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Proposed Installation of Traffic Control Signals:

Lawrence Avenue East and

Charlottetown Boulevard/Bridgeport Drive.

The Urban Environment and Development Committee recommends the adoption of the following report (July 30, 1998) from the General Manager, Transportation Services:


To obtain approval for the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of LawrenceAvenue East and Charlottetown Boulevard/Bridgeport Drive.

Funding Sources:

The funds associated with new traffic signal installations are contained in the Works and Emergency Services' Capital Program under Project No C-TR031. In 1998, $1.6 million has been allocated for new traffic control signal installations. These funds have been fully committed already through the approvals of 21 new signal installations. Therefore, unless additional funding is identified in 1998, new signal approvals for the balance of 1998 will be placed on a priority list for 1999 and await approval of the appropriate budget item in the 1999 Capital Budget. The estimated cost of the installation of traffic control signals at this location is $76,300.00.


It is recommended that traffic control signals be approved on Lawrence Avenue East at Charlottetown Boulevard/Bridgeport Drive, subject to the availability of funds.


This location was investigated in response to several requests from members of the public forpedestrian crossing protection in the vicinity of Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute at 5400Lawrence Avenue East.


Lawrence Avenue East in this vicinity is a four-lane arterial roadway with a posted speed limit of 60kilometres per hour. Charlottetown Boulevard and Bridgeport Drive are both local roads thatintersect with Lawrence Avenue East to form a full intersection with four approaches. Charlottetown Boulevard is on the north side of Lawrence Avenue East and Bridgeport Drive is directly opposite on the south side. At Charlottetown Boulevard/Bridgeport Drive, there is an eastbound left-turn lane and near-side bus bay, and a westbound left-turn lane and far-side bus stop. Sir Oliver Mowat Collegiate Institute is located immediately west of Charlottetown Boulevard at 5400 Lawrence Avenue East. The Port Union Community Centre at 5450 Lawrence Avenue East is located immediately east of Charlottetown Boulevard. Adjacent traffic control signals are locatedapproximately 465 metres to the west at Centennial Road and 330 metres to the east at PortUnion Road.

An eight hour traffic control signal warrant study was conducted and revealed that traffic control signals are technically warranted. The results are listed below:

Warrant Compliance
Minimum Vehicular Volume 80 percent
Delay to Cross Traffic 86 percent
Collision Hazard 13 percent

For the traffic control signal warrants to be satisfied, one of the "Minimum Vehicular Volume" or "Delay to Cross Traffic" warrants must be 100 percent satisfied or any two of the three warrants must be at least 80 percent satisfied. The "Collision Hazard" warrant is based on the number of collisions that occurred at the intersection in a three-year period which were potentially preventable by the installation of traffic control signals. Collision statistics provided by the Toronto Police Service indicate that two collisions occurred over a three-year period from January 1, 1994, to December 31, 1996, which were potentially preventable by the installation of traffic control signals. Neither collision involved pedestrians. Based on the above information, the technical warrants for the installation of traffic control signals are met.

As part of the installation of traffic control signals, the construction of concrete median islands, on both the eastbound and westbound approaches to the intersection, is proposed. These median islands are required to accommodate traffic signal plant and will also serve as a pedestrian refuge area.

Because of the distance to adjacent control devices, the installation of traffic control signals would not have a significant impact on the effectiveness of this arterial road within the network of arterial roads. Furthermore, the traffic control signals would provide benefits to all road users in the immediate area.

Both Councillors within the affected Ward have voiced their support for the proposed installation of traffic control signals at this location.


The installation of traffic control signals on Lawrence Avenue East and Charlottetown Boulevard/Bridgeport Drive are technically warranted and would provide benefits to all road users in the immediate area. In 1998, $1.6 million has been allocated for new traffic control signal installation. Twenty-one traffic control signals have been approved so far in 1998, which fully commits all these funds. Therefore, unless additional funding is identified in 1998, the installation of newly approved traffic control signals will have to await approval of the appropriate budget item in the 1999 Capital Budget.

Contact Name and Telephone Number:

Mr. Martin D. Maguire, Acting Manager, East Traffic Region, 392-5243.

(A copy of the location plan, which was appended to the foregoing report, has been forwarded to all Members of Council with the agenda of the September 8, 1998 meeting of the Urban Environment and Development Committee, and a copy thereof is also on file in the office of the City Clerk.)


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