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The new City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 was enacted on May 9, 2013. It has been appealed under section 34(19) of the Planning Act. Even though it is under appeal, the City's Chief Building Official and the Committee of Adjustment will apply the new By-law to applications filed after its enactment. Please consult with your advisors to determine whether the new by-law has any impact.
Amendments to By-law 569-2013 have been incorporated into this office consolidation. The original by-law and its amendments are with the City Clerk's office.
Zoning By-law No. 569-2013, as
amended (office consolidation),
is available in PDF format from the
Zoning By-law 569-2013 homepage
City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended (Office Consolidation)
Version Date: July 31, 2023 - Including City-wide Amendments up to April 1, 2024
Table of Contents

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Chapter 1Administration
Chapter 2Compliance with this By-law
Chapter 5Regulations Applying to all Zones
Chapter 10Residential
Chapter 15Residential Apartment
Chapter 30Commercial
Chapter 40Commercial Residential
Chapter 50Commercial Residential Employment
Chapter 60Employment Industrial
60.5Regulations Applying to the Employment - Industrial Zone Category
60.10Employment Light Industrial Zone (EL)
60.20Employment Industrial Zone (E)
60.20.20Permitted Uses Use Use - with Conditions
60.20.30Lot Requirements Frontage Frontage Exemptions
60.20.40Principal Building Requirements Exemptions Exemptions
60.20.60Ancillary Buildings and Structures
60.20.90Loading Exemptions to Loading Space to Loading Space Exemptions
60.30Employment Heavy Industrial Zone (EH)
60.40Employment Industrial Office Zone (EO)
Chapter 80Institutional
Chapter 90Open Space
Chapter 100Utility and Transportation
Chapter 150Specific Use Regulations
Chapter 200Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 220Loading Space Regulations
Chapter 230Bicycle Parking Space Regulations
Chapter 280Special Districts - Downtown
Chapter 300Special Districts - Centres
Chapter 400Special Districts - Avenues
Chapter 500Special Districts - Heritage
Chapter 600Regulations for Overlay Zones
Chapter 800Definitions
Chapter 900Site Specific Exceptions
Chapter 970Appendices
Chapter 990Zoning By-law Map
Chapter 995Overlay Maps

Chapter 60 Employment Industrial

60.20 Employment Industrial Zone (E)

60.20.1 General Interpretation

(1)Application of This Section
The regulations in Section 60.20 apply to all lands, uses, buildings and structures in the E zone.
(2)Interpretation of the Employment Industrial Zone Symbol
The zone symbol on the Zoning By-law Map for Employment Industrial Zones consists of the letter E indicating the primary land use permitted in the respective zone.
(3)Interpretation of the E Zone Label
In the E zone, the numerical value following the zone symbol in the zone label indicates the permitted maximum floor space index of all land uses on a lot.

60.20.20 Permitted Uses General

(1)Lawfully Existing Place of Worship
In the E zone, a lawfully existing place of worship is permitted if it is on a lot with a front lot line or side lot line abutting a major street on the Policy Area Overlay Map; and
(A)any expansion or addition to the place of worship building must comply with Section 150.50 and the requirements for the E zone; and
(B)it may be replaced with a new place of worship building if it complies with Section 150.50 and the requirements for the E zone.
(2)Sorting Activities in an Enclosed Building
In the E zone, the separating or sorting of recyclable materials must take place within a wholly enclosed building. Permitted Use

(1)Use - E Zone
In the E zone, the following uses are permitted:

Ambulance Depot
Animal Shelter
Artist Studio
Automated Banking Machine
Building Supply Yards
Carpenter's Shop
Cold Storage
Contractor's Establishment
Custom Workshop
Dry Cleaning or Laundry Plant
Financial Institution
Fire Hall
Industrial Sales and Service Use
All Manufacturing Uses except:
1) Abattoir, Slaughterhouse or Rendering of Animals Factory;
2) Ammunition, Firearms or Fireworks Factory;
3) Asphalt Plant;
4) Cement Plant, or Concrete Batching Plant;
5) Crude Petroleum Oil or Coal Refinery;
6) Explosives Factory;
7) Industrial Gas Manufacturing;
8) Large Scale Smelting or Foundry Operations for the Primary Processing of Metals;
9) Pesticide or Fertilizer Manufacturing;
10) Petrochemical Manufacturing;
11) Primary Processing of Gypsum;
12) Primary Processing of Limestone;
13) Primary Processing of Oil-based Paints, Oil-based Coatings or Adhesives;
14) Pulp Mill, using pulpwood or other vegetable fibres;
15) Resin, Natural or Synthetic Rubber Manufacturing;
16) Tannery
Performing Arts Studio
Pet Services
Police Station
Printing Establishment
Production Studio
Public Works Yard
Service Shop
Software Development and Processing
Wholesaling Use [ By-law: OMB PL130592 ] Permitted Use - with Conditions

(1)Use with Conditions - E Zone
In the E zone, the following uses are permitted if they comply with the specific conditions associated with the reference number(s) for each use in Clause

Body Rub Service (32)
Cogeneration Energy (26)
Crematorium (33)
Drive Through Facility (5,21)
Eating Establishment (1,19,30)
Marihuana production facility (2)
Metal Factory involving Forging and Stamping (25)
Open Storage (10)
Outdoor Patio (9)
Public Utility (27,29)
Recovery Facility (8)
Recreation Use (7)
Renewable Energy (26)
Retail Service (3)
Retail Store (4,30)
Shipping Terminal (11)
Take-out Eating Establishment (1,30)
Transportation Use (28)
Vehicle Depot (6)
Vehicle Fuel Station (16,30)
Vehicle Repair Shop (23)
Vehicle Service Shop (17,31)
Vehicle Washing Establishment (18) [By-law: 0403-2014 ] [By-law: 1124-2018 ] [ By-law: 1198-2019 ] Conditions

(1)Eating Establishment and Take-out Eating Establishment
In the E zone, the total interior floor area of all eating establishments and take-out eating establishments on a lot may not exceed 500.0 square metres. [ By-law: 1198-2019 ]
(2)Marihuana Production Facility
In the E zone, a marihuana production facility must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.60.
[ By-law: 0403-2014 ] [ By-law: 1124-2018 ]
(3)Retail Service
In the E zone, the total interior floor area of retail services on a lot may not exceed the greater of:
(A)300.0 square metres: or
(B)10 percent of the gross floor area of the buildings on the lot to a maximum of 500.0 square metres. [ By-law: 1198-2019 ]
(4)Retail Store - together with Manufacturing Use
In the E zone, a retail store:
(A)must be associated with a permitted manufacturing use on the same lot; and
(B)the total interior floor area of all retail stores on a lot may not exceed 20 percent of the gross floor area of the permitted manufacturing use. [ By-law: 1198-2019 ]
(5)Drive Through Facility
In the E zone, a drive through facility must be on a lot that fronts on a major street on the Policy Areas Overlay Map.
(6)Vehicle Depot
In the E zone, a vehicle depot must be on a lot that is at least 70 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or the Residential Apartment Zone category.
(7)Recreation Use
In the E zone, a recreation use must be on a lot that fronts a major street on the Policy Areas Overlay Map.
(8)Recovery Facility
In the E zone, a recovery facility:
(A)may not be:
(i)an asphalt recovery facility;
(ii)a concrete recovery facility;
(iii)a heavy metal recovery facility (arsenic, lead, mercury and cadmium);
(iv)a hazardous chemical recovery facility;
(v)a petrochemical recovery facility;
(vi)an industrial gas recovery facility;
(vii)a rubber recovery facility; and
(viii)an asbestos recovery facility;
(B)must be located at least 70.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or the Residential Apartment Zone category; and
(C)the separating or sorting of materials must be within a wholly enclosed building.
(9)Outdoor Patio
In the E zone, an outdoor patio:
(A)must be combined with one of the following uses and located on the same lot or abutting lot that permits an outdoor patio:
(i) Eating Establishment;
(ii) Retail Store; and
(iii) Take-out Eating Establishment.
(B)must be no closer to a lot line than the required minimum rear yard setback or side yard setback for a building;
(C)may not be located on land required for loading spaces, driveways, or landscaping;
(D)may have a maximum area that is the greater of:
(i)50.0 square metres; or
(ii)50 percent of the interior floor area of the premises it is combined with.
(E)may be used to provide entertainment such as performances, music and dancing, if it is located on a lot abutting a major street on the Policy Areas Overlay Map, and provided the outdoor patio is not located above the first storey of the building and the entertainment area does not exceed the greater of 10 percent of the outdoor patio area or 5.0 square metres;
(F)must be set back at least 30.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category;
(G)despite regulation (F) above, an outdoor patio located above the first storey of the building, must be at least 40.0 metres, measured horizontally, from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category;
(H)in the rear yard of a lot that abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category the outdoor patio must have a fence installed along the portion of the outdoor patio parallel to the rear lot line;
(I)if a lawfully existing outdoor patio is closer to a lot than required in (F) or (G) above, that lawful distance from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category is the minimum distance for that lawfully existing outdoor patio from that lot; and
(J)is not permitted on a lot located in the area bounded by Laird Avenue on the west, Vanderhoof Avenue and the Don River to the north, Don Mills Road to the east and Overlea Boulevard to the south. [By-law: 1198-2019]. [ By-law: 1153-2023 ]
(10)Open Storage
In the E zone:
(A) open storage:
(i)must be associated with a permitted use other than a recovery facility;
(ii)may not be located in a yard that abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category or the Residential Apartment Zone category;
(iii)may not be in the front yard;
(iv)must be a minimum of 7.5 metres from any lot line;
(v)must be less than 30% of the lot area;
(vi)may be no higher than the permitted maximum height of a building on the lot; and
(vii)must be enclosed by a fence; and
(B) open storage may be for recyclable material and waste.
(11)Shipping Terminal
In the E zone, a shipping terminal must be on a lot that is at least 70.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category.
(16)Vehicle Fuel Station
In the E zone, a vehicle fuel station must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.92.
(17)Vehicle Service Shop
In the E zone, a vehicle service shop must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.94.
(18)Vehicle Washing Establishment
In the E zone, a vehicle washing establishment must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.96.
(19)Eating Establishment
In the E zone, an eating establishment must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.100.
(21)Drive Through Facility
In the E zone, a drive through facility must comply with the specific use regulations in Section 150.80.
(23)Vehicle Repair Shop
In the E zone, a vehicle repair shop must be on a lot that is at least 100.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category.
(25)Metal Factory involving Forging and Stamping
In the E zone, a metal factory that involves forging or stamping of metal must be on a lot that is at least 70.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category.
(26)Renewable Energy Production or Cogeneration Energy Production
In the E zone, renewable energy production or cogeneration energy production must be in combination with another permitted use on the lot, and comply with all Municipal, Provincial and Federal by-laws, statutes and regulations.
(27)Public Utility
In the E zone, a public utility may not be a sewage treatment plant.
(28)Transportation Use
A building or structure on a lot in the E zone and used as a transportation use must comply with all regulations for a building on that lot.
(29)Public Utility
In the E zone, a public utility must be enclosed by walls and comply with the permitted maximum lot coverage, required minimum building setbacks and permitted maximum height for a building, if it is:
(A)a hydro electrical transformer station; or [ By-law: OMB PL130592 February 7, 2017 ]
(B)a natural gas regulator station.
(30)Retail Store and Eating Establishment together with Vehicle Fuel Station
In the E zone:
(A)a retail store on a lot with a vehicle fuel station is subject to the following:
(i)the retail store must be a convenience store;
(ii)the interior floor area of the vehicle fuel station, retail store, eating establishment or take-out eating establishment may not exceed 300 square metres; and
(iii)the convenience retail store may remain on the lot as long as the vehicle fuel station use exists; and
(B)For the purposes of regulation (A) above, a convenience store is premises where products such as engine oil, washer fluid, road salt, packaged or canned food products, newspapers and magazines are sold.
(31)Vehicle Service Shop - Open Storage
In the E zone, a vehicle service shop may have open storage if it is:
(A)less than 20% of the area of the lot that is not covered by wholly enclosed buildings; and
(B)enclosed by a fence.
(32)Body Rub Service - Separation Distance
In the E zone, a lot that has a body rub service must be:
(A)at least 100.0 metres from a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category; and
(B)at least 500 metres from a lot with a public school, private school, or place of worship, or a lot in a IS zone or IPW zone; and
(C)at least 500 metres from a lot that has an adult entertainment use or 100 metres from a lot that has a body rub service.
In the E zone, a crematorium must be a minimum of 300 metres from a lot that is not in the EL, E, EH or UT zone.

60.20.30 Lot Requirements Lot Frontage

(1)Minimum Lot Frontage for Lots in the E zone
In the E zone, the required minimum lot frontage is 20.0 metres. Lot Frontage Exemptions

(1)Permitted Lot Frontage for Lawfully Existing Lots
In the E zone, if the lawful lot frontage of a lawfully existing lot is less than the required minimum lot frontage, that lawful lot frontage is the minimum lot frontage for that lawfully existing lot.
(2)Additions to Lawfully Existing Buildings
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building or structure on a lot referred to in regulation must comply with all other regulations in this By-law or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. [ By-law: 1774-2019 ]

60.20.40 Principal Building Requirements Height

(1)Maximum Height - E Zone
In the E zone, if a lot is in an area that:
(A)has a numerical value following the letters "HT" on the Height Overlay Map, the permitted maximum height of any building or structure on the lot is the numerical value following the letters "HT", in metres; or
(B)has no numerical value following the letters "HT" on the Height Overlay Map:
(i)the permitted maximum height of an office building, or portion of a building used as office is 20.0 metres; and
(ii)no maximum height requirement applies to a building that has permitted uses other than an office use.
(2)Height of Buildings and Structures - Green Roof
In the E zone, a parapet wall for a green roof may exceed the permitted maximum height for a building by 2.0 metres. Height Exemptions

(1)Permitted Height for Lawfully Existing Buildings
In the E zone, if the lawful height of a lawfully existing building or structure is greater than the permitted maximum height, that lawful height is the maximum height for that lawfully existing building or structure.
(2)Additions to Lawfully Existing Buildings -- Height
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building or structure referred to in regulation must comply with the permitted maximum height or be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. Setbacks

(1)Minimum Front Yard Setback for Lots in the E Zone
In the E zone, the required minimum front yard setback is 3.0 metres.
(2)Minimum Side Yard Setback for Lots in the E Zone
In the E zone, the required minimum side yard setback is 3.0 metres.
(3)Minimum Rear Yard Setback for Lots in the E Zone
In the E zone, the required minimum rear yard setback is 7.5 metres.
(4)Minimum Building Setback for Lots in the E Zone abutting the Residential Zone Category or Residential Apartment Zone Category
In the E zone:
(A)the required minimum building setback from a lot line that abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category is 15.0 metres; and
(B)a structure that is not a building may be no closer than 15.0 metres from a lot line that abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category or the Residential Apartment Zone category.
(5)Building Setback Exemptions for Loading at Railway Tracks in an E zone
Despite regulations and (3), in the E zone, a building or structure used for loading or unloading of railway cars has no required minimum building setback from a side lot line or rear lot line that abuts the railway right-of-way. [ By-law: 1124-2018 ] Setbacks Exemptions

(1)Permitted Setbacks for Lawfully Existing Buildings
In the E zone, if the lawful building setback of a lawfully existing building or structure is less than the required minimum building setback from:
(A)a front lot line, that lawful building setback is the minimum front yard setback for that lawfully existing building or structure;
(B)a rear lot line, that lawful building setback is the minimum rear yard setback for that lawfully existing building or structure; or
(C)a side lot line, that lawful building setback is the minimum side yard setback for that lawfully existing building or structure.
(2)Required Setbacks for Additions to Lawfully Existing Buildings
Any addition or extension to a lawfully existing building or structure referred to in regulation may be set back from the front lot line, rear lot line or side lot lines to the same extent as the main walls of the lawfully existing building or structure be authorized by a Section 45 Planning Act minor variance. [ By-law: 420-2023 ]

60.20.50 Yards Landscaping

(1)Soft Landscaping - Street Lot Line Requirement
In the E zone, any lot line abutting a street must have a minimum 3.0 metre wide strip of soft landscaping along the entire length of the lot line, excluding land used for driveways and walkways.

60.20.60 Ancillary Buildings and Structures General

(1)Ancillary Building and Structure - Compliance
In the E zone, ancillary buildings and structures must comply with the requirements for a building or structure. Location

(1)Location of Buildings or Structures Used for the Purpose of a Gatehouse, Scale, Weigh-house, Fire Pump House or Other Security Purpose in the E Zone
In the E zone, a building or structure used as a gatehouse, scale, weigh-house, fire pump house or other security purpose is:
(A)permitted in the front yard; and
(B)not subject to the required minimum front yard, side yard and rear yard building setbacks.

60.20.80 Parking Setbacks

(1)Parking Space to be Set Back from a Lot Line
A parking space that is not in a building or structure must be at least 0.5 metres from a lot line.

60.20.90 Loading Location

(1)Loading Space Location
A loading space may not be in:
(A)a front yard;
(B)a side yard abutting a street; or
(C)any side yard or rear yard that abuts a lot in the Residential Zone category or Residential Apartment Zone category. Location Exemptions

(1)Loading Space Location Exemption
If a lawfully existing building has a lawful loading space that does not comply with the loading space location requirements in regulation, that lawful loading space is exempt from regulation Access to Loading Space

(1)Access to Loading Space on a Lot in the E Zone
In the E zone:
(A)if a lot abuts a lane, vehicle access to a loading space must be from the lane;
(B)if a corner lot does not abut a lane and it has at least one lot line abutting a street which is not a major street on the Policy Areas Overlay Map, vehicle access to a loading space must be from the street which is not a major street; and
(C)if a lot is not a lot described in (A) or (B), vehicle access to a loading space may be from the street on which the lot fronts.
(2)Access Through a Main Wall to a Loading Space
A loading space located in a building may not have its vehicle access through a main wall that faces a street. Access to Loading Space Exemptions

(1)Access to Loading Space Exemption for Buildings on Lots in the E Zone
In the E zone, if a lawfully existing building has a lawful entrance to a loading space that does not comply with regulation or Article 220.5.20, that lawful entrance is permitted.
(2)Access Through a Main Wall to a Loading Space Exemption
If a lawfully existing building has a lawful entrance to a loading space in a main wall facing a street, that lawful loading space is exempt from regulation
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