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Early Learning and Care Quality Assessment Requirements

4. Indoor Physical Environment
  1 or 2 3 4 or 5
Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Play equipment, toys and materials are disorganized The play environment is not accessible throughout the day Space is not available for use as a cloakroom, with sufficient room for storing outdoor clothing and personal belongings Floor space with suitable floor coverings is not available Environment is not adjusted to meet the needs of children Adults remove outdoor shoes before entering the room Room set up allows for supervision of children Safe mirror at child's eye level in the playroom Shoe coverings available for parents and staff Mirror includes pull-up bar Safe storage space available for equipment/toys and materials Two or more educational play materials reflecting diverse people/cultures are accessible in at least two areas Child height windows in door/walls to see out Dressing table/bench is accessible to parents Time is scheduled daily for staff to prepare materials in advance of learning experiences Two or more educational play materials reflecting people with disabilities are accessible in at least two areas

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