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  City of Toronto Council and Committees
  All Council and Committee documents are available from the City of Toronto Clerk's office. Please e-mail


June 18, 1999


City Council, at its meeting held on June 9, 10 and 11, 1999, had before it the following Motion:

Moved by:Councillor Ootes

Seconded By:Mayor Lastman

"WHEREAS the Chief Administrative Officer has identified a personnel matter that must be resolved as soon as possible;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT City Council resolve itself into Committee of the Whole in-camera to consider this matter; and that this matter be considered at 2:00 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, June 9, 1999."

Council adopted the Motion, without amendment.

Council subsequently adopted the confidential report dated June 9, 1999, from the Chief Administrative Officer, subject to:

(1)amending Recommendation No. (3) by inserting the words "and internal", after the words "an external"; and

(2)striking out Recommendation No. (4) and inserting in lieu thereof the following new Recommendation No. (4):

"(4)a selection panel, consisting of the members of the Administration Committee, and Councillors Disero, Jakobek, Layton and O'Brien, be established, and the quorum of the selection panel be 50 percent of the membership of the Administration Committee;",

so that the recommendations embodied in such report shall now read as follows:

"It is recommended that:

(1)the leaving arrangement for Margaret Rodrigues, Commissioner of Corporate Services, in accordance with the terms of her employment contract with the City of Toronto, be approved;

(2)By-law No. 37-1998 be repealed insofar as it relates to the appointment of Margaret Rodrigues, Commissioner of Corporate Services;

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(3)an external and internal search be initiated by the Chief Administrative Officer to fill the position of Commissioner of Corporate Services;

(4)a selection panel, consisting of the members of the Administration Committee, and Councillors Disero, Jakobek, Layton and O'Brien, be established, and the quorum of the selection panel be 50 percent of the membership of the Administration Committee;

(5)the recommendations of the selection panel be submitted to the Administration Committee and Council;

(6)in the interim, the Chief Administrative Officer take responsibility for the Corporate Services Department until such time as a recommendation on the appointment of an Acting Commissioner of Corporate Services is made to City Council for approval;

(7)leave be granted to introduce any necessary bill in Council; and

(8)the appropriate City Officials be authorized to take any necessary action to give effect thereto."

Council also adopted the following recommendation:

"It is further recommended that the City Clerk be instructed to convey to Ms.Rodrigues, the following message from this Council:

'This Council offers the most sincere thank you to Margaret Rodrigues. She has done an extremely good job through this amalgamation process, as well as all the other daily tasks to which she had to attend. We wish her well in the future and in all her endeavours.' "

for City Clerk



Sent to:Administrative Committee

Councillor Disero

Councillor Jakobek

Councillor Layton

Councillor O'Brien

Chief Administrative Officer

City Clerk

City Solicitor


Please note that council and committee documents are provided electronically for information only and do not retain the exact structure of the original versions. For example, charts, images and tables may be difficult to read. As such, readers should verify information before acting on it. All council documents are available from the City Clerk's office. Please e-mail


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