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Reduced Speed Zone (40 km/h) -

Whittaker Crescent - Seneca Heights

The North York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (August 25, 1998) from the Director, Transportation Services, District 3:


To reduce the speed limit on Whittaker Crescent to 40 km/h.

Source of funds:

All costs associated with the installation of the reduced speed zone are included within the 1998 operating budget.


To amend By-Law No. 31878, of the former City of North York, to designate the maximum speed limit on Whittaker Crescent at 40 km/h.

Council Reference/Background/History:

Currently, the speed limit on Whittaker Crescent is 50 km/h.

At the request of parents of students attending the Elkhorn Public School and residents of Whittaker Crescent, Councillor Joan King has requested the Transportation Division of the Works and Emergency Services Department to consider reducing the speed limit on Whittaker Crescent to 40 km/h.


Whittaker Crescent is adjacent to the Elkhorn Drive Public School and therefore, the policy of the former City of North York for the installation of 40 Km/h zones is satisfied.


In view of the above, I would support the adoption of the appropriate By-law to designate the maximum rate of speed on Whittaker Crescent at 40 km/h.

Contact Name:

Mike Frederick, Director of Traffic Operations, 395-7484.


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