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(Report dated June 24, 1998, addressed to Etobicoke Community Council, from the Commissioner of Works.)

 Subject:School Zone Safety: Thistle Down Boulevard/Calstock Drive



 To introduce the necessary by-law amendments to improve traffic conditions within the school zone on Thistle Down Boulevard in front of St. John Vianney Catholic School and on Calstock Drive at the rear of the school.

 Funding Sources:

 The funds associated with the installation of the appropriate regulatory signage are contained in the Transportation Department=s Operating Budget.


 It is recommended that

 (1)a ANo Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition be installed on both sides of Thistle Down Boulevard between Bankfield Drive and Alhart Drive/Bridgenorth Crescent;

 (2)the ANo Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition on the south side of Calstock Drive between Alhart Drive and Buckhorn Place be changed to a ANo Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition; and

 (3)the appropriate by-laws (Attachments 1 and 2) be amended accordingly.


 Concerns have been raised by the Principal and the Parents Association of St. John Vianney Catholic School, 105 Thistle Down Boulevard (Attachment No. 3) regarding the traffic congestion and parking conditions on Thistle Down Boulevard during the commencement and dismissal of classes each day. A map of the area is Attachment No. 4.


 Thistle Down Boulevard is a two-lane roadway. St. John Vianney Catholic School is located on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard between Bankfield Drive and Alhart Drive/Bridgenorth

Crescent. The parking and stopping regulations on Thistle Down Boulevard are as follows:

 (i)"No Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" on both sides of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 30.5 metres west of Judhaven Road to a point 82.0 metres east of Judhaven Road;

 (ii)"No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 28.4 metres west of Alhart Drive to a point 40.5 metres west thereof;

 (iii)"No Parking Anytime" on the south side of Thistle Down Boulevard between Bankfield Drive and a point 36.6 metres east thereof;

 (iv)ANo Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ on the north side of Thistle Down Boulevard from a point 14.0 metres west of Alhart Drive and a point 31.3 metres west thereof.

 Calstock Drive is a two-lane roadway. Parking is currently prohibited on both sides of Calstock Drive, between Alhart Drive and Buckhorn Place, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.

 Parents were observed parking within the pedestrian crossover on Thistle Down Boulevard, making it impossible for motorists to see the crossing guard and the children crossing the street. In order to provide protection for the pedestrians using the pedestrian crossover, it has been suggested that a ANo Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition be installed on both sides of Thistle Down Boulevard between Bankfield Drive and Alhart Drive/Bridgenorth Crescent.

 The ANo Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition on the south side of Calstock Drive will be changed to a ANo Stopping, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday@ prohibition in order to provide a designated short-term, Kiss and Ride stopping zone, on the north side of Calstock Drive at the rear of St. John Vianney Catholic School.

 It has been recognized that a safe area for parents to stop, drop off and pick up their children from school is necessary. By providing a designated area for parents to stop, drop off and pick up their children and by eliminating the use of one side of the street with the proposed by-law amendments, the need for children to cross the street is eliminated. This will measurably reduce vehicular/pedestrian conflicts and improve pedestrian safety within the school zone.

 The affected residents of both Thistle Down Boulevard and Calstock Drive were polled by letter to obtain their views on this proposal (Attachment No. 5). Although the respondents from Calstock Drive are opposed to the proposed changes to the parking/stopping regulations, the current conditions at this school are critical and these changes should be implemented notwithstanding the results of the letter poll.


 Based on the staff examination of this matter and the favourable support of St. John Vianney Catholic School Parents Association, Council=s endorsement of the recommendations contained herein would be appropriate.

 Contact Name:

 Karen Kirk, C.E.T., Parking Co-Ordinator, Transportation and Engineering Planning

(416) 394-8419; Fax 394-8942.

 T. G. Denes, P.Eng.

Commissioner of Works


ccStreet Files:Thistle Down Boulevard

Calstock Drive


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