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 Commissioner of Development Services, York Civic Service Centre

(April 14, 1998)


 Under the City of York Act 1994 (Bill PR147), Council of the former City of York enacted special demolition control legislation for the purpose of securing beautification measures on the lands and abutting municipal boulevards as a condition of the issuance of demolition permits. Bylaw 3102-95 was subsequently passed designating the entire City (York) as an area of demolition control pursuant to the City of York Act, 1994.

 The owner has applied for a demolition permit to remove the building located on the subject lands. Community Council approval for the release of the permit is being sought.

 Source of Funds:

 No funding required.


 That approval to demolish the building shown on the attached site plan as a Appendix AB@ to this report be granted pursuant to By-law 3102-95, with no conditions of approval related to beautification.


 The property owner, Clouston Developments Ltd., through their agent Greg Bettencourt, has applied to the City for a demolition permit. The owner wishes to demolish the commercial building located at 1576 Weston Road and proceed with the environmental remediation of the site. The property is to be developed for low density residential in the near future.


 Further to circulation of this application, the following are the responses from various departments:

 Operations Services: AWe have no concerns in regard to the proposed demolition@.

Health Unit: AA review of our files indicates no concerns over the demolition of the subject building@

Fire Department: AWe have no concerns respecting the proposed demolition@.

Development Services, Development Review: AThe property is designated High Density Residential in the Official Plan and zoned MCR Main Street Commercial/Residential zone. Zoning By-law 3623-97 recently rezoned the lands RM2 Residential Multiple Zone 2. However, this By-law is under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board and the zoning is not yet in full force and effect. The site was previously used as a public garage and automobile leasing office.

 The site is the subject of a minor variance and consent application to permit the development of 12 street townhouses. The Committee of Adjustment on April 14, 1998 will consider these applications. A Site Plan Approval application for the townhouse development has also been filed and is under review.

 In view of the pending redevelopment of the site as represented by the current active development approval application under review by the City, the Development Review Division has no objection to approval of the demolition permit application and requires no conditions of approval relating to beautification.

 The Development Review Division will advise the applicant that under the Site Plan Control approval process, the remediation of the site will be addressed through a condition of approval which will require the submission to the City of a completed Record of Site Condition acknowledged as received by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy, prior to the issuance of a building permit for construction on the lands. The landscape improvement of the site will be addressed through the Plan Control Approval process.

 Local Historical Committees have been notified regarding the demolition permit application.

 City Wide Issues:



 The owner of the lands is currently proceeding with the redevelopment of the property for townhouses. In order for the appropriate remediation work to proceed it is necessary to obtain a demolition permit for the building. Although there are no current building permit applications for construction on the property, it is anticipated that a new owner will move quickly to development the site. Approval of the recommendation will allow this department to release the demolition permit and promote the development of the site.

Contact Name:

 Bruce Ashton

Director of Buildings and Chief Building Official

Telephone: 394-2497

Fax: 394-2503

 (The above-mentioned location map for 1576 Weston Road and Site Plan are on file in the Clerk=s Office, York Civic Service Centre.)


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