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Request to Rename a Portion

of William Morgan Drive to

Patriarch Bartholomew Way

The East York Community Council recommends that the proposed by-law to rename a portion of William Morgan Drive east of the north/south portion of William Morgan Drive to Patriarch Bartholomew Way be enacted by Council:

The East York Community Council reports having given notice of the proposal to change the name of William Morgan Drive and having held a public meeting on June 24, 1998, to hear any person who claimed to be adversely affected by the proposed by-law and who applied to be heard.

The East York Community Council submits the following communication (June 9, 1998) from Mr. Steve Pliakes, Newmarket:

"My name is Steve Pliakes, past Vice-president and past Secretary of my church, St. Clement of Ohrid, Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral Church, 76 Overlea Blvd., East York.

I am opposing the renaming of that portion of public highway William Morgan Drive, to Patriarch Bartholomew Way.

I wish to be placed on the agenda for June 24, 1998."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (undated) from Mr. Anthony F. Krings, Scarborough:

"I like to express my objections to the renaming of William Morgan Drive to Patriarch Bartholomew Way, for the following reasons:

Mr. Bartolomew is not a canadian citizen and to my knowledge has never done anything which would be of a benefit to this country.

The decision to rename a public street to honor a leader of a religious group will certainly result in other groups to demand the same privilege and have Toronto streets named after their respective leaders.

The people now living on William Morgan Drive would be greatly affected, as they would have to notify their friends, etc. of the change and also force them to scrap their present stationary. These people should agree 100% before the changes can be made.

Further, I do not agree, that this a matter for East York Community Council to decide."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 11, 1998) from Dr. Andy Plukov, President, Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada, Toronto:

"I am writing to you on behalf of the Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada regarding the proposed renaming of a portion of William Morgan Drive. Please be advised that our organization objects to the proposal and plans to have representatives attend the meeting planned for June 24, 1998 in order to present our concerns to Council. The following are some of the concerns which will be raised at the Council meeting:

1.St. Clement of Ohrid Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral, which has been in existence for over 30 years, has applied in the past to have William Morgan Drive renamed and has been refused;

2.The fact that the proposed renaming involves the Patriarch of the Christian Orthodox Church raises both religious and political concerns which must be addressed.

Please contact my office if there are any changes regarding the date and time of the meeting."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 11, 1998) from Mr. Vlade Grozdanovski, President, United Macedonians, Markham:

"I am writing to you on behalf of the United Macedonians Organization of Canada regarding the proposed renaming of a portion of William Morgan Drive. Please be advised that our organization objects to the proposal and plans to have representatives attend the meeting planned for June 24, 1998 in order to present our concerns to Council.

Please contact my office if there are any changes regarding the date and time of the meeting."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 11, 1998) from Mr. Risto Cackirovski, President, The Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia, Scarborough:

"I am writing on behalf of the Association of Refugee Children from Aegean Macedonia regarding the proposed renaming of a portion of William Morgan Drive. Please be advised that our organization objects to the proposal and plans to have representatives attend the meeting planned for June 24, 1998 in order to present our concerns to Council. The following are some of the concerns which will be raised at the Council meeting:

1.St. Clement of Ohrid Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral, which has been existence for over 30 years, has applied in the past to have William Morgan Drive renamed and has been refused;

2.The fact that the proposed renaming involves the Patriarch of the Christian Orthodox Church raises both religious and political concerns which must be addressed.

Please contact my office if there are any changes regarding the date and time of the meeting."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 6, 1998) from Dr. Tom Pashby, Dr. Tom Pashby Sports Safety Fund, Toronto:

"Please accent my strong objection to removing the name of William Morgan from any section of the street so named.

Bill Morgan was a builder of our town of Leaside and as a 48 year resident find it necessary to maintain our past.

Nothing against the Orthodox Greeks they are good citizens, however, leave Bill Morgan's as it has been."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 10, 1998) from Mr. Tony Gelmanovski, Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral "St. Clement of Ohrid", Toronto:

"Recently I was "leafing" through a local community newspaper and happened to notice an article "Renaming Street in Honor of Greek Patriarch".

Reading further into the article, we was both surprised and shocked to learn that the street in question is William Morgan (Originally it was to be Overlea Blvd.)

I was surprised because there was no notice given of the name change and shocked because of the article sheet which was chosen for the name change.

As a member of the Congregation of "St. Clement of Ohrid" Macedonian Orthodox Church and also the Executive Secretary of the Church Council, I found that the choice of either street for re-naming shows a great lack of respect for the Macedonian Church and the Macedonian Community in the Greater Toronto Area (aprox. 120,000). Most people are aware of the deep division between the Greeks and Macedonian resulting from the oppression of our people in Northern Greece. Most Orthodox people are also aware that this same Patriarch is the head of an organization which does not recognize the Macedonian Church in Macedonia and throughout the rest of the world.

In fact on his recent trip to Toronto, The Patriarch snubbed the Macedonian Community and our Religions leaders by not inviting as to the Mass at Maple Leaf Gardens.

Why should we support and honor someone who puts politics before people? Many will claim that the re-naming of William Morgan is appropriate because the Greek Orthodox Metropolis is located at the end of William Morgan. But ask that we keep in mind that the Metropolis moved to this location only 7 months ago whereas "St. Clement of Ohrid" has been located at its present location and has been part of the local Community for over 35 years.

If anything, the street in question should be named after same aspect of the Macedonian Church or the Macedonian culture - failing this, leave the name as it is!"

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 11, 1998) from Ms. Ivana Venderis:

"I am writing to you in regards to the proposed renaming of a portion of William Morgan Drive. I am strongly opposed against this name change because Patriarch Bartholomew has nothing to do with Canadians or Canadian history. The community as a whole cannot identify with him and he does not affect our lives in any way.

The honour of naming a street after someone should go to Canadians who have contributed to our society and with whom we can all identify. Patriarch Bartholomew has little or no meaning for those of us outside the Greek community. Some people will find the name of the street quite offensive, such as the Macedonian community. Patriarche Bartholomew does not recognize the Macedonian Orthodox Church, which happens to be conveniently located on William Morgan Drive. This name change would only highten tensions between Macedonians and Greeks.

I am sick and tired of politicians trying to buy votes from ethnic minorities. Instead of promoting unity amoung us, they promote hostility and disunity. Immigrants came to Canada to begin new lives and leave old world conflicts. We are being forced by politicians to resume conflict here, just so they can get a vote. This behaviour is disgraceful. They are completely ignorant to the historical backgrounds of all Canadian immigrants. We want to be Canadians first and foremost.

Before the decision is made, I hope the council considers doing what is best for community as a whole."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 24, 1998) from Archpriest Nicolas Boldireff, Christ the Saviour Russian Orthodox Cathedral, Toronto:

"I wish to lend my personal support and that of my three hundred families of the Russian Orthodox community to the naming of the Street in honour of the Spititual Leader of 300 million Orthodox Christians His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 23, 1998) from +Seraphim, Bishop of Ottawa and Canada, Diocese of Canada Orthodox Church in America, Spencerville:

"I am authorising Archpriest John Kalouras of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto (Canada) as president of the Eastern Orthodox Clergy Association, to bring this letter to the attention of the pertinent authorities.

I am a bishop of the Orthodox Church, to with the Archdiocese of Canada of the Orthodox Church in America, a sister diocese to the Metropolis of Toronto. I, being a concelebrating brother bishop of His Eminence Metropolitan SOTIRIOS of Toronto, take the liberty of expressing my concern and opinion in the absence of His Eminence.

I have been informed that a certain controversy has been stirred up surrounding the matter of the naming of a small portion of Overlea Drive as Patriarch Bartholomew Way. I am told that some persons wish to make a political matter out of this naming. I consider it to be a shame that the politicising of this action of good will on the part on the City of Toronto should be debased in such a fashion. Why should a territorial dispute elsewhere in the world tarnish a very good deed?

The Patriarch of Constantinople is not a political person. In fact, his position in the Republic of Turkey makes it impossible and even dangerous. He is, rather, a religious leader. He is, in terms of honour, the most senior bishop in the Orthodox world, which numbers over three hundred million souls. In Canada live about half a million Orthodox, and over half of these live in Toronto. While Patriarch Bartholomew is often compared with Pope John Paul II of Rome, he does not have any of the political associations. His prestige and his influence amoung Orthodox Christians and others is, however considerable. In the light of all this, it was a wonderful, appropriate, and correct gesture on the part of the City of Toronto to undertake this small token of esteem, recognising the position of this man who brought a great deal of joy, as well as honour, to our country during his recent visit. I most respectfully ask the Authorities of the City of Toronto to retain the name of this road as designated in his honour."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communication (June 23, 1998) from His Worship Mayor Robert Morrow, Hamilton:

"Please excuses the handwritten letter.

May I respectfully offer support on the naming of a street in your Municipality which will honour Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I and his wonderful recent pastoral visit to our country.

The Patriarch visited Hamilton as well and we will have a park and a street named after him here.

Although Hamilton is smaller than Toronto, we too have a diverse community which has in its make up all the world's peoples, languages & religious & ethnik groups. In this case, we honour not only the Patriarch but all of his Orthodox followers - Greek, Ukrainians, Serbs, Romanians, Antiochans, Bulgarians, Russians, Arabs and others.

All other groups can and must be recognized and protected as well. I saw to it that such was the case when the Macedonian Orthodox Archbishop visited here some years ago and I know that East York took steps to do so in your part of Toronto and wants to continue doing so in the True Canadian Spirit of inclusiveness and compromise.

Without intruding, I hope, in another community's matters because I believe we are all in this together. I believe that the commitment made by both our cities must stand and, as we have both done in the past, we can find ways to include all others as well."

The East York Community Council also submits the following communications (June 23, 1998) from Mihajlo J. Doder, Rector, All Serbian Saints Serbian Orthodox Church, Toronto:

"I am writing you concerning the plan to rename a portion of William Morgan Dr. to Patriarch Bartholomew Way and ask that you read this message to those whom it may concern.

Whereas His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew the is first-among-equals among the various heads of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches and thus holds a primacy of honour among Orthodox Christians who number over 300,000,000, we applaud the decision to rename a portion of William Morgan Drive in his honour. This is not only an honour for Greek Orthodox Christians, but for the whole Orthodox Church.

We, Serbian Orthodox Christians, who received Orthodox Christianity from the disciples of the venerable brothers, Sts. Cyril and Methodius, missionaries of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, revere the See of Constantinople as our Mother Church and consider this recognition as an ecclesiastical, and not a political or nationalistic recognition."

The East York Community Council also submits for the information of Council the following Clause 9 embodied in Report No. 7 of the East York Community Council as adopted by the Council of the City of Toronto at its meeting on May 13 and 14, 1998 regarding a request to rename a portion of William Morgan Drive to Patriarch Bartholomew Way:

(City Council on May 13 and 14, 1998, adopted this Clause without amendment.)

The East York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (April 23, 1998) from the Commissioner of Development Services, East York:


To report to the May 6, 1998 East York Community Council on the request from Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto to rename a street in East York in honour of the visit to Toronto from His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew on May 30 and 31st, 1998.

Source of Funds:

Costs are estimated to be approximately $5,000.00, including advertising and registration fees. It is recommended that these costs be included in the budget for the visit to Toronto by His All Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew.


It is recommended that:

(I)a portion of William Morgan Drive east of the north/south portion of William Morgan Drive be renamed to Patriarch Bartholomew Way;

(ii)Council authorize Staff to proceed with the necessary advertising to enact the recommended street name change as required by the Municipal Act, Section 210, Chapter 105;

(iii) Council designate the June 24th East York Community Council meeting to hear any person who claims that he/she will be adversely affected by the proposed street name change and who applies to be heard; and,

(iv)That Council authorize the appropriate by-law to give effect hereto.


The Mayor's Office received a request from Metropolitan Archbishop Sotirios of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto to rename Overlea Boulevard in honour of the upcoming visit of His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew to Toronto on May 30 and May 31st, 1998. Archbishop Sotirios has requested that Toronto honour this visit with a permanent memorial, on behalf of all Orthodox Christians in Canada. The Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto has recently moved its offices to 86 Overlea Boulevard.


The renaming of Overlea Boulevard to Patriarch Bartholomew Boulevard would require a significant number of businesses to change their addresses including the approximately 70 businesses in the East York Town Centre. Furthermore, the Canadian head offices for Coca-Cola Ltd and the Salvation Army are also located on Overlea Boulevard. A complete list of businesses which would be affected is included as Appendix "A". Given the significant impact of changing the name of Overlea Boulevard, Councillor Prue has proposed that a small portion of William Morgan Drive be renamed to Patriarch Bartholomew Way. The section proposed is the eastern most portion of William Morgan Drive which provides vehicular access to #86 Overlea Boulevard. Renaming this portion of William Morgan Drive would provide the opportunity for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto to change their address to Patriarch Bartholomew Way.

 There are no businesses or residential addresses which front onto this section of William Morgan Drive. However, staff recommend that notice of the proposed change be distributed to residents and businesses within 120 metres of William Morgan Drive to determine public opinion on the proposed change.

Statutory Requirements

The Municipal Act outlines the procedures for changing the name of a road. Section 210, Chapter 105 states that:

(A) A by-law changing the name of a highway has no effect until a copy of it, certified under the hand of the clerk and the seal of the corporation, has been registered in the proper land registry office.

(B)Before passing a by-law for changing the name of a highway,

(I)notice of the proposed by-law shall be published at least once a week for four successive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the municipality, and

(ii)the council shall hear any person who claims that he will be adversely affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard.

Funding Implications

A notice of street name change must be advertised in the Toronto Star for 4 consecutive weeks at a cost of between $3,000.00 and $5,000.00. Additionally, there is a charge of $200.00 to register the street name. These funds are typically borne by the applicant.


The following is the proposed schedule of Community Council meetings, Council meetings and other important events which are required to enact the proposed name change:


May 6, 1998Report to East York Community Council recommending name change.

May 13,14,15, 1998Report to Toronto Council.

May 19, 1998Advertising begins.

May 30,31, 1998Visit to Toronto by Patriarch Bartholomew.

June 16, 1998Advertising ends.

June 24, 1998East York Community Council - mandatory public hearing to hear any person who claims to be adversely affected.

July 8,9,10, 1998Toronto Council, final approval.

Since the Patriarch's visit occurs during the approval process, staff will install temporary signs in the area advising of the proposed name change. A special custom street name sign could also be made available as a gift to the Patriarch.


The proposal by the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto to rename Overlea Boulevard to rename Patriarch Bartholomew Way would have a significant impact to the businesses which have Overlea Boulevard addresses. Councillor Prue, in consultation with Archbishop Sotirios, has reviewed streets in the vicinity of Overlea Boulevard in an effort to find an alternate street suitable for renaming. Based on this review, it is recommended, as an alternative, that a section of William Morgan Drive be renamed to Patriarch Bartholomew Way. No businesses or residents currently have an address on this section of William Morgan Drive, therefore, the overall impact should be minimal. The Municipal Act requires that the proposed street name change would need to be advertised once a week for 4 weeks in a Toronto Daily newspaper prior to a public meeting to hear any person who feels that they would be adversely affected by the proposed street name change. The estimated cost for advertising and registering the new street name would be approximately $5,000.00.

Contact Name:

Peter Bartos, P.Eng.

Transportation Engineer

East York District 778-2225


 Business Addresses on Overlea Boulevard


16Claremont Camera

28Beallor & Partners

36Chesapeake Ltd.

42Coca-Cola Beverages Ltd.

42Coca-Cola Bottling Ltd.

4588 Jewellery & Watches Company

45A Touch of Art

45Alpha Laboratories Inc.

45Bank of Montreal

45Baskin-Robbins Ice Cream

45Bata Shoe Stores

45Bi-Way Stores Ltd.

45Bijou Accessories

45Black Photo Corporation

45Bowlerama Thorncliffe

45Brewers Retail Inc.

45Chu, Dr. Michael W.

45Cohen, Dr. Milton

45Coles - The Book People

45Cotton Collectibles Inc.

45Dahl's Portrait Studio

45Dominion Save-A-Centre

45Dunkin Donuts

45East York Chiropractic Clinic

45East York Diagnostic Ultrasound

45East York Hearing Aid Centre

45East York Medical Health Centre

45East York Sewing Centre

45Easy T's

45Five Star Printers

45Flora, Dr. F.Q.

45Gisela's Skin Care

45Hallmark Cards Shop

45Hutchinson, Dr. Viven & Dr. Tony Lorch

45Japan Camera Centre

45Key King

45Kozerawsky, Dr. W. J.

45Krystal Fashions

45Laura Secord Ltd.

45Leo & Maria's Deli

45Mail & Stuff

45Matta, Dr. Roberto B.

45Movies for You

45National Trust Company

45Ninja Japan

45Norman Simpson Shoes

45Nutra Foods

45Open Window Bakery Ltd.

45Optical Factory

45Panorama Industries Inc.

45Parker's Cleaners

45Pizza Pizza

45Precision Time

45Radio Shack


45Runner's Line Ltd.

45Scott's Hospitality Inc.

45Shopper's Drug Mart

45St. Clair Paint and Paper

45Style Barber Shop

45The Becker Milk Company

45The Flower Emporium

45The Toronto-Dominion Bank

45Thorncliffe Banquet Centre

45Thorncliffe Custom Tailor

45Thorncliffe Dental Care

45Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office

45Thorncliffe News Stand

45Thorncliffe Park Shoe Repair

45Thorncliffe Physio Therapy

45Ticket & Info Shop

45Treats Muffins and Cookies


45Weinryb, Dr. Calvin

45Zellers Inc.

50Calefaction Systems Ltd.

50National Access Controls

50O'Hara Systems Inc.

50Oriole Business Systems Ltd.

50Sudata Consulting

56A Buck or Two

60East York Meals on Wheels

60Royal Bank of Canada

61Mr. Lube

65C Pas Systems Inc.

65Carriers Travel International

65Commemorative Services of Ontario

65Goldlist Development Corporation

65Insurex Canada Inc.

65Multi-Health Systems Inc.

65Overlea Cafe

65The Communication Group Inc.

65Throncliffe Overlea Dental Centre

65Thorncliffe Pharmacy

65Word and image Design Studio Inc.

(Copy of Location Map, on file in the office of the City Clerk.)


The following persons appeared before the East York Community Council in connection with the foregoing:

-Mr. Steve Pliakes, Newmarket;

-Dr. Andy Plukov, Toronto;

-Mr. Tom Gelmanovski, Executive Secretary, St. Clement of Ohrid Macedonian Orthodox Cathedral Church, Toronto;

-Father Peter Avgeropoulos, Toronto, representing the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto;

-Father Iskander Younes, representing the Antiochian Orthodox Church;

-Mr. Bill Fatsis, representing the Hellenic Canadian Congress;

-Mr. Spyros Flengas, representing the Hellenic Canadian Federation of Ontario;

-Mr. Costas Menegakis, Toronto;

-Dr. Tasos Karantonis, President,The Greek Community of Metro Toronto;

-His Grace Bishop Yurij, Ukranian Orthodox Chuch;

-Father John Koulouras, President, Eastern Orthodox Clergy Association

-Mr. Vasil Alexiou, East York;

-Mr. Walter Steriovski, Scarborough;

-Mr. Tomy Tzuntzuro, Scarborough;

-Ms. Lilly Pliakes, Newmarket;

-Mr. Michael McCleery, East York;

-Ms. Marylin King, Toronto;

-Mr. Nicola Belcevski, Toronto;

-Mr. Bill Nicholov, Macedonian Human Rights Association of Canada, Toronto;

-Mr. John Papadakis, East York; and

-Ms. Tina Athanasakos, Thornhill.


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