The following active incidents are dispatched from Toronto Fire Services Communication Centre. The contents are updated at five minute intervals from the CAD (Computer Aided Dispatch) system.

Area Dispatched

[1] Alarm Level: Toronto Fire Services determines the Alarm Level based upon any one of a number of factors. Initially an incident can be upgraded to a working fire response by a dispatcher, based upon the numerous 911 calls received and the detail provided by the public. Alternatively it may be upgraded once TFS arrives on scene and sees smoke or they receive a report from persons on site. If these conditions were not present initially, an Alarm Level may still be upgraded based upon the size and duration of the fire, rotation of crews due to extreme hot or cold weather conditions, numbers and disabilities of people within the structure, or additional specialized apparatus and crews required.

  • Alarm Level 0 = initial response (for any event)
  • Alarm Level 1 = support fire response

Alarms levels below are determined by the amount of vehicles (consisting of Pumpers, Aerials, Rescues and Squads) responding to the event. Support vehicles such as Hazmat, Air Lights, District Chiefs, Command vehicles are not included in the count below.

  • Alarm Level 2 = 10-14 emergency vehicles
  • Alarm Level 3 = 15-18 emergency vehicles
  • Alarm Level 4 = 19-22 emergency vehicles
  • Alarm Level 5 = 23-28 emergency vehicles
  • Alarm Level 6 = 29-32 emergency vehicles

[2] Area: Nearest Fire Station.

[3] Dispatched Units: Fire trucks dispatched.

  • P = Pumper
  • R = Rescue
  • A = Aerial
  • T = Tower
  • PL = Platform
  • S = Squad
  • HR = Highrise
  • HZ = HazMat
  • FB = Fireboat
  • CMD = Command Vehicle
  • C = Chief
  • LA = Air Light
  • TRS = Trench Rescue Support
  • WT = Water Tanker
  • HS = Haz Support
  • Sup7 = Canteen vehicle
  • Box12 = Canteen vehicle
  • DE = Decon
  • MP = Mini Pumper
  • FI = Fire Investigator