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All Way Stop Control -

Hullmar Drive and Wheelwright Crescent -

Black Creek

The North York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (August 31, 1998) from the Director, Transportation Services, District 3:


To install an all way stop control at the intersection of Hullmar Drive and Wheelwright Crescent (east leg).

Source of funds:

All costs associated with the installation of the parking restrictions are included within the 1998 operating budget.


The Transportation Division of the Works and Emergency Services Department recommends that Schedules XVIII and XIX of By-law No. 31001, of the former City of North York, be amended to require traffic to stop on all approaches to the Hullmar Drive/Wheelwright Crescent (east leg) intersection.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Currently, northbound traffic on Wheelwright Crescent is required to stop at Hullmar Drive. Traffic is required to stop on Hullmar Drive one block to the east and west of Wheelwright Crescent at Gosford Boulevard and Peter Kaiser Gate, respectively.


Residents of Wheelwright Crescent have advised staff of their concerns for safety when accessing Hullmar Drive, particularly during the a.m. and p.m. peak traffic periods.

Investigations by staff have verified the residents' concerns. Due to the change in the horizontal and vertical alignment of Hullmar Drive, west of Wheelwright Crescent, the visibility of eastbound traffic by northbound motorists is significantly reduced.


The Transportation Division supports the installation of an all way stop control at the intersection of Hullmar Drive and Wheelwright Crescent (east leg), to increase the level of safety for vehicle and pedestrian traffic.

Contact Name:

Mr. Michael Frederick, Director of Traffic Operations, 395-7484.


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