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March 5, 1999

To:Toronto Community Council

From:City Clerk

Subject:1999 Operating Budget Review

The Budget Committee reports having completed its preliminary review of the 1999 Operating Budget and directed:

(1)that the 1999 Operating Budget, together with the communication (March 5, 1999) from Councillor Tom Jakobek, Chair, Budget Committee, be forward to all Community Councils and Standing Committees for consideration;

(2)that the preliminary recommendations of the Budget Committee be forwarded to the Community Councils and Standing Committees for information; and

(3)that the Community Councils and Standing Committees be requested to forward their recommendations pertaining to the 1999 Operating Budget to the Budget Committee prior to the commencement of the 'wrap-up' meetings on April 6, 1999.

City Clerk

B. Henderson/ms

March 5, 1999


The Budget Committee has now concluded its preliminary review of the 1999 Operating Budget. The attached revisions, combined with the Chief Administrative Officer's recommended budget, delivers a zero tax increase. If you look closely you will find that, with the exception of snow removal, sanitation, parks and other harmonization issues have been incorporated into the Budget at the request of staff. We believe that the draft Budget is fair and reasonable but obviously your input at the Standing Committee and Community Council level is needed.

We urge you not to recommend any changes which would add to our costs without identifying a source of funding or offsetting reductions.

If you have any questions, please call Shekhar Prasad at 392-8095 or Josie La Vita at 392-0483. I have also included a copy of our schedule for the Budget Committee 'wrap-up' meetings.

Thank you for your patience and help.

Councillor Tom Jakobek

Chair, Budget Committee





Monday, February 22, 1999

Homes for the Aged

(1)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report to the Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee and the Budget Committee in June or July, 1999, on the loss of $15 million in Provincial funding since 1996, identifying options as to how the money would be spent if returned by the Provincial Government; the said report to include options of expanding the number of available beds, improving the personal care level, as well as other service restorations.

(2)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee providing an update on the 'Replacement Co-payment' program.

(3)That City Council request the province to replace the funding the City received previously from client co-payments ($350,000.00) for Supportive Housing so that 35 clients can continue to be served by the program.

(4)That City Council request the Province to restore up to $15 million of subsidies previously funded in 1996 to the City of Toronto, now that funding is available from the Federal Government.

Children's Services

(1)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee and Budget Committee if and when the Province announces details of Learning, Earning and Parenting (LEAP) initiative and the criteria for qualification.

(2)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to Budget Committee on:

(a)(i)a plan to phase in the $23 million shortfall caused by the City/Province not paying full operating costs since 1993 for licenced care and 1991 for home care;

(ii)pay equity; and

(iii)increase rental costs;

(b)the Daycare Grant Program; and

(c)all the summer camps provided throughout the City, with emphasis upon harmonizing the services that exist and addressing the possibility of reallocating the summer camps to a program where they could be cost-shared.

(3)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on:

(a)the status of the Social Assistance Reserve Funds, including the adequacy based on historical needs, the plan to fund the reserve that would maintain it at the recommended level, and the GTA pooling implications.

(b)public school space negotiations.

Public Library

The Chief Librarian be requested to provide the requested report pertaining to potential library closures to the Finance and Priorities Committee no later than September 1999.

Shelter, Housing and Support

(1)The Chief Administrative Officer, in consultation with the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services, be requested to report to the Community and Neighbourhood Services Committee on the organizational structure of the Shelter, Housing and Support Division.

(2)Recommended the approval of funding in the amount of $635,000.00 for the information technology upgrades and that the pro-rated savings (estimated at $250,000.00 annually) be incorporated into the budget depending on the implementation date of the system.

(3)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to develop a strategy to protect the City if interest rates go up, including the implications of GTA pooling.

(4)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on a strategy and funding implications to address higher maintenance costs for older housing units.

(5)Final consideration of this budget deferred pending the Budget Committee review of the budget implications detailed within the "Response to the Mayor's Homelessness Action Task Force Final Report".

Toronto Housing Company

The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer of the Toronto Housing Company, be requested to report back (with presentation) to Budget Committee on the following:

(1)the administration and maintenance component of the Toronto Housing Company that is 'out sourced' in comparison to what is being done 'in-house', and further provide comparatives between those factors that are relevant with the private sector from the studies supporting the business plan;

(2)the breakdown of staffing levels within the Toronto Housing Company, to include salary structure and position type of each level; and further provide comparatives between those factors that are relevant with the private sector;

(3)the exact total budget breakdown for Cityholme and Metro Housing:

(i) prior to amalgamation;

(ii) what it is right now; and

(iii) what it is projected to be next year;

(4)earnings and expenditures on a building to building basis for the Community Use of Space Program; and

(5)options of accelerating savings in the five year business plan that includes a greater amount than what was proposed in the recommended 1999 budget.

Social Development and Administration

No requests.

Consolidated Grants

(1)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to Budget Committee on the following:

(i)identification of the composition of the $282.4 thousand in Council Grants;

(ii)the possibility of levering non-profit, public and private partnerships to fund the Food Access Grants projects and initiatives; and

(iii)the terms and conditions of the Termite Control Research Grants with the University of Toronto, specifically addressing whether the former City of York's obligation was a continuing one, and whether any royalty rights are part of the agreement, such report to be submitted within two months time.

(2)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services and the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, be requested to report back to the Economic Development Committee and the Budget Committee clarifying the structure and administration of the Arts and Culture Grants, and for the budget document to reflect the requested increase for Toronto Arts Council 1999 administration given their increased mandate and responsibilities.

(3)The Chief Administrative Officer review and report back to the Economic Development Committee as to whether there is any duplication of grants.

(4)The Budget envelope be revised to include the entire $1.378 million, save and accept, $400,000.00 for Senior Tax assessment, $80,000.00 for the Yonge Street Facade and $282,600.00 for Council grants; and further requested that the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services provide a further report in that regard.

Social Services

The proposed social assistance caseload of 75,000 be further reduced by 500 cases and that the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back, if necessary, on any further adjustment which may need to be made to the welfare caseload.

Public Health

(1)The Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services, in consultation with the Medical Officer of Health, be requested to report back to Budget Committee on the following:

(i)clarify and provide details related to the 1998 and 1999 budgeted expenditures for the Research and Education Program;

(ii)possibility of cost recovery for the Food Safety Program through charging for re-inspection of food premises by the Licencing Division, in consultation with Legal Division and relevant Commissioners;

(iii)for those programs considered for harmonization, identify those components which are not provided by any other Agency (e.g. TB immunization);

(iv)which Public Health programs are more suitable to be delivered and funded by the Federal Government given its large surplus and new spending in health, e.g. education, public awareness campaigns;

(v)appropriate staff meeting with Provincial and Federal representatives to see if up to $1.5 million for Tuberculosis, Needle Exchange and Food Safety can be funded through cost sharing between the City, the Province of Ontario and the Federal Government for 1999; and

(vi)feasibility of reinstating funding for A7 (Contract Funding to Planned Parenthood of Toronto), A11 (Elimination of 2 FTE's Tobacco and Substance Abuse) and A12 (Reduced Purchase of Service for Sexual Health and AIDS/STD Prevention) in the Public Health Budget, providing suggestions as to how funding for these programs could be achieved from within the 1999 budget envelope.

(2)The Members of the Budget Committee be provided with a schedule outlining the cost estimates for Option 'B' for harmonizing the Tuberculosis, Needle Exchange and Food Safety Programs.

Tuesday, February 23, 1999

Parks and Recreation

(1)Harmonization of User Fees - Recommended Option 'B' as the preferred option and requested the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism to report back to the Budget Committee on the following matters relating to Option 'B':

(i)the financial implications of implementing Option B in 1999;

(ii)the costs and benefits of providing the 'adult drop-in program' free of charge so as to facilitate family uses of recreation centres;

(iii)the additional costs of accommodating a likely increase in the demand for programs under Option 'B';

(iv)the cost and other implications of phasing-in Option 'B' over a three-year period;

(v)how the additional costs of Option 'B' will be offset by the Budget Committee's recommended reductions/revenues ($950,000.00 net) from the review, together with the results of a staff review of golf and ferry fees.

(2)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism and the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services consider buying receptacles in bulk thus resulting in savings to the City, and report back on the implications of advertising on receptacles.

(3)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to meet with the General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission to discuss the possibility of offering an incentive to those going to the Island by public transit by offering a discount on the ferry ride to the Island, and report back to the Budget Committee in that regard.

(4)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism to ensure that the contract for advertising on receptacles is awarded based on tendering.

Customer and Business Support

The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism to report back to the Budget Committee at the 'wrap-up' meeting providing additional savings with regard to the subject budget the said savings to be approximately $300,000.00.

Arena Boards of Management

The City Auditor be requested to review the revenues and expenditures of those arenas with large deficits, and report back to Budget Committee with recommendations on how those deficits may be reduced.

Economic Development

The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report back to Budget Committee:

(1)(i)providing an additional $200,000.00 in cuts to the budget, the said cuts to be considered in the following programs (a) Economic Analysis; and/or (b) Marketing/Investment Promotion; and/or (c) Film Permit Processing;

(ii)on the costs related to implementing Film Permit Fees, to include having the said fee set at $60.00.

(2)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to report back as soon as possible on Tourism Toronto's 1999 budget request and the impact of a 10 percent cut consistent with the previous funding reduction agreement with former Metro Council.

Arts and Culture

(1)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism and the Commissioner of Community and Neighbourhood Services be requested to report back to the Economic Development Committee and the Budget Committee on the administration of Arts Grants through the Toronto Arts Council, possibly through a similar reduction from the Cultural office as it no longer administers Arts Grants.

(2)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on:

(i)reducing the budget by a further $200,000.00;

(ii)further reductions that may result from the restructuring of Culture and Heritage Services.


The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on:

(1)a plan for the management and maintenance of Heritage buildings and properties, as part of the restructuring implementation, given that they are currently maintained through a number of programs including Parks and Recreation, Heritage Toronto and Facilities; and

(2)possible ways of reducing the budget by a further $100,000.00, possibly by reducing materials and supplies.

Special Events

The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report back to Budget Committee:

(1)on possibly reducing the budget by $150,000.00; and

(2)providing an update in six month's time on the program's Corporate Sponsorship efforts.

Theatres and Galleries

(1)The Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism be requested to report back to the Economic Development Committee:

(i)providing a comprehensive study respecting the future of theatres in Toronto, including those occupying City buildings that are operated privately; and

(ii)on utilizing other City Departments to extend the theatres marketing capabilities.

(2)St Lawrence Centre - referred back to staff for further report as to whether there are other alternatives to generate monies for this theatre and on any programs that are not cost effective and their possible discontinuation.

(3)The St. Lawrence Centre to report on possible expenditure reductions that can offset the $65,000.00 marketing and sponsorship request and if reductions cannot be made to offset the full $65,00.00, use capital reserve to finance this one time expense.

(4)North York Performing Arts Centre Corporation to report on the financial performance of the North York Performing Arts Centre by June, 1999.

Wednesday, February 24, 1999


(1)Reduction of $19,000.00 for School Patrol Grants be accepted and Finance Department confirm that this grant funding is provided and documented in the Police Services Budget.

(2)Reinstate the following programs:

(i)Surface Repair in the amount of $343,500.00;

(ii)Sidewalk Repair in the amount of $171,800.00; and

that the Works and Utilities Department provide alternative reductions in the amount of $515,300.00.

(3)The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the harmonization of services, the said report to include, but not be limited to:

(i)Snow Plowing - plan towards standardization throughout the City; how it is being addressed over time, i.e. some areas have sidewalk clearing, some areas have windrow clearing, etc.; and

(ii)Snow Removal - how the Department is going to build up the reserve fund; sidewalk clearing, number of seniors receiving snow removal service; other options for snow clearing of sidewalks and breakdown of snow removal by District.

(3)The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services to report back to the Budget Committee with a complete breakdown of the fee structure for permit fees so that the Budget Committee can make recommendations on the proposed increase in permit fees by $600,000.00 for 1999 in the Transportation budget, noting that particular emphasis should be placed on the details concerning permit parking across the various former municipalities and what level should be recommended across the City.

(4)Harmonization of permit fees for street parking to be at the 'average' range, keeping in mind the sensitivity of the permit parking issue.

(5)Eliminate funding for special leaf pick-up throughout the City (recommended while considering the Solid Waste Management Operating Budget).


(1)Prior to the Budget Committee 'wrap-up' session set aside time to review all consultants hired by the Chief Administrative Officer in the last year, to include costs, the purpose for which they were hired and date of completion, and further requested that KPMG be invited to attend such meeting to answer Members questions.

(2)A Task Force Group, consisting of Councillors Balkissoon, Shiner, Pitfield and Chow (when available), be established to review the Fire Department's budget with a mandate to reduce the budget so it is more in line with the average reduction of other departments, the said review to include the administrative functions and an analysis of whether savings could be achieved in this area.


The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee providing an update on the cross border billings issue when further information becomes available.

Solid Waste Management

(1)The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Works and Utilities Committee on:

(i)providing blue box service across the entire City, including single family residential homes and town homes;

(ii)replacement of 'flower pot' bins in the former City of North York with the standard metal container bin system; and

(iii)implementing a 'bagged' system for leaf pick-up throughout the City and what savings could be realized if this program were approved.

(2)The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee meeting on:

(a)providing a review of the commercial garbage collection and examining the possibility of:

(i)charging a fee for commercial garbage pickup; and

(ii)offering a discount or free collection for compost, glass, cardboard and other recyclable materials;

(b)an implementation strategy and related costs for phasing-in Recommendation (2)(a) over three years, i.e. chart format showing Years 1, 2 and 3, what the impact would be, what the revenues would be, etc.;

(c)providing a map of the City showing all the recycling locations, where residents can bring their recyclable materials to now at the transfer stations, and where the Scarborough transfer stations are to see if they is a requirement to retain all the existing recycling locations; and

(d)areas of the City that still may not be serviced by bagged leaf pick-up and the cost of that service.

(3)Eliminate twice a week waste collection in all areas of the City; defer consideration of eliminating twice a week collection in the summer months for high need areas pending a report from the Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services clarifying high need areas, including a map showing where the 'high need areas' are in the City and the cost of delivering this service.

(4)Yard waste collection to be harmonized throughout the City in the summer months.

(5)Implementation of a fee for lost or additional recycling containers (blue/grey boxes) and damaged or worn-out recycling containers be replaced free of charge.

(6)The three bag limit for waste to be placed at the curbside by residents NOT be approved.

(7)The elimination of free disposal by City residents at transfer stations and the landfills NOT be approved.

(8)The contribution to the Equipment Reserve Fund to continue.

(9)Reduce the Environment Days budget by $50,000.00 ($450,000.00)

(10)Public recycling igloos not be eliminated.

Support Services

The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services report back on the annual cost of producing the garbage schedule calenders.

Technical Services

No requests.

Toronto Parking Authority

The President of the Toronto Parking Authority be requested to ensure that, in setting new rates, the TPA Board make increases for parking as equitable as possible across the City and that the Board report back to the Budget Committee on any increase in the City's share of net revenues as a result of implementing revised parking rates during 1999.

Urban Planning and Development Services

(1)The $108,000.00 Toronto Cycling Program, consisting of $68,000.00 from Urban Planning and $40,000.00 from Transportation, be deleted and TAF be requested to fund the Cycling Program (including a service expansion request of $148,000.00); the transfer of said program conditional upon TAF having sufficient funds available.

(2)The Chief Administrative Officer, in conjunction with the appropriate Commissioners, be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on any necessary changes in the staff compliment in City departments that review planning applications, site plan applications or building permits to facilitate a reasonable turnaround for all applications, including turnaround time for comments from other departments.


(1)The Licensing Administration Division budget referred back to the budget analyst, to work in conjunction with program staff to achieve savings to flatline the 1999 gross expenditure budget.

(2)The Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on :

(i)recovering the full cost of $701,000.00 related to the implementation of the Task Force recommendations with respect to the taxicab industry; and

(ii)potential annualized savings/efficiencies from the merger of the Licensing Division with Municipal Standards.


(1)The adoption of the joint report (February 23, 1999) from the City Clerk and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, subject to striking out the sum of "$30,000.00" in Recommendation (2) and inserting in lieu thereof "up to $25,000.00"

(2)Ten percent cut of each Councillors office budget to $63,000.00 (total of $399,000.00).

(3)Accepting the $30,000.00 reduction of Association of Municipalities of Ontario fees and transfer the Association of Municipalities (AMO) fees from Non-Program Budget to Council Budget.

(4)The reinstatement of $44,9000.00 in interdepartment recoveries.

(5)The Council Transportation budget be reduced by 10 percent ($48,000.00) in 1999.

Thursday, February 25, 1999


(1)City Auditor be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)the Department's recommendations of the suggested comments that should be made on the various Agencies, Boards and Commissions audits, and the cost, if there is one, to the Department to provide that service; and

(ii)prior to the City embarking on the purchase and implementation of the new radio system, provide a review of same.

Legal Services

(1)The City Solicitor be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)the cost breakdown on the departments that are receiving services from Legal;

(ii)the average number of articling law students that work for law firms of similar size as the legal division of the City, compared to the articling law students that work for the City's Legal Department; and further if there is the opportunity to use planning graduates or students for research work for Ontario Municipal Board appeals.

(2)The City Solicitor and the Commissioner of Urban Environment and Development be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)funds spent in 1998 for Ontario Municipal Board appeals and the amount included in the Non-Program budget and Urban Development budget in 1999;

(ii)the outside planning budget for Ontario Municipal Board Hearings not being transferred to the Non-Program budget but rather to the Urban Planning Department budget and further that the selection of outside planners still be done by legal but paid for from recoveries to Urban Planning; and

(3)The City Solicitor be requested to report back on the revenue review at the Budget Committee wrap-up meeting.

Human Resources

The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back to the Corporate Services Committee in two month's time:

(1)providing data on the average number of sick days per employee during 1997 and 1998 and the number of employees on long term disability during the same period;

(2)providing recommendations on City programs to assist employees dealing with the impact of changes resulting from amalgamation, including the impact of downsizing; and

(3)providing information on the number of City employees who, having been placed into new City positions, are now resigning from their positions and having to be replaced.

Corporate Communications

(1)The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)review the existing communication function in all the departments with a view to integrating all communication functions within the Corporate Communication Division in time for next year's budget;

(ii)changing the operating hours of the Access Centre, possibly to at least 8:00 p.m., to make it more accessible to the public;

(iii)making the City website a priority in 1999 and speeding up the visitors access to the Website; and

(iv)reducing the 'Outreach' Program to a minimum.

(2)The Creative Services Unit to be operated on a charge back basis with the possibility of outsourcing the services of this unit if departments are not happy with the work in-house.

(3)Develop options for a 2.5 percent and 5.0 percent reduction noting that the reductions not be directed to areas with impact to front line public services, to include photography.


(1)The City Clerk, in consultation with the City Solicitor, be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on how to implement a change in legislation with respect to requests for information under the Privacy Act so that the City could at least recover 50 percent of the cost.

(2)The Chief Administrative Officer, Commissioner of Corporate Services and City Clerk report back to the Budget Committee on the allocation of costs for each task force for 1999 in the City and the possible allocation of these costs to the appropriate City departments, to include staff costs, where possible.

(3)The Commissioner of Corporate Services and the Commissioner of Economic Development, Culture and Tourism report back to Budget Committee on the intended use of Dempsey House in 1999 and the cost associated with that usage.

(4)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Executive Director of Information Technology be requested to report back on providing funds, in the amount of $185,000 in the Capital Budget Y2K allocation, so that the Clerk's Division may adequately address Y2K and related issues in delivering the required level of IT support.

(5)Reinstate the $140,000.00 to allow for the distribution of individual voter notification cards.

(6)The City Clerk be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the possibility of reducing the budget up to 15 percent from the 1997 budget level.

Chief Administrative Office

(1)The Chief Administrative Officer be requested to report back to the Budget Committee:

(i)with a list of all Task Forces and Committees that presently exist, and are budgeted for in 1999, their budget allocations, and an estimated cost of staff time to attend meetings or support them; and

(ii)making recommendations on where these budgets should reside in the new organization, including the centralization of corporate initiatives.

(2)The Chief Administrative Officer to provide an organizational chart of the Chief Administrator's Office identifying reductions in FTE's.

Information Technology

The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(1)identify staff from operating departments currently being funded by Year 2000 Project and identify how these positions are being backfilled by the operating departments; and

(2)the impact of reducing the budget by approximately 2 percent of the 1999 recommended budget.

Fleet Management

(1)The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)how to increase the number of hours performed by the garages in order to reduce the cost of maintenance to begin the implementation of the $480,000.00 restructuring target;

(ii)how to bring ambulance and police into a centralized fleet maintenance program;

(iii)a target reduction of at least $1 million, equivalent to 25 percent of the potential $4million in savings could be set for 1999 and a further 25 percent reduction could be targeted for the year 2000;

(iv)the actual number of vehicles in the fleet and how many the Division has been able to reduce; and

(v) an analysis of the Vehicle Replacement Program.

(2)Requested that all Commissioners attend the Budget Committee meeting when the Fleet Management Division budget is being considered during the Budget Committee 'wrap-up' session, to address Members questions with regard to the City's fleet.

(3)Given the amalgamation of the fleet and the reduction of staff, the Budget Committee recommends a reduction of the fleet by 5 percent and further that all Commissioners be requested to report back to the wrap-up session of the Budget Committee on how this reduction could be achieved.

(4)Establish a policy for 1999, starting September 3, 1999, whereby the Fleet Division must issue invoices that document individual services provided with details of parts, costs, labour hours consumed, the hourly rate, and the permissible labour hours per the manufacturers standards for the specific vehicle, and similarly fuel should be billed based on the actual consumption by departments.

Facilities and Real Estate Program

(1)The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back on the actual expenditures and revenues for 1998, the associated FTE's and the comparative budget for 1999 in FTE's, including at least a 15-20 percent reduction in FTE's.

(2)Reducing the budget by 10 to 15 percent.

Service Integration and Support

The Commissioner of Corporate Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee at its wrap-up session on reducing the budget by 10 percent indicating how she can achieve that goal.


Toronto Zoo

The 1999 request be reduced to a gross of $22.5 million and the revenues be increased to $15,525.00, with no admission fee increase, which gives a flat line net cost to the City at the 1998 level of $6.975million and covers the salary increase.

Exhibition Place

(1)Received the report (February 18, 1999) from the Interim General Manager, Exhibition Place.

(2)Adjust budget to show a surplus of $300,000.00 as a result of no longer paying Parks Division for the restoration of the park area at Exhibition Place, the $300,000.00 to be returned to the City as a surplus, and the Parks Division budget envelope to be increased by $300,000.00 in order to accommodate any park work.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

(1)Adopt a motion requesting City Councillors who are members of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to agree to receive reduced remuneration of $65.00 per member per year and mileage of up to $700.00 per year.

(2)The City Solicitor to table, for Council's consideration, a request to enact special legislation to allow City Council to disallow any payment to City Councillors (in addition to their regular salary) who sit on the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

Monday, March 1, 1999



No requests.

Toronto Police Services

(1)The report (March 1, 1999) from the Budget Task Force be adopted.

(2)The Chair, Toronto Police Services Board be requested to report back on the following:

(i)why there is a drop in the number of constables from 3,919 (December 1997) to 3,897 (December 1998), especially when the City approved the hiring of an extra 150 officers in 1998;

(ii)the cost of switching senior command officer - inspector from the front line to duty desk (contrary to the Beyond 2000 report);

(iii)there being 22 Superintendents, ten on front line, provide information as to the assignments for the other 12 Superintendents;

(iv)there being 16 Staff Inspectors assigned to Divisions, provide information as to the assignments for the other 12 Staff Inspectors;

(v)cost of transferring 19 uniform officers to Fraud Squad;

(vi)there being 4 Inspectors assigned to Divisions, provide information as to the assignments for the other 16 Inspectors;

(vii)review of the Police Fleet Replacement Plan;

(viii)review the operational merits of providing vehicles on a full time basis to Senior Officers and consideration be given to the redeployment of such vehicles and the number of vehicles of Senior Officers being reduced;

(ix)a business case be prepared with emphasis on those vehicles not required for direct policing activities;

(x)Police Services Board to consider merging its fleet maintenance services with the City's and to report back to Budget Committee in the Fall of 1999 on the progress of such request;

(xi)a proposed plan and details of a business Plan to contract out the cleaning and caretaking duties at Police Divisions, etc.; and

(xii)clarification if the budget for Police Facilities Management has increased substantially in the past few years.

(2)Appropriate staff be requested to meet with the representatives of CUPE Union Local 416 and 79 to see what efficiencies could be developed.

(3)The City Auditor and the City Solicitor be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the possibility of the City conducting the internal audit of the Police Department.

(4)Referred the report (September 28, 1998) from the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board, regarding outstanding audit recommendations to the City Auditor for a report back to the Budget Committee in that regard.

(5)CUPE Locals 416 and 79 be requested to report back to the Budget Committee at its 'wrap-up' session, submitting any suggestions with regards to cost savings.

(6)CUPE Local 416 be requested to report back to the Budget Committee clarifying the statement "tripping over each other" embodied in communication (March 1, 1999) from Mr. Brian Cochrane, President, Toronto Civic Employees Union, CUPE Local 416, viz:

"There is a duplication in management. Two sets of facilities managers - City staff and the police facilities management group are reported to be tripping over each other and it is often unclear who is responsible for what."

Toronto Transit Commission

(1)Provide figures on how much added funding is needed to keep student fares at the same rate.

(2)In recognition of the Toronto Transit Commission's deputation with regard to the impact of the Chief Administrative Officer's recommendations, that the Chief Administrative Officer be requested to meet with the General Manager, Toronto Transit Commission to resolve the issues given the reluctance to accept the budgetary and service implications of the Chief Administrative Officer's recommendations; and further requested that the Chief Administrative Officer be present at the time this matter is being discussed at the Budget Committee 'wrap up' meetings.

Friday, March 5, 1999

The following motions were tabled at the meeting:

Mayor's Office

Deferred until next meeting with request that the Mayor's Office provide more details respecting this budget.

2.4.Parking Tag Operation Program

(1)The Chair, Police Services Board, provide a copy of the latest negotiated settlement agreement for the Parking Enforcement Unit employees and further provide the recommendations from the 1998 budget deliberations and subsequent meetings relating to this Unit.

(2)The Chief Administrative Officer be requested to report back to the Budget Committee:

(i)addressing City Council's recommendation, which was adopted, to eliminate Police resources from the Parking Enforcement Unit which has not been implemented;

(ii)the use of consultants, including the number of consultants and the associated cost;

(iii)status report on the Review Team reviewing the Parking Enforcement Unit operations; and

(iv)the feasibility, as part of the Review, of detaching this operation from the Police Services so that the bargaining negotiations of newly hired employees, if this Unit is civilianized, are not part of the bargaining process of Police Officers.

(3)The City Auditor be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)review of Parking Enforcement Unit operations prior to the Year 2000 budget deliberations; and

(ii)whether the definition of absenteeism that the Parking Enforcement Unit is using is comparable to other Agencies, Boards and Commissions, and a comparison of the Parking Enforcement Unit's absenteeism rate to other Agencies, Boards and Commissions, specifically the Toronto Transit Commission.

(4)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer report back to Budget Committee on:

(i)the increase of $748,000.00 in expenditures in Parking Enforcement Unit's 1999 budget expenditures; and

(ii)the justification of the increase of $500,000.00 in the 1998 budget for recoveries of overheads by Police from Parking Enforcement to cover Police Services shortfall.

(5)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to present future budgets with the previous year's recommendations;

(6)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to report back to Budget Committee on the following:

(i)statistics and working performance, including costs, of the Municipal law Enforcement Officers and Parking Enforcement Officers; and

(iii)attendance of the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers in court trials and the successful conviction rate for offences on private property on tickets issued by the Municipal Law Enforcement Officers.


(1)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer report back to Budget Committee, on providing either temporary or surplus staff that are considered to be available from any and all departments and Human Resources to assist the Finance Department on a short term basis to accelerate the process of refunds resulting from assessment appeals.

(2)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to report back to Budget Committee on the following:

(i)strategy, including additional costs required, to bring the assessment appeal process backlog to within 3 months and no more than 6 months from the time of notification by the Province until the final stage of acquiring a refund;

(ii)strategy for handling the high volume of telephone enquiries during peak periods (tax bill time) and any additional costs required in that regard;.

(iii)update of the $15 million interest earnings the City achieved through quarterly payments to the Boards of Education and the result of negotiations on what possible assistance the City can provide to the Toronto School Boards; and

(iv) reducing the Finance budget by the end of 2000 from 12.6 percent to 15 percent and provide a plan in January or February 2000 on how this will be accomplished.

(3)The Chair of the Budget Committee and the Chair of the Works and Utilities Committee, with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, be requested to convene a meeting of all parties involved in the co-ordination of meter reading and further that the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer report back on use of alternate technologies for meter reading.

Water and Wastewater

(1)When Budget Committee considers the harmonization of rates report, the said report to provide options of harmonization rates (what the increased rate will be and how it is going to be accomplished), phasing-in not be more than 3 years and the use of wireless meter reading.

(2)At the end of 1999 there be one water rate across the City.

(3)The Commissioner of Works and Emergency Services be requested to report back to the Budget Committee on the following:

(i)unit cost of output for different technologies used at plants for similar processes;

(ii)schedule for implementing activity based costing at plants;

(iii)reasons for the cost of collection distribution system being so high (meter reading and distribution of bills);

(iv)how the Division tracks time use of staff assigned to maintenance duties;

(v)largest expenditure items in the budget;

(vi)breakdown of interdepartmental charges; and

(v)unit cost of production at the different water and sewer plants.

Tourism Toronto

(1)The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer be requested to report back to Budget Committee on the following:

(i)what savings could be achieved if the administrative duties of Tourism Toronto was carried out internally by moving it into the Economic Development, Culture and Tourism Department and further that the President and CEO of Tourism Toronto provide comments in that regard;

(ii)amount of savings through the current market value assessment reduction in taxes and how it has benefited the hotel industry in 1998, 1999 and 2000;

(iii)review what kind of 'in kind' services the City can provide;

(iv)how to reduce to 4.3 million in terms of hard grants; and

(v)comment on why revenues went up $800,000.00 and none of that revenue was taken to offset the grant.

(2)The President and CEO of Tourism Toronto report back to the Budget Committee on the amount of 'in kind' funding the Province is spending on tourism advertising in Ontario and how much is focussed on Toronto.

Non-Program Revenues and Expenditures

Deferred until next meeting.


Further motions tabled:

Location of Funds for External Planning Consultants at Ontario Municipal Board Hearings

(1)Strike out recommendations embodied in joint report (March 4, 1999) from the City Solicitor, Commissioner, Urban Planning and Development, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, Executive Director and Chief Planner and the Commissioner, Corporate Services, and insert in lieu thereof the following:

"That Council confirm that the appropriate location for funds to be allocated for external planning consultants is in the Legal Department budget."

(2)The City Solicitor be requested to report back to Budget Committee on hiring his own planners instead of paying outrageous rates for private consultants.

(3)That every request for outside planning consultants that goes before City Council have the maximum cost.

(4)The Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development and the City Solicitor report to the Urban Environment and Development Committee every three months on the expenditures to date respecting this account and further that the said report be available each time Council considers acquiring outside planners.


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