points Interchange Redevelopment Project) into the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for Transportation Services.


Transportation Services (Motion 18 by Councillor Del Grande)


x.         City Council amend the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for Transportation Services to include project cost and 2013 cash flow of $0.090 million for the development of the design and construction the intersection of Wellington and Portland, to be funded by secured Section 45 (Planning Act) contribution of  $90,000 – 508-516 Wellington Street West (XR3026 - 4500096).


City Planning (Motion 17 by Councillor Del Grande)


y.         City Council amend the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget for City Planning to include project cost and 2013 cash flow of $1.750 million for the development of the detailed design and preparation of construction drawings for the John Street Revitalization Project, to be funded by secured Section 37 (Planning Act) contributions of:


            i.          $750,000 – 300 Front Street West  (XR3026 - 3700357); and


            ii.         $1,000,000 – 328 Adelaide Street West  (XR3026-3700391).


            Shelter, Support and Housing Administration/Toronto Community Housing (Motion 19 by Councillor Del Grande)


z.         City Council increase the 2013 Operating Budget of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on a one-time basis by $566,006.25 gross, $0 net, for transfer to Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) for capital improvements (including capital maintenance) to various TCHC properties in Ward 20, with such properties to be determined by way of a tenant participatory process, and with the budget increase fully funded by Section 16 (City of Toronto Act, 1973), Section 37, and Section 45 (Planning Act) community benefits received from the following developments and in the amounts indicated:


i.          16 York St., secured for capital improvements to affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $311,071.87 (source account XR3026-3700417);


ii.         56 Blue Jays Way, secured for affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $29,934.38 (source account XR3026-3700423);


iii.        164 Avenue Rd., secured for improvements to affordable housing in the area, in the amount of $15,000.00 (source account XR3026-4500103);


iv.        328-340 Adelaide St. W., secured for capital improvements to public housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $150,000.00 (source account XR3026-3700391);


v.         783 Bathurst St., secured for public housing improvements in Ward 20, in the amount of $50,000.00 (source account XR3026-3700424); and


vi.        508-516 Wellington St. W., secured for capital improvements to social housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $10,000 (source account XR3026-4500097).


aa.        City Council forward the $566,006.25 to Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), subject to TCHC signing an Undertaking governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.


Toronto Public Health (Items BU36.1e, BU36.1k)


ab.       City Council receive the following communications for information:


i.          Letter (October 22, 2012) from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health - 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan Request (Item BU36.1e).


ii.         Letter (October 22, 2012) from the Board of Health on Building on the Coroner's Pedestrian Death Review (Item BU36.1k).


2.         Requested the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to submit to the Budget Committee for its meeting on January 8, 2012, a Corporate Report outlining the 2013 Operating Budget, based on adoption of the 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget, amended by the following recommendations:


            2013 Operating Budget


General (Motion 25 by Councillor Del Grande)


a.         City Council approve an increase in taxes from 1.95% to 2.0% for an increase of .05% amounting to $1,150,000 to be used to fund the following:


i.          Student Nutrition Program - based on a 3.1% inflationary increase, $117,800 in base funding to Toronto Public Health, and that consideration of the universality of the Student Nutrition Program be provided only to those in need and not to families that do not require this assistance.


ii.         Toronto Botanical Gardens - be provided one-time funding of $75,000 and that the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation be asked to report on or before July 1, 2013 on a agreed upon sustainable operating plan for the Toronto Botanical Gardens.


iii.        North York and East End Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) - an increase to Economic Development and Culture's base budget to include funding of $100,000 each for North York and East End LASOs and that the funding for East End LASO be released upon the completion of a business plan.


iv.        Lawn Bowling Clubs - one-time amount of $30,000 be set aside in the Parks, Forestry and Recreation 2013 Operating Budget for emergency funding for Lawn Bowling Clubs for 2013 for transitional assistance, not to exceed $3,000 per location, and that the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation consult on or before July 1, 2013 with the Lawn Bowling Clubs to ascertain the viability of said clubs.


v.         Priority Centres - that the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation begin implementation of the priority centre expansion, effective July 1, 2013, and that funding of $1.0 million be reallocated from the Welcome Policy funding increase approved in 2012.


vi.        The City Manager undertake a comprehensive review of Arts and Culture funding, taking into account the true “per capita” contribution of all direct and indirect grants, subsidies and contributions, and report on the recommendations of the utilization of the Bill Board Tax Revenue.


vii.       Community Partnership and Investment (CPIP) – a base budget inflationary increase of $500,000 be provided for CPIP partnership grant programs, and that the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with other program staff, report back providing a rationalization of recipients, ensuring that measurable targets and objectives are met.


viii.      The remaining balance be unallocated at this time.


Arena Boards, Association of Community Centres, and Yonge-Dundas Square (Motion 24 by Councillor Del Grande)


b.         City Council direct that funding for wages will be equal to but not greater than the City's wage guidelines.


            Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (Motion 7 by Councillor Del Grande, Motion 13 by Councillor Del Grande)


c.         City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, as part of the process to implement the new Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) to consider:


i.          opportunities for client-centred service integration and streamlining of the City's housing, homelessness prevention and related programs, including TCHC; and


ii.         the directions and targets in the City's long-term affordable housing strategy, Housing Opportunities Toronto.


d.         City Council reduce the contribution from the Social Housing Federal Reserve Fund of $26.058 million by $6.3 million in the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, to be offset by increased assessment growth of equal value.


Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Motion 8 by Councillor Del Grande)


e.         City Council direct that the City work with all City agencies to establish service standards and service levels in time for the 2014 Budget process.


            City Manager’s Office (Motion 9 by Councillor Del Grande, Item BU36.1ai)


f.          City Council request the City Manager to consult with Councillors on the proposed Counter Service Review recommendations and report to Government Management Committee early in 2013 with any recommended changes.


g.         City Council receive for information the report (December 4, 2012) from City Council on Reinvestment of Savings that Result from Administrative Restructuring of Environment and Energy Functions (Item BU36.1ai).


            Legal Services (Motion 10 by Councillor Del Grande)


h.         City Council request the City Solicitor provide to Council a quarterly score sheet on Council driven legal actions, which includes:


i.          advice given


ii.         outcome of the decision


iii.        any related costs


            Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Items BU36.1c, BU36.1ac, BU36.1z, BU36.1a, BU36.1b)


i.          City Council approve the revised Urban Forestry Service Plan, funded through the adoption of Item BU36.1aa, “Repurposing of the Sustainable Energy Funds and New Funding Model for City Energy Projects,” that will extend the timeframe to fully implement the financial and service delivery strategy to achieve the City's tree canopy goals by seven (7) years.


j.          City Council amend the 2013 Recommended User Fee Rate Changes, Inflation and Other Adjustments to include the Council-approved 2013 sports field and dry pad permit fees for children and youth organizations of: $3/hour for A fields, $2/hour for B fields, $1/hour for C fields (including HST), $0 for dry pads and After-school Recreation and Care daily fees of $2.34 per child day, as set out in Attachment 1 to the report (December 10, 2012) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.


k.         City Council receive for information the letter (December 3, 2012) from City Council on Identification of Funds for the Reinstatement of Fee-Exempt Adult Programming in Priority Centres, as the necessary funding was not identified (Item BU36.1z).


l.          City Council receive the following communications for information:


i.          Letter (September 14, 2012) from the Parks and Environment Committee on Lawn Bowling Clubs and Park Permit Fees (Item BU36.1a).


ii.         Letter (October 15, 2012) from the Parks and Environment Committee on Toronto Botanical Garden - Request for Funding (Item BU36.1b).


            Auditor General’s Office (Item BU36.1o, Motion 12 by Councillor Di Giorgio)


m.        City Council approve the 2013 Budget for the Auditor General’s Office, attached to the report (September 13, 2012) from the Auditor General.


n.         City Council direct that the audit fee for the audit of the City's financial statements be transferred from the Auditor General's budget to the City's Non-Program budget.


o.         City Council add an additional 0.5 full-time equivalent to the Auditor General's Budget in the amount of $0.046 million.


            Integrity Commissioner’s Office (Item BU36.1p)


p.         City Council approve the 2013 operating budget of $249.6 thousand for the Office of the Integrity Commissioner, attached to the report (November 22, 2012) from the Integrity Commissioner.


            Lobbyist Registrar’s Office (Item BU36.1r)


q.         City Council approve the 2013 Operating Budget for the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar, attached to the report (November 19, 2012) from the Lobbyist Registrar.


Ombudsman’s Office (Item BU36.1t, Motion 12 by Councillor Di Giorgio)


r.          City Council approve the 2013 full-year operating budget for the Office of the Ombudsman, attached to the report (November 22, 2012) from the Ombudsman, with the following amendment:


i.          That the Ombudsman's budget request for one additional position in the amount of $0.092 million be reduced to 0.5 full-time equivalent in the amount of $0.046 million.


            Toronto Public Health (Items BU36.1f, BU36.1g, BU36.1h, BU36.1i, BU36.1j)


s.          City Council increase the Toronto Public Health 2013 Operating Budget Request by $350,000/gross, $0.0 net and an increase of 3.5 permanent Public Health Nurse positions to reflect an increase in 100 percent base funding from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services for the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program.


t.          City Council receive the following communications for information:


i.          Letter (October 22, 2012) from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health - 2013 - 2022 Operating Budget Request (Item BU36.1f).


ii.         Letter (July 11, 2012) from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health - Nourishing Young Minds - A Review of the Student Nutrition Program in Toronto (Item BU36.1h).


iii.        Letter (September 24, 2012) from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health - Student Nutrition Program 2013 Operating Budget Request and Proposed Five Year Plan (Item BU36.1i).


iv.        Letter (October 22, 2012) from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health - Student Nutrition Program Proposed Expansion in High Need Schools 2013 – 2017 (Item BU36.1j).


            Toronto Transit Commission (Item BU36.1w, BU36.1v)


u.         City Council confirm the previous approval-in-principle for a 5-cent increase, effective January 1, 2013, in the price of a single adult token and a proportionate increase in all other  fares, excluding cash fares, as set out in Appendix A of the report (November 21, 2012) from the Toronto Transit Commission, noting that the City of Toronto has now confirmed the level of transit operating subsidy that will be provided for 2013.


v.         City Council approve the 2013 TTC Operating Budget as summarized in Appendix B of the report (November 21, 2012) from the Toronto Transit Commission, noting that certain budget adjustments (detailed later in the report) have been made to balance the budget since the preliminary budget was approved on September 27, 2012.


w.        City Council approve the 2013 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget as summarized in Appendix C of the report (November 21, 2012) from the Toronto Transit Commission, noting that certain budget adjustments (detailed later in the report) have been made to balance the budget since the preliminary budget was approved on September 27, 2012.


x.         City Council receive for information the letter (October 1, 2012) from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on Toronto Transit Commission - 2013 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets (Item BU36.1v).


            Toronto Police Services (Items BU36.1af, BU36.1ag)


y.         City Council approve the Toronto Police Service’s 2013 net operating budget request of $927.8 million which achieves the City’s target of a 0% increase over 2012.


z.         City Council approve the Toronto Police Services Board 2013 net operating budget request of $2,251,600 which achieves the City’s target of a 0% increase over 2012.


            Toronto Atmospheric Fund (Motion 26 by Councillor Parker)


aa.        City Council not approve the request for funding a new Manager, Revenue Diversification position at a cost of $0.074 million in 2013 and an incremental cost of $0.025 million, and that the Toronto Atmospheric Fund 's 2013 Operating Budget be adjusted to redirect the funding to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund (TAF) Endowment Fund.


City Council (Item BU36.1n)


ab.       City Council receive for information the letter (November 8, 2012) from City Council on Funding for Councillor Constituency Offices, as the necessary funding was not identified.


Community Partnership Investment Grants (Item BU36.1d)


ac.        City Council receive for information the letter (April 27, 2012) from the Budget Committee on Inflationary Increases for the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) (Item BU36.1d).


3.         Referred consideration of the following to the January 8, 2012 meeting of the Budget Committee:


a.         Item BU36.1ah - Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit: 2013 Operating Budget Request


4.         Requested the following briefing notes (Motion 1 by Councillor Lee, Motion 14 by Councillor Parker, Motion 15 by Councillor Milczyn):


a.         The General Manager, Transportation Services and the Director, Waterfront Secretariat – briefing note to the final Budget wrap-up meeting on January 8, 2013 on what was the decision making process to change the budget to suspend the Gardner Environment Assessment.


b.         The Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission – briefing note to the January 8, 2013 Budget Committee meeting on the status of the East Bayfront LRV project, including financial numbers required to make the project shovel ready.


c.         The City Manager, Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, and the Chief Financial Officer – briefing note on the possibility of incorporating an area-specific charge and/or city-wide charge in the new development charges by-law to fund the East Bayfront project.


5.         Received the following for information:


a.         Report (December 10, 2012) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Financial Strategy to Re-establish Original Time Lines for the Urban Forestry Service Plan (Item BU36.1ad).


b.         Report (October 31, 2012) from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Response to Councillor and City Budget Chief Michael Del Grande’s Letter on the Toronto Police Service Budge (Item BU36.1y).


c.         Capital Briefing Notes #6-15.


d.         Operating Briefing Notes #8-33.

(November 29, 2012) Report from the City Manager and the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer

The Budget Committee at its meetings of December 3, 4, 5 and 6, 2012:


1.         Referred the Item to the Budget Wrap-Up meeting on December 12 and 17, 2012, along with the following motions:


Motion 6 by Councillor Del Grande


“Arena Boards, Association of Community Centres, and Yonge-Dundas Square – Operating Budgets:


That funding for wages will be equal to but not greater than the City's wage guidelines.”


Motion 19 by Councillor Del Grande


“That the Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, as part of the process to implement the new Community Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI) to consider:


a.         opportunities for client-centred service integration and streamlining of the City's housing, homelessness prevention and related programs, including TCHC; and


b.         the directions and targets in the City's long-term affordable housing strategy, Housing Opportunities Toronto.”


                         Motion 43 by Councillor Del Grande


“That the City Solicitor provide to Council a quarterly score sheet on Council driven legal actions, which includes:


                                    a.         advice given


b.         outcome of the decision


c.         any related costs”


                         Motion 46 by Councillor Parker


“Request the City Manager to consult with Councillors on the proposed Counter Service Review recommendations and report to Government Management Committee early in 2013 with any recommended changes.”


                         Motion 53 by Councillor Del Grande


“That the City work with all City agencies to establish service standards and service levels in time for the 2014 Budget process.”


                         Motion 56 by Councillor Del Grande


                         “Request the CEO of the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to undertake a review of the Victoria Park Subway Station redevelopment capital project to examine options and costs for making the station accessible at the eastern (Teesdale) end of the station, and report to the Commission through the 2014 budget process on implementing such changes.”


2.         Requested the following staff to provide Briefing Notes to the wrap-up meeting on December 12 and 17, 2012:




a.         The City Manager - briefing note that states the "best guess" surplus year by year and all other sources of the $1.189 Billion "Financing Strategy" described in slide 27 of the capital presentation by the City Manager on November 29, 2012.


b.         The City Manager - briefing note on budgeted and actual staffing by division for 2012 and 2013 including vacancies projected at year end.


c.         The City Manager - briefing note which contains a summary of the service efficiency study recommendations that are reflected in the staff recommended 2013 Budget.


d.         The City Manager - briefing note with a breakdown of the $12 million of new user fee revenue.


e.         The City Manager and the City Clerk - briefing note on any cost associated with allowing people with disabilities to participate as deputants through video conferencing at all Standing Committees.


Children's Services:


f.          The General Manager, Children's Services - briefing note that summarizes financing of Children's Services over the past five years including Provincial/City cost-sharing, draws from the provincially funded reserves, and City contributions to services and reserves.


g.         The General Manager, Children's Services - briefing note on the number of new subsidy spaces required to achieve 1% increase in the equity target ratio for infants, toddlers and preschool.


Economic Development and Culture:


h.         The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - briefing note for the wrap-up budget meeting outlining social and economic benefits of increasing to $25 per capita funding for arts and culture.


i.          The City Manager - briefing note outlining the history of the Billboard Tax since its approval in 2009, including all income generated since its inception, as well as any monies being held in escrow and income projections for the next five years.


j.          The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - briefing note on options for investing the sign tax revenue to achieve the objectives of the Capital Gains report, including targeting funds to Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) community arts and youth programs.


k.         The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - briefing note on funding for Local Arts Service Organizations (LASOs) across the City and the funding per capita in each of the four districts, and that the briefing note provide options for equitable funding for local arts without decreasing funding to existing LASOs.


l.          The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - briefing note itemizing the $188,900 reduction in "other expenditures" and the $307,300 increase in "other revenues".


m.        The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - briefing note by December 31, 2012 which includes a full accounting of below cost rent included in the per capita calculation.


Parks, Forestry and Recreation:


n.         The General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation - briefing note to the Budget Wrap-up on the Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation and its work.


o.         That the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation provide a briefing note on which waterfront Parks are being considered for contracting out of maintenance work.


p.         The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation - briefing note on the impact of Section 37 on Parks, Forestry and Recreation's ability to accommodate growth and state of good repair in transit node areas.


q.         The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation - briefing note on turf maintenance standards for parks and sports fields and the number of staff allocated, by district, to achieve these standards.


City Planning:


r.          The Chief Planner - briefing note describing the budget impacts of providing adequate staff to that we can:


i.          have robust planning reviews of Employment Lands Conversion requests;


ii.          comment all Committee of Adjustment applications which have larger Zoning or Policy implications;


iii.         conduct planning studies in a more timely fashion; and


iv.         clear the backlog of heritage study requests.


Fire Services:


s.          The City Manager - briefing note on the scope, objectives and timelines of the Service Efficiency Study on Emergency Medical Services and Fire, and the Fire Underwriters survey study.


t.          The Chief, Fire Services - briefing note to wrap-up on how the proposed budget meets the recommendations in the Master Fire Plan including staffing levels, available fleet compliment and National Fire Protection Association 1710 response standards.


Waterfront Revitalization Initiative:


u.         The Deputy City Manager, Cluster B - briefing note on a possible regional Sports Complex at Hearn.


Technical Services:


v.         The Deputy City Manager, Cluster B - briefing note on actual timeframes to process, review and approve development related projects and compare these to existing service levels and identify gaps in approved service levels by application type.


Transportation Services:


w.        The General Manager, Transportation Services - briefing note to explain the change in the road repair backlog (Exclusive of the Gardiner) from the 2012-2021 Capital Plan to the 2013-2022 Capital Plan.


x.         The General Manager, Transportation Services - briefing note showing how Toronto compares to other Ontario municipalities in terms of State of Good Repair (SOGR) backlog as a percentage of asset values.


y.         The General Manager, Transportation Services - briefing note showing transportation funding by source for the 2013-2022 capital budget using the same categories shown on page 18 of the analysts notes.


z.         The General Manager, Transportation Services - briefing note on the minimum repairs and associated costs required to maintain the East end of the Gardiner for the period required to complete the Environmental Assessment on the removal of this portion of the Gardiner.


Legal Services:


aa.        The City Solicitor - briefing note charting the use of outside planners on a ward by ward basis for 2010, 2011, and 2012 that shows a breakdown of appeals with an outside planner stemming from the Committee of Adjustment, rezonings on site-specific bylaws, and the percentage of successful appeals by category.


ab.       The City Solicitor - briefing note breaking down legal cost incurred on a ward by ward basis for 2010, 2011, and 2012 due to appeals to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) charted against the number of development applications and Committee of Adjustment applications on a ward by ward basis.


ac.        The City Solicitor - briefing note breaking down appeals generated by the applicant, City and third party, on application for Committee of Adjustment, rezoning, site-specific bylaw amendment decisions for 2010, 2011 and 2012.


ad.        The City Solicitor - briefing note on the number of appeals settled prior to a formal hearing, with a breakdown by Committee of Adjustment, rezoning and site-specific bylaws for 2010, 2011 and 2012.


ae.        The City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner - briefing note commenting on training provided to members of the Committee of Adjustment upon appointment and during their term of service with recommendations in that regard.


Facilities Management and Real Estate:


af.         The Chief Corporate Officer - briefing note with a breakdown of funding to Harbourfront Community Centre, Dovercourt Boys and Girls Club, St. Alban Boys and Girls Club, and University Settlement House for the last seven years, and a forecast of the impact of flatlining these grants of the ability of Facilities Management and Real Estate to maintain the centres in a State of Good Repair (SOGR).


Lobbyist Registrar:


ag.       The Lobbyist Registrar - briefing note on the portion of increased traffic attributable to the subject matters "OLG Modernization" and "Casino" in 2012, and a forecast of similarly attributed acts of lobbying in 2013.


Toronto Transit Commission (TTC):


ah.       The CEO of the TTC - briefing note showing the comparison between Toronto and other cities of the percentage of the cost of light rail vehicles paid for by debt.


ai.        The CEO of the TTC - briefing note covering a 5 year history of headway performance and a projection of the 2013 headway performance.


aj.        The CEO of the TTC - briefing note outlining the expected increase in customer base projected past 2015.


ak.       The CEO of the TTC - briefing note with a breakdown of revenue sources for Wheel-Trans, with adult ticket revenue identified as an amount.


al.        The CEO of the TTC - briefing note which includes a detailed breakout of costs and revenues associated with the Metrolinx projects in 2008-2013, including staffing, consultants and other expenses.


am.      The CEO of the TTC - briefing note with a list of all motions passed at the Special City Council meeting in February 2012, identifying those responded to; those pending and the timeline to receive a response to the pending motions.


3.         Requested that the Budget Committee Chair request the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) Chair to schedule a briefing meeting, in accordance with any and all legislative meeting notice requirements, in order for the CEO of the TTC to fully present their 2013 63-slide Budget Presentation.

Background Information
(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Affordable Housing Office

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Children's Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Children's Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Court Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Court Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Economic Development and Culture

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Economic Development and Culture

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Emergency Medical Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Emergency Medical Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Long-Term Care Home and Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Long-Term Care Homes and Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Parks, Forestry and Recreation

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Parks, Forestry and Recreation

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Social Development, Finance and Administration

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Employment and Social Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Employment Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - 311 Toronto

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - 311 Toronto

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Planning

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - City Planning

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Fire Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Fire Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Municipal Licensing and Standards

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Technical Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Building

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Transportation Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Transportation Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Policy, Planning, Finance and Administration (PPFA) and Toronto Environment Office (TEO)

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Waterfront Revitalization Initiative

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Facilities Management and Real Estate

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Facilities Management and Real Estate

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Financial Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Fleet Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Fleet Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Information and Technology

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Information and Technology

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Chief Financial Officer

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Treasurer

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Manager's Office

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Clerk's Office

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - City Clerk's Office

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Council

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Legal Services

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Mayor

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Accountability Officers

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Accountability Officers

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Sustainable Energy Plan

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Arena Boards of Management

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Association of Community Centres

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Exhibition Place

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Exhibition Place

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Heritage Toronto

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Sony Centre for the Performing Arts

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget -Theatres

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Atmospheric Fund

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Police Service and Services Board

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Police Service

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Public Health

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Public Health

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Public Library

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Public Library

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Zoo

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Zoo

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Transit Commission

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Transit Commission

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Yonge-Dundas Square

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Yonge-Dundas Square

(November 29, 2012) 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Parking Tag Enforcement and Operations

Confidential Attachment 1
(December 3, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Notes - Table of Contents - Updated December 17, 2012

(December 3, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#6 - Solid Waste Transfer & Disposal Vehicles and Equipment - Transferring Maintenance Responsibilities from Solid Waste Management Services to Fleet Services

(December 3, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#7 - Economic Factors

(December 11, 2012) Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#8 - Children's Services 5 Year Funding Summary and Cost to Improve Equity

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#9 - Additional Information on Parks, Forestry and Recreation Parks Turf and Sports Field Maintenance

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#10 - Conversion of Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) Properties from Taxable to Exempt: Impacts on Budget

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#11 - Video-Conferencing for Deputations by Persons with Disabilities

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#12 - Itemizing Division Reductions and Changes in Revenue in Economic Development and Culture

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#13 - Toronto Parks and Trees Foundation

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#14 - Additional Information on Parks, Forestry and Recreation Service Efficiency Study - Contract-out Some Specialty Waterfront Parks Maintenance

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#15 - Lobbyist Registry - Portion of Increased Traffic Attributable to the Subject Matters “OLG Modernization” and “Casino” in 2012

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#16 - Changes to Existing User Fees and New User Fees in the 2013 Staff Recommended Operating Budget

(December 11, 2012) Appendix A - BN#16 - 2013 Recommended User Fee Rate Changes Inflation and Other Adjustments

(December 11, 2012) Appendix B - BN#16 - 2013 Operating Budget New User Fees

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#17 - 2013 Creative Capital Gains; Reaching $25 per Capita and Associated Benefits

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#17 - Appendix 1A - Average Response Time Analysis - Based on Information from Deccan Fire ADAM (Apparatus Deployment Analysis Module)

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#17 - Appendix 1B - Average Response Time Analysis - Based on Information from Deccan Fire ADAM (Apparatus Deployment Analysis Module)

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#18 - Creative Capital Gains; Reaching $25 per Capita and Associated Benefits

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#19 - Funding Local Arts Services Organizations (LASOs) Equitably

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#20 - Fire Underwriters Survey Study

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#21 - Service Efficiency Study Impacts in the 2013 Staff Recommended Budget

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#22 - Sign By-law Unit and Third Party Sign Tax

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#23 - Technical Services Review of Development Applications - Compliance with Timelines

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#24 - Toronto Police Service Reserves and Reserve Funds

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#25 - Downloaded Program Costs, Provincial Funding Shortfalls and Corresponding Reserve Depletion

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#26 - Scope, Objectives and Timelines of the Service Efficiency Study of Toronto Emergency Medical Services and Toronto Fire Services

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#27 - Toronto Fire Services Budget and Master Fire Plan Recommendations

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#28 - City Planning Division - Operating Budget

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#29 - Community Partnership and Investment Programs (CPIP)

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#30 - Projected Increase in Wheel-Trans Customer Demand Projected Past 2015

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#31 - Headway Performance

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#32 - Wheel-Trans Revenue Sources

(December 17, 2012) 2013 Operating Budget Briefing Note BN#33 - Toronto Botanical Gardens Review

(December 4, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Notes - Table of Contents - Updated December 17, 2012

(December 4, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#2 - Additional State-of-Good-Repair Funding for Major Roads

(December 4, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#3 - Transportation Services / Technical Services - F.G. Gardiner Expressway - Current and Planned Rehabilitation

(December 5, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#4 - North West PATH Pedestrian Tunnel

(December 5, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#5 - Resource Demand to Deliver IT Capital Portfolio Projects

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#6 - Use of Section 37 Funding in the Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PF&R) Capital Plan

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#7- F.G. Gardiner Expressway - Minimum Repair Costs

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#8 - Capital Financing Strategy

(December 12, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#8 - Capital Financing Strategy - Attachment - TTC - Purchase of LRVs

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#9 - Possible Regional Sports Complex at Hearn

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#10 - TTC Support to Metrolinx Projects

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#11 - Transportation Services - Road Repair Backlog Projections

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#12 - Transportation Services - Funding Sources for the 2013 - 2022 Recommended Capital Budget and Plan

(December 11, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#13 - Transportation Services - Backlog as a Percentage of Asset Value

(December 17, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#14 - Rail Vehicle Financing Sources

(December 17, 2012) 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note BN#15 - List of All Motions Passed by Council in February 2012 and their Disposition

(December 12, 2012) Wrap-Up Notes to Budget Committee on 2013 Recommended Operating Budget Tax Supported Programs and Agencies Summary of Budget Review Process - December 12, 2012

(December 12, 2012) Wrap-Up Notes to Budget Committee on 2013 - 2022 Recommended Capital Budget and Plan Tax Supported Program and Agencies Summary of Budget Review Process - December 12, 2012

(December 17, 2012) Wrap-Up Notes to Budget Committee on 2013 Recommended Operating Budget Tax Supported Programs and Agencies Summary of Budget Review Process - December 17, 2012

(December 17, 2012) Wrap-Up Notes to Budget Committee on 2013 - 2022 Recommended Capital Budget and Plan Tax Supported Program and Agencies Summary of Budget Review Process - December 17, 2012

(November 29, 2012) Presentation from the City Manager and the Director, Financial Planning on the 2013 Staff Recommended Tax Supported Operating Budget

(November 29, 2012) Presentation from the City Manager and the Director, Financial Planning on the 2013-2014 Staff Recommended Tax Support Capital Budget and Plan

(December 3, 2012) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster A on the City of Toronto Cluster A - 2013 Recommended Operating Budget & 2013 – 2022 Capital Budget and Plan

(December 4, 2012) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B on the City of Toronto Cluster B - 2013 Recommended Operating Budget & 2013 – 2022 Capital Budget and Plan

(December 5, 2012) Presentation from the City Manager on the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget

(December 5, 2012) Presentation from Internal Services on the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan

(December 5, 2012) Presentation from the City Solicitor on Legal Services - 2013 Recommended Operating Budget

(December 5, 2012) Presentation from The Toronto Atmospheric Fund on the 2013 Requested Operating Budget

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the Auditor General's Office on the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the City Clerk's Office on the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the City Clerk's Office on the City Council 2013 Recommended Operating Budget

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the City Clerk's Office on the Office of the Mayor 2013 Recommended Operating Budget

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the Toronto Transit Commission on the 2013 Recommended Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget Plan

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the Office of the Integrity Commissioner on the 2013 Operating Budget Request

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar on the 2013 Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget

(December 6, 2012) Presentation from the Office of the Ombudsman on the 2013 Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget

(December 12, 2012) Presentation from the Toronto Police Service on 2013 Recommended Operating Budget and 2013 - 2022 Capital Plan

Confidential Attachment 1, Part A - Fire Services 2013 Operating Budget - Publicly released on December 7, 2012

(December 6, 2012) Budget Committee Decisions from its meeting of December 3, 4, 5 and 6, 2012

(December 17, 2012) Presentation from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on the 2013 Re-assessment Impacts and Tax Policy Options

(December 11, 2012) Budget Committee Decisions from its meeting of December 10 and 11, 2012


(December 12, 2012) Councillor Paula Fletcher
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Janet Davis
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Frances Nunziata
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Vincent Crisanti
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Michael Thompson
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Gord Perks
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Pam McConnell
(December 12, 2012) Councillor Joe Mihevc
(December 17, 2012) Councillor Shelley Carroll
(December 17, 2012) Paula Fletcher
(December 17, 2012) Councillor Joe Mihevc
(December 17, 2012) Councillor Pam McConnell
(December 17, 2012) Councillor Adam Vaughan

1a Lawn Bowling Clubs and Park Permit Fees (Item PE15.4)
(September 14, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee

Forwarding the Parks and Environment Committee's recommendations at its meeting on September 14, 2012.

Background Information
(September 14, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee on Lawn Bowling Cubs and Park Permit Fees (Item PE15.4)

(May 24, 2012) Letter from Councillor Wong-Tam on Lawn Bowling Clubs and Park Permit Fees

1b Toronto Botanical Garden - Request for Funding (Item PE16.1)
(October 15, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee

The Parks and Environment Committee on October 15, 2012, considered a presentation from the Executive Director, Toronto Botanical Garden, on their request for funding.

Background Information
(October 15, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee on Toronto Botanical Garden - Request for Funding (Item PE16.1)

(October 1, 2012) Presentation from the Executive Director, Toronto Botanical Garden -Toronto Botanical Garden - Request for Funding

1c Core Service Review - Revising the Timeframe to achieve the City's Tree Canopy Goals (Item PE17.1)
(November 9, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee

The purpose of this report is to respond to City Council's request that a review of the Urban Forestry Service Plan be conducted and that a report with recommended changes to extend the timeframe to achieve the City's tree canopy goals be submitted to the Parks and Environment Committee.  This report presents a revised financial strategy which when implemented, will contribute to the achievement of a healthy, diverse and sustainable urban forest.


The consolidated funding proposed takes into consideration the financial pressures resulting from the management of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB), and will extend the timeframe to implement the Service Plan by seven (7) years, from 2016 to 2023.  From 2013 to 2019 resources will be diverted to manage EAB.  Focus on implementing the Service Plan will begin in 2017 as EAB subsides.  This funding strategy will enable Urban Forestry to maintain the 2011 service levels for the next four years while providing Urban Forestry with the resources to implement the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) strategy. 


This report also responds to Parks and Environment Committee's request that staff report back on replenishing or adding money to the Environment Protection Reserve Fund – Tree Canopy Allocation XR1718.  The Environment Protection Reserve Fund was established to provide one-time funding only, towards enhancement and protection of the City's tree canopy.  Urban Forestry does not have the means to replenish the Environment Protection Reserve Fund.

Financial Impact

See table in the staff report for financial information.


The Consolidated Funding Plan is a combination of the EAB funding plan and the revised Service Plan. The Consolidated Funding Plan requires $7.2 million less in funding from 2013 onwards when compared to the original Service Plan approved by Council in 2008 ($231.1 million vs. $238.3 million).


The Consolidated Funding Plan, as outlined in Figure 1 below, includes $48 million in reserve funding from the Environment Protection Reserve Fund (XR1718) approved in 2008 and $61.3 million in one-time funding for which the funding source is yet to be identified.  The Consolidated Funding Plan also requires $152.4 million in base budget property tax funding and results in an incremental increase in property tax funding of $17.6 million phased in over 10 years reaching the total additional base funding requirement of $22 million in 2023.

Background Information
(November 9, 2012) Letter from the Parks and Environment Committee on Core Service Review – Revising the Timeframe to achieve the City’s Tree Canopy Goals (Item PE17.1)

(September 28, 2012) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Core Service Review - Revising the timeframe to achieve the City's tree canopy goals

1d Inflationary Increases for the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) (Item BU24.6)
(April 27, 2012) Letter from the Budget Committee

Each year, all City of Toronto agencies, boards, commissions and divisions are given upfront economic indicator driven adjustments to their base budgets before being required to meet any Council-adopted budget reduction targets.


Applicant agencies under the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) face many of the same economic pressures in providing services to residents of the City of Toronto as any agency, board, commission or division.


This Motion is urgent as Budget proposal guidelines must be delivered to City Divisions and Toronto Public Health as soon as possible.

Background Information
(April 27, 2012) Letter from the Budget Committee on Inflationary Increases for the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP) (Item BU24.6)

(April 11, 2012) Letter from Councillor Shelley Carroll on New Item of Business about Inflationary Increases for the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP)

(April 10, 2012) Letter from Councillor Shelley Carroll on Inflationary Increases for the Community Partnership and Investment Program (CPIP)

1e Toronto Public Health - 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan Request (Item HL17.6)
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

This report provides an overview of the Toronto Public Health (TPH) 2013 Capital Budget and 2014-2022 Capital Plan and Forecast.


Toronto Public Health (TPH) is submitting a 2013 – 2022 Capital Budget and Plan request of $34.746 million, including a 2013 Capital Budget of $4.611 million and future year commitments of $5.527 million and a 2014 – 2022 Capital Plan and Forecast of $24.608 million. The Debt Affordability Target provided by the City for TPH is $3.396 million in 2013, $3.393 million in 2014, $3.396 million in 2015, $3.392 million in 2016, $3.388 million in 2017 and, $15.636 million for 2018 to 2022 for a total of $32.601 million. TPH will receive 100 percent provincial funding for one IT project for $1.215 million in 2013, $0.725 million in 2014 and $0.205 million in 2015 for a total of $2.145 million.


The 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan request will provide funding for eleven Information and Technology (IT) projects that support improvement of service delivery with the development and enhancement of systems while complying with provincial mandatory reporting requirements. There is no additional operating impact associated with these eleven IT projects.

Financial Impact

Toronto Public Health (TPH) is submitting a 2013 – 2022 Capital Budget and Plan request of $34.746 million, including a 2013 Capital Budget of $4.611 million and future year commitments of $5.527 million and a 2014 – 2022 Capital Plan and Forecast of $24.608 million. The Debt Affordability Target provided by the City for TPH is $3.396 million in 2013, $3.393 million in 2014, $3.396 million in 2015, $3.392 million in 2016, $3.388 million in 2017 and, $15.636 million for 2018 to 2022 for a total of $32.601 million. TPH will receive 100 percent provincial funding for one IT project for $1.215 million in 2013, $0.725 million in 2014 and $0.205 million in 2015 for a total of $2.145 million.


The 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan request will provide funding for eleven Information and Technology (IT) projects that support improvement of service delivery with the development and enhancement of systems while complying with provincial mandatory reporting requirements. There is no future operating budget impact associated with these eleven IT projects.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


See table in the staff report for financial information.


Background Information
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan Request (Item HL17.6)

(October 5, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan Request

(October 5, 2012) Appendix 1 - Toronto Public Health 2013 - 2022 Capital Budget and Plan Request

1f Toronto Public Health - 2013 - 2022 Operating Budget Request (Item HL17.7)
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

This report outlines the Toronto Public Health (TPH) 2013 Operating Budget request for consideration by the Board of Health.


The Toronto Public Health 2013 Operating Budget Request totals $240,643.5 thousand gross / $48,763.9 thousand net.  This request is $1,661.6 thousand gross / $1,031.1 thousand net above the 2012 Operating Budget. The net increase of $1,031.1 thousand over the 2012 Operating Budget is comprised primarily of base budget increases for the: negotiated collective agreement and inflationary increases for AIDS & Drug Grants Prevention Programs of $570.4 thousand net; City's contribution of base budget for the Bed Bug program approved by Council for $250.0 thousand net; reduction options of $164.3 thousand net; and new and enhanced services of $375.0 thousand net to maximize provincial revenue and increase compliance with Ontario Public Health Standards.

Background Information
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on Toronto Public Health 2013 - 2022 Operating Budget Request (Item HL17.7)

(October 10, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2013 Operating Budget Request

(October 10, 2012) Attachment 1 - Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Request 2013

1g Toronto Public Health - Budget Adjustment to the 2013 Operating Budget Request (Item HL18.7)
(November 19, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

Toronto Public Health (TPH) receives 100 percent funding from the Ministry of Children and Youth Services (MCYS) to deliver the Healthy Babies Healthy Children (HBHC) program.  In 2011, the Ministry initiated a review of the HBHC Protocol.  Completion of this review will result in a number of changes to the program, including the introduction of a new screening tool in 2013.  Additional on-going base funding is being provided to health units to support roll-out and completion of this new screening tool.  In October 2012, the Ministry informed TPH that new on-going base funding for three and one-half (3.5) new full time equivalent Public Health Nurse (PHN) positions will be provided to support implementation of this new tool. This report seeks approval for a budget adjustment to the TPH 2013 Operating Budget Request to reflect this new funding.

Financial Impact

The Ministry of Children and Youth Services is fully funding a base increase of $350,000 to the HBHC program for three and one-half (3.5) new full time equivalent public health nurse positions.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and concurs with the financial impact information.

Background Information
(November 19, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on Budget Adjustment to the Toronto Public Health 2013 Operating Budget Request (Item HL18.7)

(November 2, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Budget Adjustment to the Toronto Public Health 2013 Operating Budget Request

1h Toronto Public Health - Nourishing Young Minds - A Review of the Student Nutrition Program in Toronto (Item HL15.3)
(July 11, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

This report highlights key elements of a review of the Student Nutrition Program, Nourishing Young Minds.  Toronto Public Health conducted the collaborative review to examine how the City of Toronto can maximize the benefits derived from its investment in Toronto programs, while also strengthening program sustainability.


The recommendations from the review emphasize the best practice elements featured in the program structure in Toronto, as identified through comparison with international models.  It proposes strategies to strengthen the sustainability of student nutrition programs that currently receive municipal grant funding, and recommends that a long-term funding strategy be developed to expand funding over time to schools that would benefit from having a student nutrition program.

Financial Impact

An additional $247,616 will be required for 2013 to offset the inflationary impact of increased food costs in programs currently receiving municipal grant funding.  This recommended cost of living adjustment of $247,616 would bring the student nutrition program base budget of $3,819,580 within the Toronto Public Health Operating Budget to $4,067,196 and is subject to the 2013 Operating Budget process.


Focus of Investment


Net Increase

Existing Programs - Cost of Living Adjustment for two years for increased cost of nutritious foods

Provide an increase for all existing programs, based on the compounding effect of two years of food cost increases: 2011 (4.6%) and 2012 (preliminary 1.8%) Nutritious Food Basket surveys for Toronto (note: no 2011 cost of living adjustment was provided in the 2012 budget process)

Endorse additional municipal funds of $247,616, to cover increased food costs, noting that the municipal grant funding for Student Nutrition Programs is meant for improving access to nutritious foods.




Total net increase recommended



New recommended base budget:

$3,819,580 + $247,616




The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and concurs with the financial impact information.

Background Information
(July 11, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on Nourishing Young Minds – A Review of the Student Nutrition Program in Toronto (Item HL15.3)

(June 8, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Nourishing Young Minds - A Review of the Student Nutrition Program in Toronto

(June 8, 2012) Appendix 1 - Student Nutrition Program in Toronto

(June 8, 2012) Appendix 2 - Student Nutrition Program in Toronto

(June 25, 2012) Brochure: "Feeding Our Future: The First and Second Year Evaluation" a copy is on file in the Office of the City Clerk

1i Toronto Public Health - Student Nutrition Program 2013 Operating Budget Request and Proposed Five Year Plan (Item HL16.5)
(September 24, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

This report outlines a request for municipal Student Nutrition Program funding for the 2013 Operating Budget and proposes a plan for increasing City investment over the next five years to stabilize existing programs and increase the number of breakfast meals served to participating children/youth in higher needs schools.


The City cannot accomplish program sustainability on its own.  However, increasing the municipal investment will provide a strong signal to the provincial and federal governments and private sector partners that the City is committed to optimizing the full potential of Student Nutrition Programs to make a significant contribution to the nutritional health of children and youth. 


The proposed plan calls for increased core funding by municipal, provincial and federal governments and the private sector. 

Financial Impact

The Toronto Public Health (TPH) 2012 Approved Operating Budget includes funding of $3,819,580 gross and net for Student Nutrition Programs. This report recommends an additional allocation of $1,257,416 in 2013 for a total of $5,076,996 in the 2013 Operating Budget request.


The report also recommends the approval, in principle, of a proposed five year funding plan for program stabilization that will need to be reviewed and updated on an annual basis for consideration in future budget processes.  As per the proposed 2013-2017 multi-year strategy and plan (as outlined on Page 9 of this report), the City would increase the 2012 base funding of $3,819,580 by $1,257,416 in 2013, $1,289,116 in 2014, $1,127,711 in 2015, $1,189644 in 2016 and $1,254,279 in 2017 to a total of $9,937,746 at the end of five years. 


Focus of Investment in 2013


Net Increase

Existing Municipally Funded Programs - Cost of Living Adjustment for two years for increased cost of nutritious food


Endorse additional municipal funds of $247,616, to cover two years of increased food costs based on the 2011 (4.6%) and 2012 (1.8%) Nutritious Food Basket surveys for Toronto (note: no 2011 cost of food adjustment was provided in the 2012 operating budget)

Note: This request has already been put forward for consideration in the 2013 operating budget process.


Existing Municipally Funded Programs - Stabilization


Endorse additional municipal funds of $764,007 to cover 11.5% of total program costs, to assist existing programs in increasing their number of operating days, which will increase the number of  breakfast meals served in the school year to participating students.  This is the first year of a five year plan to increase municipal investment.


Existing Programs with Only Provincial Funding - Stabilization

(Extend municipal funding to 25 programs in higher need elementary schools that currently only receive provincial funding)

Endorse additional municipal funds of $245,793, at a 11.5% contribution rate, to bring 25 elementary school programs with 7,529 participating students to the same level of municipal funding as other existing programs, and allow the programs to increase the number of breakfast meals served



Total net increase recommended



New recommended base budget in 2013:

$3,819,580 + $1,257,416




The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and concurs with the financial impact information.


Background Information
(September 24, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on the Student Nutrition Program 2013 Operating Budget Request and Proposed Five Year Plan (Item HL16.5)

(September 7, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Student Nutrition Program 2013 Operating Budget Request and Proposed Five Year Plan

1j Toronto Public Health - Student Nutrition Program Proposed Expansion in High Need Schools 2013 - 2017 (Item HL17.5)
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

This report outlines a proposed expansion component to extend municipal funding to higher need schools that currently do not have a student nutrition program.  The proposed expansion component supplements the proposed multi-year plan to stabilize existing student nutrition programs endorsed by the Board of Health on September 24, 2012 and outlines an additional request for municipal Student Nutrition Program funding in the 2013 Operating Budget process.

Background Information
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health on Student Nutrition Program Expansion in High Need Schools 2013 – 2017 (Item No. HL17.5)

(October 11, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Student Nutrition Program Proposed Expansion in High Need Schools 2013 - 2017 including Appendix 1 & II

1k Toronto Public Health - Building on the Coroner's Pedestrian Death Review (Item HL17.1)
(October 22, 2012) Letter from the Board of Health

On September 19, 2012 the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario released a review of all pedestrian deaths that occurred in the province during 2010. The review characterized the victims and the drivers, described when, where, and how deaths were most likely to occur, and outlined factors that contributed to the deaths of the pedestrians.


The Coroner affirmed that all pedestrian deaths are preventable and outlined strategies to enhance pedestrian safety. The report recommends that the Province develop a Walking Strategy for Ontarians, including policies, practices and plans to support safe and convenient walking environments for everyone. As well, the report recommends that municipalities regularly review collision data and adopt a "Complete Streets" approach to guide redevelopment and new development. The Coroner specifically highlighted the role of vehicle speed in pedestrian fatalities and identified strategies for speed reduction.


The Coroner's review also found that the number of deaths among seniors greatly outweighs the percent of seniors in the population, and identified the need to make roads safer for all vulnerable pedestrians, including seniors, people with disabilities, and children.


Taking action to improve pedestrian safety not only saves lives, it also reduces injury rates and encourages people to be more physically active. Physical activity is known to reduce rates of chronic disease such as heart disease and diabetes. Toronto has undertaken many initiatives to improve pedestrian safety. However, the Coroner’s report highlights further opportunities for Toronto to improve pedestrian safety, including implementing additional measures to slow driver speeds and specifically considering the needs of seniors when designing roads and pedestrian areas.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications arising from the adoption of this report.

Background Information
(October 22, 2012) Letter from Board of Health on Building on the Coroner’s Pedestrian Death Review (Item HL17.1)

(September 28, 2012) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Building on the Coroner's Pedestrian Death Review

(September 28, 2012) Attachment 1 - Pedestrian Death Review, Executive Summary and Recommendations, Office of the Chief Coroner for Ontario (2012)

1l 2012 Rate Supported Budgets - Toronto Water and 2012 Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Fees (Ward All) (Item EX13.1)
(December 6, 2011) Letter from City Council

Forwarding Council's recommendations at its meeting held on November 29, 30 and December 1, 2011.

Background Information
(December 6, 2011) Letter from City Council on 2012 Rate Supported Budgets - Toronto Water and 2012 Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Fees (Item EX13.1)

(December 1, 2011) City Council Decision on 2012 Rate Supported Budgets - Toronto Water and 2012 Water and Wastewater Rates and Service Fees (Item EX13.1)

1m Proposed Sale of Enwave Energy Corporation (Item BU32.2)
(November 26, 2012) Letter from the Budget Committee

City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2012, adopted, as amended Item CC26.8 on the Proposed Sale of Enwave Energy Corporation.  City Council has referred Recommendation 5 contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (September 25, 2012) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, such Recommendation now public, together with the following motions, to the Budget Committee for consideration:


5.         City Council direct that the proceeds (net of legal fees) from the sale of the City’s stake in Enwave be deposited to the Capital Financing Reserve Fund (XR 1011) to offset future debt issuance.


Moved by Councillor Pam McConnell

That City Council direct that $50 million from the proceeds of the sale of Enwave be placed in the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Major Capital Account.


Moved by Councillor David Shiner

That City Council direct that $21.8 million of the proceeds from the sale of Enwave be used to repay the Water Capital Reserve Account to be used primarily for the basement flooding program.


Moved by Councillor Raymond Cho

That City Council direct that 50 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Enwave Energy Corporation to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, specifically to the capital repair backlog.


Moved by Councillor Raymond Cho

That City Council direct that 25 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Enwave Energy Corporation to the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), specifically for the purchase of TTC streetcars.


Moved by Councillor Raymond Cho

That City Council direct that 25 percent of the proceeds from the sale of Enwave Energy Corporation to Toronto Water, specifically to the Reserve Account.

Background Information
(October 15, 2012) Letter from the Budget Committee on Proposed Sale of Enwave Energy Corporation (Item BU32.2)

(October 15, 2012) Letter from Council on Proposed Sale of Enwave Energy Corporation

(October 2, 2012) Decision Document from City Council on Item CC26.8

1n Funding for Councillor Constituency Offices (Item CC27.5)
(November 8, 2012) Letter from City Council

City Council on October 30, 31 and November 1, 2012, adopted, as amended Item CC27.5 on the Parameters for Councillor Constituency Offices.  City Council approved the parameters for Councillor Constituency offices attached to the report (October 23, 2012) from the City Clerk.


City Council also referred Recommendation 2 contained in the report (October 23, 2012) from the City Clerk to the Budget Committee for consideration with the 2013 Operating Budget process.


The parameters for Councillor Constituency offices are already approved by City Council. The parameters are not before the Budget Committee for consideration.

Background Information
(November 8, 2012) Letter from City Council on Funding for Councillor Constituency Offices

Attachment 1 - Parameters for Councillor Constituency Offices

1o Auditor General’s Office - 2013 Budget (Item AU9.3)
(October 25, 2012) Letter from the Audit Committee

This report provides information relating to the 2013 budget for the Auditor General’s Office and a budget for approval by the Audit Committee.


An analysis of the budget request is as follows:



2013 Budget Request

2012 Approved Budget

Increase           %




$23,800           0.6    


The proposed budget contains audit fees payable to PricewaterhouseCoopers in the amount of $349,900 relating to the external financial audit of the City’s Financial Statements.  The Auditor General has no control over the external audit fees paid as the amount is pre-determined based on a Council approved contract.  For the 2013 external financial audit, fees increased from $328,200 to $349,900 an increase of $21,800.  This amount is included in the total Auditor General’s budget increase of $23,800.


In relation to the Budget of the Auditor General’s Office, three separate reviews are underway which may have an impact on the Auditor General’s 2013 budget.  These reviews are as follows:


In April 2009, City Council approved a report entitled “A Policy Framework for Toronto Accountability Officers”.  One of the recommendations contained in the report directs that:


“City Council authorize the City Manager and Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the accountability officers, to review and research best practices respecting setting aside a percentage of the City’s budget for Toronto’s accountability functions and report back to Executive Committee.


This report is available at:


On June 14, 2011 City Council approved a report entitled “Auditor General’s Office 2011 Budget” and made the following recommendations:


City Council request the City Manager to review, and report to the Audit Committee on October 20, 2011, on the operations of each one of the internal audit functions that report to management, and ascertain whether there may benefits to consolidating those functions, such a review to consider the reporting structure particularly in the context of ensuring that all functions are able to operate independently from management.


City Council request that, during the review, the City Manager review the level of resources for each entity in order to ensure that levels are commensurate with responsibilities and make recommendations for reallocation of staff if appropriate.  In consultation with the Auditor General, such a reallocation give consideration to the resource requirements of the Auditor General’s Office.”


This report is available at:


The above reports remain outstanding and as a result at its meeting of February 29, 2012 the Audit Committee reaffirmed its earlier requests as follows:


“City Council authorize the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Accountability Officers, to review and research best practices respecting setting aside a percentage of the City’s budget for Toronto’s accountability functions and report to Executive Committee.


City Council request the City Manager to review, and report to the Audit Committee on October 25, 2012, on the operations of each one of the internal audit functions that report to management both in City Divisions and the ABCs, and ascertain whether there may be benefits to consolidating those functions, such a review to consider the reporting structure particularly in the context of ensuring that all functions are able to operate independently from management.


City Council request that, during the review, the City Manager review the level of resources for each entity in order to ensure that levels are commensurate with responsibilities and make recommendations for reallocation of staff if appropriate.  In consultation with the Auditor General, such a reallocation give consideration to the resource requirements of the Auditor General’s Office.”


These reports continue to be outstanding.


Financial Impact

The 2013 budget for the Auditor General’s Office is $4,295,200 which is $23,800 more than the 2012 final approved budget of $4,271,400.  While it is possible that the reviews of the City’s audit functions being conducted by the City Manager could impact the Auditor General’s budget, it is expected that any amendments would be proposed for future budgets.


The proposed budget contains audit fees payable to PricewaterhouseCoopers in the amount of $349,900 relating to the external financial audit of the City’s Financial Statements.  The Auditor General has no control over the external audit fees paid as the amount is pre-determined based on a Council approved contract.  For the 2013 external financial audit, fees increased from $328,200 to $349,900 an increase of $21,800.  This amount is included in the total Auditor General’s budget increase of $23,800.


Without the increase of the PricewaterhouseCoopers fees the budget of the Auditor General’s Office would have increased by only $2,000 (0.1 per cent).


The budget request is as follows:



2013 Budget Request

2012 Approved Budget

Increase          %




$23,800           0.6    


The majority of the Auditor General’s 2013 budget request consists of salaries and benefits.  If the amount of $349,900 for external audit fees is excluded from the budget of the Auditor General’s Office, the percentage of the salaries and benefits to the total budget is just under 97 per cent.


The Auditor General’s Office currently has two vacancies which were gapped in 2012 and will continue to be gapped in 2013.  Two additional vacancies occurred in 2012 due to the retirement of two incumbents.  The remainder of positions are filled.


Continued gapping to the budget of the Auditor General’s Office will have a future impact on the number of reports produced by the office and will increase the backlog of audit projects.  In addition, it may impact the operation of the Fraud and Waste Hotline Program managed by the Auditor General’s Office.

Background Information
(October 25, 2012) Letter from the Audit Committee on Auditor General’s Office – 2013 Budget (Item AU9.3)

(September 13, 2012) Report from the Auditor General regarding the 2013 Budget for the Auditor General's Office

Appendix 1 - Auditor General’s Office 2013 Budget

Appendix 2 - Auditor General’s Office - Audit Reports Issued 2007-2012

Appendix 3 - Annual Cost Savings Identified as a Result of Various Audits

Appendix 4 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Estimated Cost Savings

Presentation material submitted by the Auditor General, headed "City of Toronto, Auditor General’s Office 2013 Recommended Operating Budget"

1p Office of the Integrity Commissioner - 2013 Operating Budget
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Integrity Commissioner

This report details information related to the 2013 Operating Budget and recommends a full-year 2013 budget of $249.6 thousand for approval by the Budget Committee. The 2013 Operating Budget request of $249.6 thousand is $34.7 thousand or 16.1% higher than the approved 2012 Operating Budget of $215.0 thousand.  This budget request includes a one-time budget reduction in non-payroll expenditures of $5.3 thousand equivalent to 2.5% of the approved 2012 Operating Budget.

Financial Impact

The financial impact of adopting the recommendation in this report will be an inclusion of the annual budget of the Office of the Integrity Commissioner at $249.6 thousand in the City of Toronto's 2013 operating budget.

Background Information
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Integrity Commissioner on Office of the Integrity Commissioner - 2013 Operating Budget

Attachment - Budget Request Overview - 2013 Operating Budget - Accountability Officers

1q Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Plan
(November 19, 2012) Report from the Lobbyist Registrar

This report seeks Budget Committee approval of the Office of Lobbyist Registrar’s 2013‑2022 Capital Budget and Plan.  The plan includes a requirement of $2.355 million over the 10-year period for state of good repair maintenance of the on-line lobbyist registry system and to implement an alternative channel for lobbyist registration using mobile devices in 2014.

Financial Impact

Approval of the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar’s budget request will result in the inclusion of $2.355 million in the City of Toronto’s 2013-2022 10-year Capital Plan, fully funded from debt.

Background Information
(November 19, 2012) Report from the Lobbyist Registrar on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Plan

Attachment - Accountability Officers’ 2013-2022 Capital Budget Overview

1r Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013 Operating Budget
(November 19, 2012) Report from the Lobbyist Registrar

This report provides information relating to the 2013 operating budget request for the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar for approval by the Budget Committee.  The Office of the Lobbyist Registrar’s 2013 Operating Budget Request of $1,065.4 thousand net is $6.9 thousand or 0.6% less than the 2012 Approved Operating Budget.  This request includes a reduction of $57.1 thousand net equivalent to 5.3% of the 2012 Approved Net Operating Budget.


The 2013 Operating Budget Request will enable the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar to continue to promote the transparency and integrity of City government by maintaining an online public registry of lobbyists and regulating their conduct while managing with less staffing and financial resources. 

Financial Impact

The financial impact of adopting the recommendation in this report will be an inclusion of the annual budget of the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar at $1,065.4 thousand in the City of Toronto’s 2013 operating budget.

Background Information
(November 19, 2012) Report from the Lobbyist Registrar on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013 Operating Budget

Attachment - Accountability Officers’ 2013 Operating Budget Overview

1s Office of the Ombudsman - 2013-2022 Capital Plan
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Ombudsman

This report seeks Budget Committee approval of the Office of the Ombudsman’s 2013- 2022 Capital Budget and Plan.  The plan includes a requirement of $1.200 million over the 10-year period for state of good repair maintenance of the computerized case management system.

Financial Impact

Approval of the Office of the Ombudsman's budget request will result in the inclusion of $1.200 million in the City of Toronto’s 2013-2022 ten year Capital Plan, fully funded from debt.

Background Information
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Ombudsman on Office of the Ombudsman - 2013-2022 Capital Plan

Attachmenmt - Accountability Officers: 2013-2022 Capital Budget & Plan - Budget Overview

1t Office of the Ombudsman - 2013 Operating Budget
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Ombudsman

This report details information related to the 2013 operating budget for the Office of the Ombudsman, including a recommended full-year 2013 operating budget of $ 1,570.1 thousand for approval by Budget Committee.

Financial Impact

Approval of the Ombudsman's 2013 operating budget request will result in $ 1,570.1 thousand being part of the City of Toronto's 2013 operating budget.

Background Information
(November 22, 2012) Report from the Ombudsman on Office of the Ombudsman - 2013 Operating Budget

Appendix I – Accountability Officers - 2013 Operating Budget Overview

1u Toronto Transit Commission - 2013-2022 Capital Budget
(October 1, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission

Forwarding the Toronto Transit Commission's recommendations from its meeting on September 27, 2012 to the Budget Committee for submission to the City's budget process.

Background Information
(October 1, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on the 2013-2022 TTC Capital Budget

(September 27, 2012) Attachment to Item - 2013-2022 TTC Capital Budget

1v Toronto Transit Commission - 2013 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets
(October 1, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission

Forwarding the Toronto Transit Commission's recommendations from its meeting on September 26, 2012, to the Budget Committee for submission in the City Budget process and for confirmation of the 2013 operating subsidy level.

Background Information
(October 1, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on 2013 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets

(September 27, 2012) Attachment to Letter - 2013 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets

1w Toronto Transit Commission - 2013 Budget Update and Fare Increase Confirmation
(November 26, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial and Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission

Forwarding the Toronto Transit Commission's recommendations from its meeting on November 26, 2012, to the Budget Committee for submission into the City Budget process.

Background Information
(November 26, 2012) Letter from the Chief Financial & Administration Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on 2013 Budget Update and Fare Increase Confirmation

(November 21, 2012) Attachment to Letter - 2013 Budget Update and Fare Increase Confirmation

1x Toronto Police Service - 2013-2022 Capital Program Request
(November 23, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board

The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the Toronto Police Service’s (Service’s) 2013-2022 Capital Program request.

Financial Impact

Table 1 below provides a summary of the Service’s 2013-2022 Capital Program request compared to the City of Toronto’s ten-year affordability debt target.


The Service’s 2013-2022 Capital Program request is below the City’s affordability debt target by $2.7 Million (M) for the first five years of the program, and $0.3M for the ten-year program.  Additional detail on debt-funded and Reserve-funded projects can be found in Attachments A and B respectively, contained in Appendix A.


 Table 1.  Summary of 2013-2022 Capital Program Request ($Ms)


(See Table 1 referred to above, in the report dated November 23, 2012,

from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board)


The implementation of capital projects can have an impact on the Service’s on-going operating budget requirements.  In addition, the Service is continuing its strategy to properly fund the replacement of vehicles, technology and other equipment through contributions to the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve (Reserve).  Attachment C, contained in Appendix A, provides a summary of the estimated operating impact from capital excluding Reserve funded projects.  The 2013 operating impact is $0.9M.  Approval of the 2013-2022 program, as requested, will result in an estimated annualized pressure to the Service’s operating budget of $3.8M by 2022, mainly due to system maintenance and building operational requirements.  These operating impacts will be included in future operating budget requests, as required.

Background Information
(November 23, 2012) Report with Appendix A, from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Toronto Police Services Board – 2013-2022 Capital Program Request

1y Response to Councillor and City Budget Chief Michael Del Grande’s Letter on the Toronto Police Service Budget
(October 31, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board

The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the Toronto Police Service’s response to a letter dated August 22, 2012 from Councillor and City Budget Chief Michael Del Grande regarding the Toronto Police Service’s 2013 Operating Budget.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications arising from the receipt of this report.

Background Information
(October 31, 2012) Report with Appendix A, from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Response to Councillor and City Budget Chief Michael Del Grande’s Letter on the Toronto Police Service Budget

1z Identification of Funds for the Reinstatement of Fee-Exempt Adult Programming in Priority Centres (Item CD17.2)
(December 3, 2012) Letter from City Council

City Council on November 27, 28 and 29, 2012, adopted Item CD17.2, as amended and in so doing, City Council has reinstated fee-exempt adult programs in Priority Centres effective July 1, 2013, subject to the necessary funding being identified through the 2013 budget process.


City Council on November 27, 28 and 29, 2012, adopted, as amended Item CD17.2 on the 2013-2017 Recreation Service Plan. 


City Council has reinstated fee-exempt adult programs in Priority Centres effective July 1, 2013, subject to the necessary funding being identified through the 2013 budget process.

Background Information
(December 3, 2012) Letter from City Council forwarding its Decision from its meeting of November 27, 28 and 29, 2012 on Identification of Funds for the Reinstatement of Fee-Exempt Adult Programming in Priority Centres (Item CD17.2)

(November 27, 2012) City Council Decision from its meeting of November 27, 28 and 29, 2012 on 2013-2017 Recreation Service Plan (Item CD17.2)

1aa Repurposing of the Sustainable Energy Funds and New Funding Model for City Energy Projects - (Item EX25.2)
(November 19, 2012) Letter from the Executive Committee

As part of 2012 Capital Budget deliberations, Council requested that the Deputy City Manager and  Chief Financial Officer report back through the appropriate Standing Committee in the first quarter of 2012 on the merits of Sustainable Energy loans to non-City agencies and the private sector.


Current market conditions are considered suitable for energy related projects with positive returns to be financed without support of SEF interest free loans. It is being recommended that future funding for the City's energy projects be provided from recoverable debt as approved in the annual Capital Budget process for the City's agencies and divisions, with repayment from resulting operating program energy savings or revenue generation. No further loans would be approved for entities external to the City.  It is proposed that the Sustainable Energy Reserve Funds be made available to fund the City's Tree Canopy capital program, which is experiencing rising costs due to the Emerald Ash Borer infestation.

Background Information
(November 19, 2012) Letter from the Executive Committee on Repurposing of the Sustainable Energy Funds and New Funding Model for City Energy Projects (Item EX25.2)

(December 24, 2012) Report with Appendices 1 and 2, from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on Repurposing of the Sustainable Energy Funds and New Funding Model for City Energy Projects

(October 22, 2012) Supplementary Report with Appendices 1 and 2 from the City Manager Report titled "Repurposing of the Sustainable Energy Program and New Funding Model for City Energy Projects"

1ab Toronto Public Library - 2012 - 2013 Capital Budget Adjustments
(December 3, 2012) Report from the City Librarian

The purpose of this report is to seek approval of budget adjustments to capital projects for consideration during the 2013 budget process that include cash flow acceleration and deferral and that do not affect the annual debt funding level approved by Council.


These budget adjustments are required to address additional 2012 cash flow requirements for the Toronto Reference Library (TRL) renovation project.

Financial Impact

A total cash flow acceleration from 2013 to 2012 of $1,500,000 gross funding ($997,000 debt and $503,000 third party) is required to allow the Toronto Reference Library construction to continue uninterrupted.  A deferral of $997,000 gross and debt cash flow from 2012 to 2013 from the Fairview project, which is projected to remain unspent by year-end, would offset the debt funding advanced.


(See table under Financial Impact, in the report dated

December 3, 2012 from the City Librarian)


There is no net impact on the Council approved annual debt levels and no change in the total approved capital budget funding. As a result of these adjustments, the 2012 gross funding increases from $24,154,190 to $24,657,190. The requested gross funding for 2013 of $33,297,000 is reduced to $32,794,000.


The Director, Finance and Treasurer has reviewed this financial impact statement and is in agreement with it.

Background Information
(December 3, 2012) Report from the City Librarian on Toronto Public Library - 2012 - 2013 Capital Budget Adjustments

1ac Amendment to Item BU35.1, Appendix A to include Non-Inflationary Fee Changes
Public Notice Given
(December 10, 2012) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

The purpose of this report is to request an amendment to Appendix A – 2013 Recommended User Fee Rate Changes, Inflation and Other Adjustments, within item BU35.1, "2013 Capital and Operating Budgets - Public Consultation," currently before the Budget Committee, to include the Council-approved sports field and dry pad permit fees for children and youth organizations as well as Afterschool Recreation & Care fee reductions for 2013 in the Public Meeting Notice for User Fee Rate Changes so that they can be included in Appendix C, Chapter 441, Fees and Charges of the Toronto Municipal Code.

Financial Impact

The estimated reduction in revenues of $835,000 for these user fee changes are included in the recommended 2013 Operating Budget for Parks, Forestry and Recreation, which is currently before the Budget Committee.


No additional financial impacts will result from the adoption of this report. 


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information
(December 10, 2012) Report with Attachment 1, from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Amendment to Item BU35.1, Appendix A to include Non-Inflationary Fee Changes

(December 10, 2012) Public Notice on Non-Inflationary Rate Changes for Sports fields / Dry Pads, and After-school Recreation and Care Program Fees

Appendix to Public Notice - 2013 Recommended User Fee Rate Changes Inflation and Other Adjustments

1ad Financial Strategy to Re-establish Original Time Lines for the Urban Forestry Service Plan
(December 10, 2012) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

This report responds to City Council's request that a report be submitted to Budget Committee as part of the 2013 budget process to outline the financial requirements and resources required to re-establish the original time lines of the Urban Forestry Service Plan adopted in 2008 for tree maintenance and planting, as well as maintaining the planned capacity to manage the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) infestation. 


This report presents the financial plan that is required to build the necessary resources, both internal and external, to meet the tree canopy target timelines as set out in the Original Service Plan while managing the EAB infestation. This financial plan is referred to in this report as the "Re-established Service Plan."

Financial Impact

The Re-established Consolidated Funding Plan is a combination of the 2013 recommended EAB Funding Plan and the Re-established Service Plan. Re-establishing the Original Service Plan time lines will require $39.0 million more in property tax funding (from 2013-2023) than the approved Consolidated Funding Plan that was adopted by Council in November 2012, which extends the time frame to achieve the City's tree canopy goals by seven years (to 2023).


The Re-established Consolidated Funding Plan, as outlined in Figure 1 below, includes $48 million in reserve funding from the Environment Protection Reserve Fund (XR1718) approved in 2008 and $61.3 million in one-time funding (between 2013-2023) for which the funding source is yet to be identified.  A cumulative total of $181.3 million in property taxes is required between 2013 and 2023.


The financial impact of the Re-established Consolidated Funding Plan (Figure 1) compared to the approved Consolidated Funding Plan over the next 5 years is as follows:


-           2013 – no change

-           2014 – total incremental increase of $2.0 million

-     property tax funding increase of $2.0 million

-           2015 – total incremental increase of $5.4 million

-     property tax funding increase of $5.0 million

-     reserve fund increase of $0.4 million

-           2016 –total incremental increase of $9.7 million

-     property tax funding increase of $9.1 million

-     reserve fund increase of $0.6 million

-           2017 – total incremental increase of $10.1 million

-     property tax funding increase of $8.2 million

-     reserve fund increase of $1.9 million


(See Figure 1: Plan Comparison (Consolidated Funding Plan vs.

Re-established Consolidated Funding Plan) under the Financial Impact

 of the report dated December 10, 2012, from the General Manager,

 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division)


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information
(December 10, 2012) Report with Attachment 1, from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Financial Strategy to Re-establish Original Time Lines for the Urban Forestry Service Plan

1ae 2013 Capital Budget and Cash Flow for Pan/Parapan American Games
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer

This report presents recommendations to adjust the previously approved cash flow for Pan/Parapan American Games to be included in the 2013 Recommended Capital Budget.  There is no change in total project cost for the Pan/Parapan American Games.

Financial Impact

In December 2009, City Council approved the Capital Budget and future year commitments for the Pan/Parapan American Games in the amount of $49.5 million, fully funded by debt.  Subsequently, in February 2011, City Council approved three additional projects and additional city funding of $47 million ($23 million in reserve fund funding and $24 million in debt funding), for a total City investment of up to $96.5 million for nine Pan Am Games capital projects.


Since then, capital projects for Pan Am Games have been reviewed and adjusted during the annual budget process to reflect the revised cash flow and timelines.


The 2013 Recommended Capital Budget does not include any new projects or changes of scope to the previously approved projects.  It is entirely comprised of funding that has been approved in past years as future year commitments.  However, these commitments and cash flow have been revised to reflect the following changes:


1.         $0.110 million has been accelerated from future years into 2012 for the Nathan Phillips Square capital project to ensure that sufficient funding is available to complete this project in 2012; and


2.         cash flow has been revised for the Resurfacing of the Cycling Course capital project to ensure it is in line with the revised schedule provided by TO2015.


The revised cash flow for Pan/Parapan American Games capital projects requires Council approval.

Background Information
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on 2013 Capital Budget and Cash Flow for Pan/Parapan American Games

Attachment 1 - 2013 Recommended Capital Budget; 2014 to 2022 Capital Plan

Attachment 2 - 2013 Recommended Cash Flow and Future Year Commitments

Attachment 3 - 2013 Recommended Capital Projects with Financing Details

1af Toronto Police Service - 2013 Operating Budget Request
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board

The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2013 operating budget request for the Toronto Police Service (the Service).

Financial Impact

The approval of the foregoing recommendation represents a 0% increase over the 2012 net operating budget.

Background Information
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Toronto Police Service - 2013 Operating Budget Request

1ag Toronto Police Services Board - Proposed 2013 Net Operating Budget Request
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board

The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2013 Net Operating Budget request for the Toronto Police Services Board (‘the Board’).

Financial Impact

The proposed 2013 Net Operating Budget, recommended in this report, represents an 0% increase over a 2012 budget of $2,251,600.  This request excludes any 2013 impact of a Senior Officers’ Organization salary settlement as contract negotiations have not been concluded for that group.

Background Information
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Toronto Police Services Board - Proposed 2013 Net Operating Budget Request

1ah Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit: 2013 Operating Budget Request
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board

The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2013 operating budget request for the Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit.

Financial Impact

The approval of the foregoing recommendation represents a 0% increase over the 2012 net operating budget.

Background Information
(December 11, 2012) Report from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board on Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit: 2013 Operating Budget Request

1ai Reinvestment of Savings that Result from Administrative Restructuring of Environment and Energy Functions
(December 4, 2012) Report from City Council

City Council on November 27, 28 and 29, 2012, adopted, as amended Item EX25.1 on Environment and Energy Efficiency Functions. 


City Council, among other things, has referred a motion respecting the reinvestment of savings that result from the administrative restructuring of these functions to the Budget Committee for consideration.

Background Information
(December 4, 2012) Report from City Council from its meeting of November 27, 28 and 29, 2012 on Reinvestment of Savings that Result from Administrative Restructuring of Environment and Energy Functions

(November 27, 2012) City Council Decision from its meeting of November 27, 28 and 29, 2012 on Reinvestment of Savings that Result from Administrative Restructuring of Environment and Energy Functions

1aj 2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note - Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Budget and Plan
(December 14, 2012) Briefing Note from the Lobbyist Registrar

2013 Capital Budget Briefing Note on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Budget and Plan submitted by the Lobbyist Registrar.

Background Information
(December 14, 2012) Briefing Note from the Lobbyist Registrar on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2013-2022 Capital Budget and Plan