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Early Learning and Care Quality Assessment Requirements

School Age
3. Media Literacy
  1 or 2 3 4 or 5
Does Not Meet Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Information, including the name, length and rating of the TV/Movie, is not documented on the Program Plan and/or documentation TV/Movie usage exceeds 90 minutes per month The use of electronic media is not supervised Time is not always allocated equitably Parents/guardians are not notified of Internet usage Games are not rated "E" for everyone TV/Movie content is rated "Family" or "G" Posted guidelines are followed for computer and/or electronic game usage Three or more critical thinking computer and/or electronic games are available Multimedia are used by staff and children to extend topics of interest Information is accessible to parent/guardians on safe and effective use of media learning Multimedia is used to enhance learning Projects created by children using multimedia are accessible

PDF of all School Age Criteria

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