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July 15, 1999

To:Chairman and Members, Etobicoke Community Council

From:Karen V. Bricker, MCIP, Director of Community Planning, West District

Subject:Official Plan and Zoning Code Amendments

Storcan Self Storage One Limited

65 Kelfield Street

File No: Z-2277(Rexdale-Thistletown)


To consider a site specific proposal for amendments to the Etobicoke Official Plan and Zoning Code to permit vacant Ontario Hydro lands to be developed with a range of industrial uses, including a mini-storage warehouse.

Funding Sources, Financial Implications and Impact Statement:

City Funding is not required. There are no impacts on capital or operating budgets.


It is recommended that:

1.City Council approve the application by Storcan Self Storage One Limited for amendments to the Etobicoke Official Plan and Zoning Code, subject to the conditions outlined in the conclusion to this report.

2.Subject to the conditions set out in this report, that by-laws to implement the Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments be introduced to City Council.


On October 21, 1998, Storcan Self Storage One Limited submitted an application to amend the Etobicoke Official Plan and Zoning Code to permit vacant Ontario Hydro lands to be developed with a range of industrial uses, including a mini-storage warehouse. A preliminary report on the application was forwarded to Etobicoke Community Council on November 12, 1998. The applicant submitted additional required information in support of the application on May 26, 1999.


Site Description and Surrounding Uses:

The subject site is located on the south side of Kelfield Street and comprises former Ontario Hydro lands that are vacant. The lands on the north side of Kelfield Street are undeveloped and zoned Class 2 Industrial (I.C2). A hydro corridor is also located on the north side of Kelfield Street. Highway 401 is located immediately to the south. To the east, lands are zoned Class 1 Industrial (I.C1) and have been developed with an industrial building. The lands immediately surrounding the site are owned by Ontario Hydro and are occupied by hydro facilities and transmission towers (Exhibit No. 1).


Storcan Self Storage One Limited is the prospective owner of approximately 4.04 ha (9.97 ac) of land currently owned by Ontario Hydro situated on the south side of Kelfield Street, between existing Ontario Hydro facilities and Highway 401. The applicant is requesting site specific amendments to the Etobicoke Official Plan and Zoning Code to redesignate the lands from Utility to Industrial and Class 1 Industrial (I.C1), respectively, to permit them to be developed with a range of industrial uses. In the event that their application to amend the Etobicoke Official Plan and Zoning Code is approved, the applicant would proceed to the Committee of Adjustment for a severance to legally establish the development parcel.

The applicant intends to develop a mini-storage warehouse facility on the westerly portion of the site with legal frontage and access on Kelfield Street (see Parcel 'A' - Exhibit No. 2). The lands shown as Parcel 'C' would be available for the applicant's use as a second driveway through a right-of-way agreement with Ontario Hydro and are to be deeded to the applicant within three years from the date of closing of the real estate transaction. At that time, the applicant intends to sever the lands in order to create a second development parcel (Parcel 'B') through a second consent application to the Committee of Adjustment. The future development parcel would have legal frontage and separate access on Kelfield Street via Parcel 'C' and would be developed in accordance with the proposed Class 1 Industrial (I.C1) zoning. The lands conveyed to the applicant by Ontario Hydro, including both driveways, are subject to easements in favour of Ontario Hydro, including all existing easements, rights, licenses and encroachments.

The proposed development on Parcel 'A' would consist of nine mini-storage warehouse buildings with a total gross floor area of 11 356 m2 (122,239 sq. ft.). Buildings 1 through 7 would be one-storey in height. Building 1 would contain an administrative office component for the storage business. Buildings 8 and 9 would be two and three storeys in height, respectively. Customer parking would be provided adjacent to Building 1 (Exhibit No. 3).

Exhibit No. 1 is a map showing the location of the subject property and surrounding zoning. Exhibit No. 2 illustrates the proposed development parcels. Exhibit No. 3 is a reduction of a site plan for the proposed mini-storage warehouse complex. A summary of information provided by the applicant is listed in Table No. 1, which is on file in the office of the City Clerk.

Official Plan and Zoning Code:

Official Plan:

The subject lands are designated Utility within the Etobicoke Official Plan. Section 4.10.4 of the Plan provides that where Utility designations become available for development, they may be zoned for development in accordance with the adjacent land use designation without an amendment to the Plan, subject to Section 4.10.5. Notwithstanding this provision, Storcan Self Storage One Limited has requested that the property be redesignated from Utility to Industrial in order to more closely align with the proposed Class 1 Industrial (I.C1) zoning.

Section 4.7.11 of the Plan requires that any proposal to add an industrial designation be evaluated on the basis of: the impact on and compatibility with the land surrounding the subject land use; the viability of the remainder of the lands to be left in their current designation and used for that designated purpose; and, the adequacy of the transportation network, particularly the local road system, to accommodate additional traffic volumes, if such are contemplated.

Section 4.10.5 of the Plan requires that, prior to approving an amendment to redesignate a Utility designation to accommodate development, Council shall: consider the feasibility of acquiring lands which have been declared surplus by the authority involved for housing or to fulfill the objectives of the Municipal Open Space and Recreation Master Plan; be satisfied that the proposed uses may be developed without environmental or safety hazards resulting from the previous or existing utility use of the property; and, be satisfied that the proposed use is compatible with the surrounding land uses and within the intent of the Plan.

Staff have had regard for the criteria contained in Sections 4.7.11 and 4.10.5 of the Etobicoke Official Plan for redesignating the lands from Utility to Industrial to permit industrial development. Based on the result of the evaluation, which is attached as Exhibit No. 4, the proposed site-specific amendment from Utility to Industrial is considered appropriate.

Zoning Code:

The subject site is presently zoned Utility (U) which permits agricultural, recreational, and public uses, including Ontario hydroelectric power facilities. The proposed mini-storage warehouse use and other industrial uses typically found within Class 1 Industrial (I.C1) zones are not permitted. A Site-specific amendment to the Zoning Code is therefore necessary.

The amending by-law should set out the development parcels reflected in Exhibits Nos. 2 and 3. An amendment to Section 304-36 D. (1) of the Etobicoke Zoning Code would be required to permit the applicant to construct Building 7 one metre (3 ft.) from the northerly side property line. An amendment to Section 304-36 H. (1) of the Code would also be required to eliminate the need for truck loading spaces in connection with the proposed mini-storage warehouse buildings.

The development of Parcel 'B' would be subject to the Class 1 Industrial (I.C.1) provisions of the Etobicoke Zoning Code.

Agency Comments:

The Ministry of Municipal Affairs, the Fire Services staff, and Realty Services staff have no objections to the proposed amendments. No comments have been received from Parks and Recreation Services, to date.

Community Planning staff consider the reduced westerly side yard setback for Building 7 to be appropriate in light of the abutting Hydro transmission facilities. Traffic Planning staff have advised verbally that, given the nature of the proposed mini-storage warehouse, they have no objection to the applicant's request to amend the Etobicoke Zoning Code requirement that one 16.5 m (54 ft.) long truck loading space be provided for each mini-storage building exceeding 500 m2.

Community Planning staff have advised the applicant that any future consent application for the purpose of creating Parcel 'B' would only be supported in the event that legal frontage and individual access is established. Urban Design staff have no particular design or architectural concerns at this time. The applicant would be required to submit detailed site, landscape, and elevation plans as part of the Site Plan Control Approval process.

Traffic Planning staff of the Works and Emergency Services Department have advised that, based on Zoning Code requirements, a total of 114 parking spaces are required for the proposed mini-storage warehouse facility whereas only 62 are proposed. Traffic Planning staff are of the opinion that uses of this type typically generate a low level of customer parking demand and that staffing for the facility will be minimal. Based on the anticipated parking demand, Traffic Planning staff believe that the proposed parking ratio of 0.55 spaces/100 m2 (1,076 sq. ft.) is more than adequate for the proposed mini-warehouse development on Parcel 'A'. The applicant will be required to address City requirements with respect to grading, asphalting, and delineating the proposed internal vehicular circulation driveway as part of the Site Plan Control process (Exhibits Nos. 5 and 5a).

Development Engineering Services staff of the Works and Emergency Services Department have no objection to the requested amendments. The developer will be financially responsible for all work within the road allowance including any costs arising from the relocation and removal of existing services and utilities. The developer will be required to apply to the Works and Emergency Services Department for the installation of the service connections within the road allowance, along with a plan showing the proposed connections.

Works and Emergency Services Department records show that there are easements for oil pipelines running adjacent to Kelfield Street and the applicant will be required to contact the respective oil companies for any necessary approval and/or clearances with respect to the proposed driveway crossings.

At the time of preparation of this report, the environmental report submitted in support of the subject application was under review by the Environmental Engineering Section of the Works and Emergency Services Department (Exhibits Nos. 6 and 6a).

Community Planning staff recommend that, prior to passing by-laws related to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning Code amendments, confirmation be provided by Works and Emergency Services staff that any environmental issues have been satisfactorily addressed and clearances from the respective oil companies obtained.

The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has advised that they have no objection in principle to the proposed rezoning, subject to the applicant obtaining all necessary permits from the MTO prior to any development of the subject lands (Exhibit No. 7).

Toronto Hydro Electric Commission has advised that it has no objection to the proposed amendments. As part of the Site Plan Control process, the applicant will be required to address matters set out in Exhibit No. 8 of this report.

Bell Canada has advised that the owner will be required to grant any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. As part of the Site Plan Control process, the applicant will be required to address the requirements set out in Exhibit No. 9 of this report .

Parkland Contribution:

As the proposed mini-storage warehouse facility exceeds 929 m2 (10,000 sq. ft.) in gross floor area, the payment of 2% cash-in-lieu of parkland contribution would be required, prior to the issuance of any building permit(s).


The subject property is composed of surplus Ontario Hydro land that is surrounded by lands that are designated for industrial purposes. Planning staff have evaluated the proposed amendments within the context of Official Plan policies and are of the opinion that the proposed industrial development would be appropriate, subject to the following conditions to approval.

Conditions to Approval:

1.Prior to the enactment of the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law, confirmation be received from Works and Emergency Services staff that any environmental issues have been satisfactorily addressed, and that clearance be obtained from the respective oil companies regarding the proposed driveway crossings.

2.Fulfillment of the following conditions prior to the enactment of an amending by-law:

Receipt of satisfactory comments from Parks and Recreation Services.

Confirmation that the Committee of Adjustment has given consent to create development Parcel 'A' and that any conditions to approval have been fulfilled.

3.The amending by-law shall rezone the subject lands from Utility (U) to Class 1 Industrial (I.C1), subject to the following provisions:

i)Development of Parcels 'A' and 'B' shall be in accordance with the Class 1 Industrial (I.C1) provisions of the Etobicoke Zoning Code.

ii)Notwithstanding Sections 3. (i) of the by-law and 320-18 F. (2) of the Etobicoke Zoning Code, a minimum of 62 parking spaces, including at least one handicapped space located as close to the principal office building entrance, shall be provided on Parcel 'A' if the lands are developed for mini-storage warehouse purposes.

iii)Notwithstanding Sections 3. (i) of the by-law and 304-36 D. (1) of the Etobicoke Zoning Code, Building 7 as depicted on Schedule 'B' of this by-law shall maintain a minimum setback of 1 metre from the northerly side property line.

iv)Notwithstanding Sections 3. (i) of the by-law and 304-36 H. (1) of the Etobicoke Zoning Code, no off-street loading spaces are required for mini-storage warehouse buildings constructed on Parcels 'A' or 'B'.

4.Further detailed consideration of the proposed development under the Site Plan Control provisions to include, inter alia, the signing of a Site Control Agreement and payment of financial guarantee and applicable development charges and cash-in-lieu of parkland.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen V. Bricker, MCIP

Director, Community Planning, West District

Report prepared by:

Brian van den Brink, Planner

West District




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