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April 1, 1998

To:Chairman and Members

Etobicoke Community Council

From:Karen V, Bricker, MCIP

Commissioner of Urban Development

Subject:Public Meeting - Tanana Investments and Royal Gate Apartments

1407 Royal York Road

File No: Z-2249 (Kingsway-Humber)


To review a proposal to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Code to permit the development of two condominium apartment buildings, 10 and 15 storeys in height, containing a total of 219 units, to be developed in conjunction with an existing 12 storey rental apartment building municipally known as 1407 Royal York Road.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

City funding is not required. There are no impacts on capital or operating budgets.


It is recommended that the application by Tanana Investment and Royal Gate Apartments be the subject of a Public Meeting to obtain the views of interested parties and, if approved, that the conditions outlined in this report be fulfilled and Special Site Policy No. 20 be deleted.


The subject site consists of two abutting properties (Exhibit No. 1). The northerly property at 1407 Royal York Road, located at the southeast corner of Royal York Road and La Rose Avenue, is owned by Royal Gate Apartments and was rezoned in 1964 by By-law Number 14,455, from Second Density Residential (R2) to Fourth Density Residential (R4) to permit apartment houses. In 1965, the existing 12 storey apartment building was constructed with 150 units. In 1991, the Committee of Adjustment approved the creation of 12 additional units through the conversion of several three bedroom units into one and two bedroom units for a total of 162 units.

The abutting property to the south, situated at the northeast corner of Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue, is vacant and is owned by Tanana Investments. The property was originally designated as part of the Transportation Corridor to accommodate the expansion of the Richview Expressway. The boundary of the corridor was subsequently refined by Metropolitan Toronto and these lands were redesignated for High Density Residential development under Official Plan Amendment C-36-84 in 1985.

In August, 1997, an application for amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning Code was received requesting permission to develop two, 12 and 15 storey condominium apartment buildings containing a total of 214 units on the southerly portion of the property. In response to preliminary comments from staff, a revised plan for two, 10 and 15 storey condominium buildings, containing 219 units was presented at a community meeting held on February 16, 1998. Details of the community meeting are found in the 'Community Meeting' section of this report. The revised plan is the subject of this report.

Site Description and Surrounding Uses:

The total site is approximately 2.4 ha (5.9 acres) in size with frontage on three roadways; La Rose Avenue, Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue (Exhibit No. 1). An above ground swimming pool is located on the south side of the existing 162 unit rental apartment building, with surface parking located along the easterly property line.

Surrounding zoning categories and land uses are as follows:

North:Second Density Residential (R2) - single detached dwellings

South:Fifth Density Residential (R5) and Fourth Density Residential Group Area (R4G) - townhouses

East:Sixth Density Residential (R6) - apartment buildings ranging in height from 11 storeys to 13storeys

West:Fourth Density Residential Group Area (R4G) - townhouses at the southwest corner of Royal York and La Rose Avenue, and vacant lands within the Eglinton Avenue Transportation Corridor


Tanana Investments and Royal Gate Apartments are proposing to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Code to permit the development of two, 10 and 15 storey condominium buildings containing 219 units in conjunction with the existing 12 storey, 162 unit apartment building for a combined total of 381 units. The applicants propose to sever a portion of the existing apartment site (Block A) to create a larger development parcel to the south (Block B), adjacent to Eglinton Avenue.

Exhibit No.1 is a map showing the location of the property. Exhibit Nos. 2 and 3 are reductions of the site and elevation plans submitted by the applicant. A summary of site statistics is provided in Table 1.

The proposed condominium development would consist of two buildings connected by a single storey lobby area. The westerly 10 storey building, containing 102 units, would be oriented towards the intersection of Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue. The easterly 15 storey building, containing 117 units would be situated parallel to Eglinton Avenue (Exhibit No. 2). Units in the proposed buildings would vary in size from an average of 76.6 m2 (825 sq. ft.) for a one bedroom unit to 133 m2 (1,437.5 sq. ft.) and 157.9 m2 (1,700 sq. ft.) for two and three bedroom units, respectively.

A new driveway would be constructed at the northerly limit of Block B to provide vehicular access to the proposed buildings via Royal York Road. A limited number of parking spaces would be provided at-grade for visitors with tenant spaces provided within a two storey underground garage.

The proposed configuration of Block B would cause the displacement of a swimming pool, landscape open space area and a number of surface visitor parking spaces currently utilized by the existing 12storey apartment building. The applicant proposes to relocate the visitor parking spaces around the driveway system at the front of the building on Block A. A new swimming pool and children's play area, to be utilized as shared recreation facilities between both developments would be introduced in the north east corner of Block B.


Official Plan:

The combined site is designated High Density Residential in the Official Plan which generally permits multiple unit housing of all types to be developed within the range of 70-185uph (28-75 upa) to a maximum floor space index (FSI) of 2.5. The vacant property to the south, however, is also affected by Special Site Policy No. 20 in the Official Plan which limits development to a maximum density of 136 uph (55 upa) a FSI of 1.5 and a building height of 15 storeys.

In 1984, when the site was redesignated from Transportation Corridor to High Density Residential and the Special Site Policy was introduced, the density and floor space index restrictions were consistent with the density and height profiles of apartment structures in the area at that time. Subsequently, the City undertook a comprehensive review of the Official Plan and established policies which support housing intensification in residential, retail and institutional areas, particularly in locations with high accessibility to existing or future transit intensification. The Plan now provides for densities of up to 185 uph (75 upa) in High Density Residential designations. The overall density and FSI of the combined site would be 158.7 uph (64 upa) and 1.8, respectively.

The existing apartment site at 1407 Royal York Road has been developed at a density of 93.3 uph (37.7 upa) with a corresponding FSI of 1.10. As a result of the proposed condominium apartment development and associated realignment of property boundaries, BlockA would exhibit a density of 147 uph (60 upa) and a FSI of 1.68. A density and FSI of 182.5 uph (74 upa) and 1.97, respectively, would be provided on Block B. Although the proposed development of Block B would comply with the 15 storey height limit outlined in Special Site Policy No. 20, the density and floor space index restrictions would be exceeded. Notwithstanding that the density would be consistent with current Official Plan provisions, an amendment is required to Special Site Policy No. 20.

Residential Intensification Policies

Section 4.2.17 of the Official Plan provides for the intensification of High Density Residential designations through the provision of additional residential units on apartment sites, provided that the level of development is within the density limits of the Plan. This section also supports the definition of the street edge through the use of additional low rise, street related building forms, where appropriate. The majority of the built form would be located on the vacant property, between the existing 12 storey apartment building and the Eglinton Avenue Transit Corridor. Notwithstanding the fact that the property would also be suitable for a grade related form, the proposed apartment buildings would relate well with the surrounding developments and would be consistent with the form of development that was contemplated by the policies of the Plan and Special Site Policy No. 20.

Section 4.2.18 of the Official Plan identifies that there are numerous sites with the potential for additional residential development at higher densities. Proposals to amend the Official Plan or Zoning Code for these purposes shall be subject to the criteria outlined in Section 4.2.19. Staff have evaluated the proposal within the context of these criteria which have been appended as Exhibit No.4.

Based on this review staff are satisfied from a land use point of view that the proposal would meet the criteria for High Density Residential Development and Housing Intensification. The site is directly adjacent to the Eglinton Avenue Transportation Corridor and two arterial roadways with sufficient capacity to support the proposed development. In terms of height, density, floor space index and landscape open space, the project could be accommodated on the site with limited impact on the existing apartment building and surrounding developments. Residents of the proposed development would have access to local social services, retail facilities and parks. Notwithstanding the general compliance with the Official Plan, however, staff have concerns with the loss of on-site recreational amenities for the existing building and the relationship of the proposed development to Royal York Road, as discussed in the following section, Site and Building Design Considerations. In the event of approval, Special Site Policy No. 20 should be repealed and appropriate development standards, including a height, floor space and density restrictions be incorporated into an amending by-law. A draft of the amendment is attached as Exhibit No. 5.

Zoning Code:

Site specific By-law Number 14,455 limits development of the property at 1407 Royal York Road to the existing 12 storey apartment development. The vacant lands adjacent to Eglinton Avenue are zoned Second Density Residential (R2) which would only permit single detached dwellings. In the event of approval, the amending by-law should repeal the site specific by-law and rezone the combined site to Sixth Density Residential (R6) with development standards to reflect both the existing and proposed developments.

Site and Building Design Considerations:

The proposed condominium buildings would be sited around the southerly perimeter of Block B to allow for a separation from adjacent buildings and surrounding land uses. In particular, the project would be separated from the Low Density Residential community on the north side of La Rose Avenue by the existing 12-storey building.

The proposed buildings would be located approximately 50 m (164 ft.) to 70 m (230ft) from adjacent apartment buildings to the north and east, and the townhouses located on the west side of Royal York Road which would limit the impact on privacy and views for all buildings. The northerly elevation, of the westerly 10 storey building, would be situated approximately 25 m (82 ft.) from the existing building to the north. This separation distance would be acceptable as the affected elevations of both buildings would be end wall conditions with no impact on the views from principle living spaces.

Shadow diagrams submitted by the applicant indicate that there would be no significant impact on principle living spaces of the adjacent buildings during the spring, summer and fall months. During the winter months, shadowing on the townhouse development to the west would occur for limited periods in the morning hours. Winter shadows on the principle living areas in the existing apartment building would occur from between approximately 12 noon and 3 p.m., and from approximately 1p.m. until the end of the day for the adjacent apartment building to the east.

The proposed 10-storey building would be located approximately 11 m (36 ft.) from the Royal York Road property line. Although this would be closer to the street line than the existing apartment building, the reduced setback of the proposed condominium would provide an improved relationship to the street. The applicant is proposing to step the end walls of the building at the eighth and ninth floors to reduce the bulk of the structure. Staff also suggest that an additional step be provided at the third level, across the face of the building, to encourage the development of a pedestrian oriented environment.

The grade of the property slopes downwards from La Rose Avenue to Eglinton Avenue. As a result, the proposed underground garage for the new buildings, situated immediately adjacent to the westerly lot line, would become exposed up to 3.0 m (9.8 ft.) above grade at the intersection of Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue. Staff recommend that the garage be lowered to follow the natural grade of the land and improve the relationship of the structure to the street, particularly as it relates to the pedestrian environment of Royal York Road.

The depth of the Eglinton Avenue right-of-way precludes the opportunity for development on the other three corners of the intersection at Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue. Any future development in the immediate area is likely to occur to the east of the site. In response to this situation, and comments from staff, the applicants have located the 15 storey building away from the intersection and approximately 20 m (65.6 ft.) from the Eglinton Avenue property line, 27 m (88.5ft.) from the adjacent sidewalk. The building would be stepped at the thirteenth and fourteenth storeys. The proposed setback is considered appropriate for the context of the site and vehicular environment of Eglinton Avenue at this location.

Landscape Open Space and Recreational Amenities:

The proposed site plan would allow for 53 percent of Block A and 60 percent of Block B to be devoted to landscape open space, with an average of 56.5 percent over the combined site. This would be consistent with the landscape percentages associated with other recent approvals for housing intensification. The applicants are proposing to locate a swimming pool, patio area, changing facilities and children's play area in the northeast corner of Block B to operate as shared facilities between existing residents and future residents of the condominium buildings.

Notwithstanding these percentage figures, the amount of useable on-site landscape space and recreational amenities on Block A would be reduced for residents of the existing building; staff have concerns regarding the practicality of shared facilities between rental and condominium properties. Each Block should be self sufficient in terms of its provision of landscape open space and recreational amenities. In the event of approval, staff recommend that revised plans be filed indicating sufficient on-site landscape open space and recreational facilities for each Block to the satisfaction of Parks and Recreation Services and the Staff Advisory Committee on Development Control. In the event of approval, the applicant should enter into an amenities agreement with the City to ensure the provision of recreational facilities and landscaping as indicated on the approved plans.

A tree survey conducted by The Tree Specialists Inc. indicates that there are 82 trees located on the combined site. All the trees listed in "good condition" would be preserved. Approximately 25 trees listed in fair to poor condition would be removed due to conflicts with the proposed development and or their hazardous condition. The applicant would be required to provide tree preservation details during the Site Plan Control Approval process.

Parking and Traffic:

The Transportation Planning Section of the Works Department has advised that a Traffic Impact Study, conducted by D.S. Lea Associates Ltd., concludes that the proposed development would not have a significant impact on the level of service on the adjacent roadway. Transportation staff concur with the conclusions of the study and are satisfied with the driveway layout, traffic circulation and parking supply proposed by the applicant (Exhibit No. 6).

Transportation staff are also satisfied with the location of the proposed driveway at the northerly end of Block B, subject to the construction of a left turn storage lane on Royal York Road. No concerns were identified with respect to the new driveway and the operation of the intersection of Eglinton Avenue and Royal York Road. Submission of a parking management plan, outlining the management of vehicle parking during construction would be required. In this regard, use of the abutting public roadways will not be permitted.

Agency Comments/Department Circulation:

In response to the circulation of plan submitted in support of this application, no objections have been expressed by the following departments:

Fire DepartmentToronto Hydro

Canada Post Corporation Bell Canada

Comments from The Toronto Catholic School Board, Parks and Recreation Services, and the Toronto Police Department remain outstanding.

The Development Engineering Section of the Works Department has advised that storm and sanitary sewers are not available from Royal York Road and Eglinton Avenue (Exhibit No. 7). In the event of approval, the applicant would be required to provide a site servicing proposal prior to the passing of an amending by-law. In order to accommodate the sidewalk and drainage, a road widening would be required along the Royal York frontage from 3.0 m (9.8 ft.) in width at Eglinton Avenue, tapering down to 0.0 m towards La Rose Avenue.

The Metropolitan Planning Department has indicated that the Toronto Transit Commission recommends the incorporation of noise and vibration attenuation measures into the design of the project to mitigate any potential future impacts from transit facilities. In addition, the applicant should advise prospective purchasers and lessees of the possibility for such intrusions. A conveyance, approximately 6.5 m (21.3 ft.) to 9 m (29.5 ft.) in width, across the Eglinton Avenue frontage is required to secure the appropriate right-of-way (Exhibit No. 8). The plans submitted by the applicant indicate the required conveyance.

The Etobicoke Board of Education has advised that additional capacity would be required at Westmount Junior School and Scarlett Heights Collegiate to accommodate students from the proposed development. The applicant has been requested to make a contribution towards capital costs for facilities to the satisfaction of the Board of Education (Exhibit No. 9). Formal comments have not yet been received from the Toronto Catholic School Board. Neither Board has adopted a Development Charge By-Law on which to base such contributions. In accordance with the practise adopted in the rest of the City, Planning staff do not recommend that such a condition be imposed.

Urban Development staff note that, the applicant would be required to provide details of lighting and security and safety features on-site and within the underground garages during the site plan approval process. The project would be subject to the prevailing development charges in effect at the time of the issuance of the building permits, as well as a 5 percent cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution.

Community Meeting

On February 16, 1998, approximately 60 people attended a community meeting to review the proposal for the two, 10 and 15 storey condominium buildings. Concerns expressed by area residents related to loss of property values, safety of proposed driveway onto Royal York Road, lack of parking, traffic generation, lack of school facilities, loss of trees and landscape open space, density, loss of views, cost of units and concerns that units would be rented out.

The concerns related to planning matters have been discussed in this report.


The subject application has been evaluated within the context of the housing intensification and High Density Residential provisions of the Official Plan. Urban Development staff are of the opinion that the requested amendments to the density and floor space index restrictions of Special Site Policy

No. 20 proposal would be within the density limits of the Official Plan and would generally comply with the criteria for housing intensification. In addition, the project would result in a level of development consistent with the developments in the surrounding High Density Residential designations. In the event of approval, it would be appropriate to repeal Special Site Policy No. 20 and incorporate development standards with respect to height, floor space index and density into the amending by-law.

The proposed development, situated adjacent to Eglinton Avenue and Royal York Road, would have limited impact on surrounding developments and would be separated from the Low Density Residential community to the north by the existing apartment building. However, the concept of shared recreational facilities between buildings of rental and condominium tenure is inappropriate, and the applicants should submit revised plans indicating the provision of sufficient on-site recreational amenities and landscape open space for each Block and enter into an amenities agreement to ensure compliance with the approved details.

In the event of approval, the following conditions should apply:

Conditions to Approval:

l.Fulfilment of the following conditions by the applicant prior to the enactment of an amendment to the Official Plan and amending by-law:

(i)Submission of a revised plan and details outlining an increased level of on-site recreational amenities and useable landscaping for both Blocks, lowering of the parking garage, surveillance of indoor public spaces on Block A, and the signing of an amenities agreement to ensure compliance with the approved details to the satisfaction of the Staff Advisory Committee on Development Control, Parks and Recreation Services and the Solicitor for the Etobicoke Office.

(ii) Submission of a site servicing proposal to the satisfaction of the Works Department and the signing of a Development Agreement, to include the noise and vibration warning clauses if required, and/or Servicing Agreement and payment of the necessary fees, if required.

(iii)Receipt of comments from, and subject to any requirements of Parks and Recreation Services, Toronto Police Department, Development Engineering Section of the Works Department and the Toronto Separate School Board.

2.The amending by-law shall provide the appropriate exemptions from, or repeal of, site specific by-laws, and incorporate the following provisions inter alia:

(i)Development of Block A shall be limited to one apartment building with a maximum height of 12 storeys, 162 units, a floor space index of 1.7 and a minimum landscape open space of 53 percent.

(ii)Development of Block B shall be limited to a maximum of two apartment building connected by a one storey lobby, with building heights of 10 and 15 storeys, 219 units, a floor space index of 2.0, a minimum landscape open space of 60 percent.

(iii)Development standards for Blocks A and B to reflect above and below grade building setbacks and parking requirements.

3.Further detailed consideration of the proposal under the Site Plan Control provisions to include inter alia:

(i)Signing of a Site Control Agreement, to include noise and vibration warning clauses if required and payment of the necessary fees associated with the preparation, execution and registration of same.

(ii)Submission of garage and on-site security and illumination measures to the satisfaction of the Staff Advisory Committee on Development Control.

(iii)Submission of site and landscaping plans detailing fencing, curbing, grading, upgrading recreational facilities for Block A, planting and tree preservation to the satisfaction of the Staff Advisory Committee on Development Control and the posting of an appropriate financial guarantee to ensure compliance with the approved plans.

(iv)Provision of on-site facilities for storage and collection of waste and recyclable materials, the provision of stormwater management facilities or cash-in-lieu payment, the signing of agreements, and the posting of financial guarantees, if required by the Works Department.

(vi)Submission of a parking and construction management plan to the satisfaction of the Works Department.

(vii)The developer will be required to pay the prevailing development charges and parkland dedication requirements in effect at the time of the issuance of building permit.

Contact Name:

Jacquelyn Daley, Tel: (416)394-8229

Planner, Development and DesignFax: (416)394-6063

Karen V. Bricker, MCIP

Commissioner of Urban Development

Exhibit 4

Official Plan Criteria for Considering

High Density Residential Proposals

(Section 4.2.19)

(a)the proximity of the site to retail facilities, or to other Medium or High Density Residential designations

Local retail facilities would available within the La Rose Plaza, located less than half a kilometre west of the subject site. The plaza contains a variety of commercial uses including a food store, bank, pharmacy, medical and dental offices.

The property is located within a High Density Residential area designated north of Eglinton Avenue, south of La Rose Avenue extending from Scarlett Road to Royal York Road. Parcels within this area have been developed or approved for densities ranging from 136 uph (55 upa) to 185 uph (75 upa) with building heights ranging from 10 to 20-storeys.

(b)the adequacy of local social and educational services

The Etobicoke Board of Education has no objection to the application; however, they note that additional space would be required at both the Westmount Junior School and Scarlett Heights Collegiate to accommodate students from the proposed development. The applicant has been requested to make a contribution towards capital costs for facilities to the satisfaction of the Board of Education (Exhibit No. 6). Formal comments have not yet been received from the Toronto Catholic School Board.

The proposed development would be located within an established residential community with a wide range of community services available including two local parks with a variety of recreational equipment, places of worship, local health care facilities and a library. The Fire Department has not identified any concerns with respect to providing adequate services to the proposed development and surrounding community.

(c)the level of accessibility and the proximity of the site to collector roads, arterial roads, transit and expressways, and the capacity of those facilities

The site is directly adjacent to two arterial roadways and the Eglinton Transportation Corridor which would provide direct access to Highway Nos. 27 and 427 with connections available to the Queen Elizabeth Way and Highway No. 401. The Transportation Planning Section of the Works Department has reviewed and accepted the findings of the Traffic Impact Study conducted by D.S. Lea and Associates which indicates that there would be sufficient capacity on the adjacent roadway system to accommodate the proposed development.

(d)the suitability of the site in terms of size and shape to accommodate the proposed density including on-site parking, landscaping and recreational facilities

The combined site would be rectangular in shape with a site area of 2.3 ha (5.6 acres). The proposed development and associated property realignments would result in a density of 147uph (60 upa) and a FSI of 1.68 on Block A with a density and FSI of 182.5 uph (74 upa) and 1.97 on Block B. The overall density and FSI of the combined site would be 158.7 uph (64 upa) and 1.8, respectively. Densities over both the combined site and individual blocks would be within the limits of the Official Plan for High Density Residential development.

The size and shape of blocks 'A' and 'B' would be sufficient to accommodate the building locations, parking, on-site circulation, fire routes and service areas. Approximately 53 percent and 60 percent of Blocks 'A' and 'B' would be devoted to landscape open space, respectively. The applicant is proposing to provide indoor and outdoor recreation space for the proposed buildings on BlockB along with a swimming pool, patio area and children's play area to be shared between residents of both blocks.

A preliminary landscape plan indicates that additional planting would be provided on Block A to upgrade existing site conditions, however, staff are of the opinion that each individual Block should be provided with sufficient on-site landscape open space and recreational facilities without a reliance on shared facilities between two different types of tenure (rental vs condominium). In the event of approval, a revised plan should be submitted indicating a sufficient level of on-site landscape open space and recreational facilities for each Block. In the event of approval staff recommend that the applicants enter into an amenities agreement to ensure compliance with the approved plans.

(e)the desire to provide a range of dwelling types and building heights on sites of sufficient size as indicated in Section 2.2.6.

The proposed development would provide a range of building heights (10, 12 and 15 storeys) over the combined site in keeping with the majority of High Density Residential built form in the area . The project would introduce a range of dwelling sizes of a different tenure than currently provided on-site.

(f)the effect of increased traffic, so that no undue adverse impacts are created for local residential streets

The applicants have submitted a traffic impact study which indicated that there would be sufficient capacity on the adjacent road systems to support the proposed development. The study identifies that as the proposed buildings would have direct access to an arterial roadway there would be little infiltration onto the local residential streets. The Transportation Planning Section of the Works Department concurs with the findings of the study and has no objection to the application.

(g)the effect of the height and form of the development so that no undue adverse impacts in terms of overshadowing or loss of amenity are created for existing residential buildings on site, and for neighbouring residential uses

The height and form of the development would be consistent with other High Density Residential Developments in the area and would comply with the 15 storey high limitation set out in Special Site Policy No.20 in the Official Plan.

Shadow studies submitted indicate that the shadows cast would fall to the north with no significant impact on the primary living spaces of the surrounding developments during the spring, summer and fall months. During the winter months shadows from the proposed building would fall across the townhouse development for limited periods during the a.m. hours and across the surrounding developments from approximately 12 noon to the end of the day.

In terms of loss of amenity, the proposal would result in a reduction in the amount of landscape open space and on-site recreational facilities for the existing building. In response, the applicant has proposed a swimming pool, patio area and children's play area to be shared between existing and future developments. However, apart from upgrades to plant material on Block A, the applicant has not identified any on site recreational amenities for the existing apartment building.

In the event of approval Staff would require the provision of additional on-site recreational facilities and landscape open space for each block the satisfaction of Parks and Recreation Services and the Staff Advisory Committee as well as the signing of an amenities agreement.

(h)the relationship of the site to nearby lower density residential uses, if any, in view of the desire to provide a gradual transition in height and density wherever possible, or other buffering measures

The proposed condominium development, with a maximum building height of 15 storeys and a density of 174 uph (70 upa), would be situated adjacent to Eglinton Avenue on BlockB. This would provide a transition in terms of height and density down towards the existing 12 storey apartment building on Block A with a density of 174 uph (70 upa). As result of this transition and the location of the proposed condominiums in the extreme southerly portion of the site, the proposal would have a limit impact on the low density residential neighbourhood situated on the north side of La Rose Avenue and the townhouse development on the west side of Royal York Road.

(i)the degree to which the site is proximate or exposed to significant open space amenities such as valleylands or the waterfront

The Humber River Valley and associated parkland/open space system is located at La Rose Avenue and Scarlett Road, approximately 1.2 km (0.74 miles) from the subject property. This park system provides access to extensive areas of open space for passive recreation, bicycling and hiking.

(j)the ability to meet the housing targets in Section 2.2

(k)the desire to stay within the population ranges outlined in Sections 2.2.1 and 2.2.2

The City's Housing Target Policies are aimed at providing a sufficient housing base for a minimum population of 300,000 persons and achieve a wide range of housing types. The subject application is compatible with these policies and would serve to improve the mix of housing types available.

The Official Plan has also set a target of 153,000-175,000 persons for the Central Housing District. According the 1991 Canadian Census data, the population of the Central District was approximately 174,000 persons. The subject application, in combination with other recently approved residential applications, would indicate that the maximum population range could be reached or exceeded if the development projects were constructed and occupied within the next 3 to 5 years. Staff note that the population range is not to be considered the planned capacity for the district and increases in population can be accommodated provided that public, social and other services are adequate. Based on the circulation of this application, services would be available for future residents.

(l)the ability of the proposal to address crime prevention and personal safety through urban design, having specific regard to the application of "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)" principles as outlined in Appendix VI

In accordance with CPTED principles, the siting of the proposed buildings, adjacent to Eglinton Avenue and Royal York Road, would allow for future residents to have views of both the adjacent public boulevard areas and private internal driveway, parking and landscape areas. It is anticipated that the condominium buildings would be fenced to define the boundaries between public and private spaces. However, the swimming pool, patio space and children's play area are isolated in the northeast corner of Block B between surface parking areas on both Blocks. Any revised plans for these areas should improve their locations relative to the existing and proposed buildings.

In the event of approval, the applicant should be required to provide details of the public spaces within the existing building, such as washrooms, activity and laundry rooms. If improvements to the natural surveillance of these areas are required, the relevant details should be included in an amenities agreement. During the Site Plan Control review process, the applicant would be required to provide site, landscape and building plans which detail fencing, landscaping, lighting and safety/security features (on-site and within the underground garages for both buildings), to the satisfaction of the Staff Advisory Committee on Development Control.



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