Business Meeting No. 4

Meeting Date: March 22, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Location: Scarborough Civic Centre, 150 Borough Drive Toronto, Ontario M1P 4N7
Room: Committee Room 2
Chair: Paul Sommerville
Contact: Jamil Elannan
Phone: 416-338-3496

Administrative Penalty Tribunal Panel Members

Richard Austin Kathleen Kelly Vince Scaramuzza
David Black Randal Montgomery Fizul Sima
Deborah Boudreau Nicola Mulima Sylvia Verkerk
Joanne Foot Jonathan Ng
Cheryl Gaster Sancia Pinto
Christina Gural Andy Radhakant
Mumtaz Jiwan Victoria Romero


Staff:             Jamil Elannan, Committee Secretary.

Regrets:        Sudershen Beri, Daniel Boyer, Cherie Daniel


There were no Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.


APT 4.1 Welcome/Chair’s Address

The Chair, Paul Sommerville welcomes the Panel Members.  Quorum has been reached.

No Declaration of Interest under the Municipal Interest Act Conflict of

APT 4.2 Confirmation of Minutes

On Motion by Randal Montgomery, seconded by Richard Austin, the Tribunal unanimously confirmed the Minutes of its meeting held on January 25, 2018 approved.

Motion carried.

APT 4.3 Educational Session for the Administrative Penalty Tribunal Panel Members

Motion made by David Black to proceed with education session in-camera, seconded by Joanne Foot. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed to proceed with the educational session in-camera.(The Administrative Penalty Tribunal may go in closed session to discuss this item as the City of Toronto Act, 2006 permits closing a meeting for the education or training of the Members.)

Motion carried.

In-camera session commenced at 9:11 a.m.

Motion made by David Black to reopen the meeting during the morning break, seconded by Kathleen Kelly. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed to reopen the meeting at 10:04 a.m.

Motion carried.

Motion made by David Black to reconvene with education session in-camera, seconded by Kathleen Kelly. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed to recommence with the educational session in-camera at 10:29 a.m.

Motion carried.

Motion made by David Black to reopen the meeting, seconded by Richard Austin. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed to reopen the meeting at 12:13 p.m.

Motion carried.

Motion made by Randal Montgomery to accept the presentations into the minutes, seconded by Fizul Sima. The Tribunal unanimously confirmed to include the presentations given during in-camera proceeding into the minutes.

Motion carried.

Presentation 1 – Toronto Parking Enforcement
Pamela Carswell, Maghfour Chaudhry and Cathy Garbutt from Toronto Parking Enforcement delivered a presentation on the Toronto Parking Enforcement Unit, their responsibilities, practices and enforcement regulations.

Presentation 2 – Revenue Services
Bill Traikos, Supervisor of Parking Tag Operations, delivered a presentation on the processes and responsibilities of the Revenue Services division.

Presentation 2 – Legal Services
Erin Baker, Manager of Prosecutions, delivered a presentation on the processes and responsibilities of the Legal Services division in relation to the Screening Offices and Screening Officers.

APT 4.4 Closing Remarks

On motion by Richard Austin, seconded by Vince Scaramuzza, the Tribunal adjourned the business meeting at 12:20 p.m. Unanimous.

Motion carried.