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To:Urban Environment and Development Committee

From:City Clerk, Toronto Community Council

Subject:Options for Ward Boundary Changes


The Toronto Community Council:

(1) recommends to the Urban Environment and Development Committee that:

(a)with respect to High Park (Ward 19):

(i)Bloor Street West, west of Jane Street to the Humber River, and the area north of Bloor Street West up to and including the southern edge of the T.T.C. right-of-way, be added to the proposed west ward of High Park;

(ii)the Option set out in Map 19-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(a)(i), be adopted;

(b)with respect to Davenport (Ward 21):

the Option set out in Map 21-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(a)(i), be adopted;

(c)with respect to Trinity-Niagara (Ward 20):

the Option set out in Map 20-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, be adopted;

(d)with respect to Midtown (Ward 23):

(i)the Option set out in Map 23-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, be amended to provide that:

(a)the CN Rail Line be the dividing line between the ward and the area bounded by the East York Community Council, excluding the Governor's Road Bridge neighbourhood;

(b)the present status quo remain in place with respect to Heath Street West;

(c)the south side of Eglinton Avenue West, between Bathurst Street and the Belt Line remain in North Toronto (Ward 22);

(d)both sides of Spadina Road, from St. Clair Avenue West to Heath Street West, remain in Midtown;

(e)the present status quo remain in place with respect to Lonsdale Road, Lonsmount Drive and Montclair Avenue;

(ii)the Option set out in Map 23-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(d)(i), be adopted;

(e)with respect to North Toronto (Ward 22):

the Option set out in Map 22-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(d)(i)(c), be adopted;

(f)with respect to Downtown (Ward 24):

the Option set out in Map 24-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services be adopted;

(g)with respect to Don River (Ward 25):

(i)the Option set out in Map 25-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, be amended to provide that:

(a)Cherry Beach remain in the same new ward as the Leslie Street Spit;

(b)the north side of Fulton Avenue be included in the proposed east ward; and

(ii)the Option set out in Map 25-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(g)(i), be adopted;

(h)with respect to East Toronto (Ward 26):

(i)the Option set out in Map 26-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, be amended to provide that:

(a)Coleman Avenue to Sibley Avenue be included in the proposed east ward;

(b)Maryland Boulevard and Avonlea Boulevard be included in their totality in the proposed east ward;

(c)the Shoppers' World Site be included in its totality in the proposed east ward;

(d)all of Eastwood Road, between Woodbine Avenue and Bellhaven Road be included in the proposed west ward;

(e)Victoria Park Avenue, south of Bracken Avenue, be located in the proposed west ward for Scarborough Bluffs (Ward 13);

(ii)the Option set out in Map 26-1a, attached to the report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, as amended by Recommendation No. 1(h)(i), be adopted;

(i)the proposed boundaries for the areas covered by the East York, York and Scarborough Community Councils be amended in accordance with Recommendation Nos. (1)(a) to 1(h);

(j)if the Legislature does not enact the necessary amendments to the City of Toronto Act, 1997 before the end of the current legislative session, the City Solicitor be authorized to commence a court application under Rule 14 of the Rules of Civil Procedure (R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 194, as amended) seeking a determination of City Council's right to enact a by-law changing the size and composition of Council under the Municipal Act and the City of Toronto Act, 1997; and

(2)requests the Urban Environment and Development Committee to set aside a specific time at its meeting to be held on November 30, 1998 to consider this matter.

The Toronto Community Council reports, for the information of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, having requested the City Clerk, in consultation with appropriate officials, to:

(a)consolidate the recommendations of each of the Community Councils, for consideration by the Urban Environment and Development Committee at its meeting to be held on November 30, 1998;

(b)provide further notice of the special session of the Urban Environment and Development Committee on November 30, 1998, as set out in Recommendation No. (2), including direct notice to all resident and ratepayer groups, all BIAs and all historical societies within the City of Toronto; and

(c)report to the Urban Environment and Development Committee, at its meeting to be held on November 30, 1998, with respect to the proposed west ward in East Toronto, on locating the northern boundary on Danforth Avenue, and the southern boundary on Queen Street East from Coxwell Avenue to Kingston Road and on Kingston Road to Woodbine Avenue.

Recommendation No. (1)(j) was carried on the following division of votes:

Yeas:Councillors Rae, Bossons, Bussin, Chow, Disero, Jakobek, Johnston, Korwin-Kuczynksi, Layton, McConnell and Pantalone.

Nays:Councillor Miller.


The Toronto Community Council, on November 5, 1998 had before it a report (October 26, 1998) from the City Clerk and Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services respecting Options for Ward Boundary Changes.

During consideration of the foregoing matter, the Toronto Community Council also had before it the following communications:

-(October 10, 1998) from Mr. Alan Heisey Sr, the Annex Residents Association;

-(November 3, 1998) from Ms. Helen Ness and Ms. Nancy Heaney, Junction Community Police Liaison Committee;

-(October 14, 1998) from Ms. Carolyn Riemer, Dundas West Residents Association;

-(November 5, 1998) from Mr. Norman McLeod, Swansea Historical Society;

-(October 31, 1998) from Councillor Silva;

-(November 4, 1998) from Mr. Bill Roberts, Swansea Area Ratepayers Association;

-Revised Map 21-1a, submitted by Ms Lynn Daly; and

-Revised Map 23-1a, submitted by Councillor Bossons.

Mr. Peter Fay, City Clerk's Division, made a presentation to the Toronto Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter.

The following persons appeared before the Toronto Community Council in connection with the foregoing matter:

-Mr. William Roberts, Swansea Area Ratepayers Association;

-Ms. Fanny Patterson, Director, Annex Residents' Association;

-Mr. Zak Khan, Toronto, Ontario;

-Mr. Dale Ritch, C.O.R.R.A.;

-Ms. Carolyn Riemer, Dundas West Residents' Association;

-Mr. Sid Bruyn, Chair, Parents Council;

-Ms. Lynn Daly, Christie/Ossington Neighbourhood Centre;

-Mr. William Phillips, Secretary, South Rosedale Ratepayers' Association;

-Ms. Hilary MacKenzie, Toronto, Ontario; and

-Ms. Marion Lewis, Toronto, Ontario

The Community Council's actions are noted above.

Yours truly,

City Clerk,

Toronto Community Council

Frances M. Pritchard/fp


c.:Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development

City Solicitor

Peter Fay, City Clerk's Division

Beate Bowron, Director, Community Planning, South District


Please note that council and committee documents are provided electronically for information only and do not retain the exact structure of the original versions. For example, charts, images and tables may be difficult to read. As such, readers should verify information before acting on it. All council documents are available from the City Clerk's office. Please e-mail


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