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April 8, 1998

  To:Corporate Services Committee

 From:Commissioner of Corporate Services

 Subject:Sunshine Centres For Seniors - 60 Lakeshore Ave. - Toronto Islands

Licence Agreement - 1998 Season (Ward 24 - Downtown)


 To authorize a Licence Agreement with the Sunshine Centres for Seniors for the period April 15, 1998 to November 15, 1998.

Financial Implications:

 There are no funding implications. Sunshine Centres for Seniors will be responsible for all payments of operating and maintenance costs for the building.


 It is recommended that:

 (1)the Licence Agreement with the Sunshine Centres for Seniors be approved as set out in the body of this report;

 (2)the City Solicitor be authorized to prepare in a form satisfactory to him, the necessary documentation; and

 (3)the appropriate City officials be authorized to execute this documentation and take whatever action is necessary to give effect to the above.


 The former City of Toronto, by way of a Licence of Occupation with the former Metro Toronto, acquired the right to use the Ward=s Island Beach facilities, No. 60 Lakeshore Avenue (the Parsonage) and No. 102 Lakeshore Avenue (the Rectory) for parks and recreation use at a fee of $1.00 per annum from December 18, 1981 until July 31, 2005.

 Since 1981, the City entered into a seasonal Licence Agreement with the Sunshine Centres for Seniors in each year for the use of the Parsonage and the Rectory at a nominal sum of $1.00 per annum. The Sunshine Centres utilized the building for a summer programme for isolated seniors and for persons with disabilities. The Parsonage was built by Metropolitan Toronto specifically for this purpose and has been utilized for this summer programme for approximately twenty-six years.

 The Sunshine Centres has been responsible for the payment of operating costs and maintenance.

 Effective December 15, 1993, the Provincial Government took possession of the Lands under Bill 61, an Act respecting Algonquin and Wards Islands representing the Stewardship of the Toronto Island Residential Community on the Toronto Islands and a new Provincial Government amended the Act under Bill 38, the Toronto Islands Amendment Act, 1996 which was proclaimed effective July 22, 1996.

 Under Bill 61, the Toronto Island Residential Community Trust was given jurisdiction over the Rectory and the Sunshine Centres for Seniors to occupy a portion of that building under a separate agreement with the Trust. Section 3 of Bill 38, which amends Section 4 of the Act legislates a long term lease to the City for the Parsonage which ends on December 15, 2092.

 City Council of the former City of Toronto, at its meeting held on April 14, 1997 (ECR 13, Clause 15) adopted a report from the Commissioner of Corporate Services recommending the approval of a Licence Agreement for the Sunshine Centres for Seniors for the 1997 Season.


 The Sunshine Centres wish to renew the Licence Agreement with the City for the 1998 season commencing on April 15, 1998 and ending on November 15, 1998 on the same terms and conditions. The Sunshine Centres is to be responsible for all payments of operating costs and maintenance with the exception of structural repairs.

 Given the historical nature of the utilization of this facility by the Sunshine Centres and the beneficial aspects of their summer programme for isolated seniors and for persons with disabilities, this request should be accommodated.


 The Sunshine Centres for Seniors request to utilize 60 Lakeshore Avenue for the 1998 season for their summer programme is reasonable and should be accommodated.

 Contact Name:

 Rhonda Anderson, 392-1854, Fax 392-1880, (cs98045.wpd)

 Margaret Rodrigues

Commissioner, Corporate Services


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