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August 31, 1998

To:Audit Committee

From:City Auditor

Subject:Audit Division Restructuring and Staff Redeployment - Update


It is recommended that this report be received for information.


A report dated June 25, 1998, prepared by the City Auditor outlined the actions taken up to that point in regards to the redeployment of surplus audit staff. This report is an update to the June 25, 1998 report.


The report dated June 25, 1998 indicated that 20 of 30 surplus audit staff had been accommodated in terms of voluntary separation, mandatory retirements or redeployment elsewhere in the Corporation. Since that time, of the 10 staff requiring redeployment, a further 8 have been accommodated as follows:

Voluntary exits (Bargaining unit employees)2

Voluntary exit (Excluded)1

Placement outside Corporation (Bargaining unit employee)1

Placement within the Corporation (Bargaining unit employees)2

On Long-Term disability (Bargaining unit employees)

Consequently, there remains 2 further staff who require redeployment. The following actions have been taken in regards to these staff.

1.Staff terminations relating to these 2 individuals were delayed until August 31, 1998, so that they had the opportunity to apply for positions becoming available within the Corporation.

2.A meeting was arranged with representatives of the Ministry of Revenue to explore a significant number of auditor positions currently being recruited by the Province. This meeting was held in the Office of the City Auditor and all staff who had not been placed were invited to attend. The Ministry is currently attempting to hire over 500 auditors and expressed an interest in interviewing surplus audit department staff. However, audit staff requiring redeployment chose not to attend this meeting;

3.Contact was made with the Treasurer of the City of Markham in regards to Markham's requirements for hiring financial analysts and operational auditors. I am not aware that staff have made contact with the City;

4.Contact has been made with the Toronto Hydro and the Toronto Transit Commission in regards to potential vacancies. No vacancies currently exist; and

5.Ongoing enquiries have been made with the Human Resources Division in order to determine what vacancies may exist.


Out of a total of 30 staff requiring redeployment, 28 have been accommodated. In regards to the remaining two, all possible means have been investigated in attempting to redeploy staff elsewhere in the Corporation as well as positions outside the Corporation. These efforts will continue for the duration of the staff's period of recall.

Contact Name and Telephone No.:

Jeff Griffiths 392-8461

Jeff Griffiths

City Auditor




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