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Quit Claim of Easement -

Registering of Sewer Easement -

2901 Bayview Avenue - Seneca Heights

The North York Community Council recommends the adoption of the following report (September 4, 1998) from the Director, Engineering Services, Districts 3 and 4:


The purpose of this report is to respond to a request brought forward by D.S. Lea Associates Limited, engineering consultants for the owner, Orlando Corporation, to relocate an existing storm sewer in easement.

Source of Funds:

All costs to be paid by applicant, Orlando Corporation.


It is recommended that:

(1)Council approve the proposal to relocate the subject storm sewer subject to the conditions described;

(2)the existing easement for the section of storm sewer to be abandoned be Quit Claimed;

(3)a 7.62m new easement be granted to the City by the property owner and registered on title for the sections of storm sewer to be relocated; and

(4)the appropriate City officials be authorized and directed to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


The Works and Emergency Services Department has received a written request from D.S. Lea Associates Limited, on behalf of Orlando Corporation, the property owner at Bayview Village - 2901 Bayview Avenue, to consider the relocation of an existing storm sewer in easement that is situated on private property and in conflict with a proposed parking garage structure. The parking structure is being proposed to accommodate parking requirements for the forthcoming site plan application for a retail proposal on site.

As the time required to have the necessary storm sewer works designed, approved by the appropriate authorities, tendered and constructed will have a major impact on the development proposal, authority to proceed with the sewer relocation works, quit claim the existing easement and obtain a new easement prior to the site plan application process is being brought to Council for approval.


The proposed sewer work involves the relocation of approximately 155m of 1.2m x 2.4m box culvert and is estimated to be $380,000.00. The storm sewer is part of the Wilket Creek Trunk Storm System.

The proposed relocation will necessitate that parts of the existing easement for the section of abandoned storm sewer be quit claimed and a new easement be registered for the relocated sections of the storm sewer.

This department would agree to the proposed sewer relocation work subject to the following conditions:

(i)an irrevocable letter of credit representing the cost of the works in the amount of $380,000.00 plus 3 percent engineering fee in form satisfactory to the Finance Department and Legal Department being deposited with the City;

(ii)D.S. Lea Associates Limited, consultant engineers for the property owner, Orlando Corporation, obtain all required approvals and certify that all works have been constructed in accordance with all City Standards and Specifications and provide "as constructed" drawings to the City;

(iii)the property owner, Orlando Corporation, provides and pays for the new easement documents to the City;

(iv)the property owner, Orlando Corporation, indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all claims, demands, loss, costs, damages, actions, suits or other proceedings by whomsoever made; and

(v)all other City requirements for the administration of the construction be satisfied.


The proposal to relocate the existing storm sewer in easement prior to site plan approval can be accommodated subject to the noted conditions.

Contact Name and Telephone Number:

Raffi Bedrosyan, P. Eng.

Chief Development Engineer

Tel. (416) 395-6307 Fax. (416) 395-0349

e-mail: rbedrosy@city.north-york.on.c


Please note that council and committee documents are provided electronically for information only and do not retain the exact structure of the original versions. For example, charts, images and tables may be difficult to read. As such, readers should verify information before acting on it. All council documents are available from the City Clerk's office. Please e-mail


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