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February 19, 1998

 To:Toronto Community Council

From:Lesley Watson, Director, By-law Administration and Enforcement, City Works Services

Subject:Application for Commercial Boulevard Parking - 25 Musgrave Street (Ward 26 - East Toronto)


To report on the business operator=s application for commercial boulevard parking fronting 25 Musgrave Street. The application meets the requirements of the Municipal Code.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

Not applicable.


It is recommended that staff proceed to issue the licence for commercial boulevard parking fronting 25 Musgrave Street, subject to the applicant complying with the criteria set out in ' 313-41 of Municipal Code Chapter 313, Streets and Sidewalks.


Councillor Tom Jakobek, in his communication dated October 9, 1997 (Appendix >A=), requested a report on the application for a commercial parking licence fronting 25 Musgrave Street.

The Ward Councillors are routinely notified of such applications, should they wish to comment or have the matter reported on.


Mr. Albert Colaris, o/a Albert Colaris Electric Company Ltd., 25 Musgrave Street, Toronto, Ontario M4E 2H3, submitted an application on September 11, 1997, requesting commercial boulevard parking fronting 25 Musgrave Street, for the parking of one (1) motor vehicle parallel to the roadway, as shown on the attached sketch (Appendix >B=).

This application meets the physical criteria for commercial boulevard parking contained in ' 313-41 of Municipal Code Chapter 313. Because this is in an industrial area, no public poll is required and staff may proceed to issue Mr. Colaris a licence. I note that 19 and 23 Musgrave Street are already licensed for the same use.

Municipal Code Chapter 313 ' 313-41 stipulates that should such an application be refused by City Council, a further application from the same address may not be considered for 2 years from the date of the initial application.


This is a routine request for commercial boulevard parking which meets the Municipal Code requirements. Therefore, I am recommending that staff proceed to issue the licence.

Contact Name and Telephone Number:

Ken McGuire, 392-7564




 (p:\1998\ug\cws\bae\to981021.bae) - ba


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