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April 13, 1999

To:Toronto Community Council

From:Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services

Subject:Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan - Proposed Plan and Authorization to Hold Open Houses and a Statutory Public Meeting (Ward 23 - Midtown)


To provide Community Council with an update on the proposed Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan, including a copy of the proposed Part II Plan; to authorize holding Open Houses in the District to elicit comments on the proposed Plan; and, subsequent to the Open Houses and any revisions arising therefrom, to authorize, soon as practical, scheduling a statutory public meeting at Community Council to be held prior to Council's consideration of the approval of the Part II Plan.

Source of Funds:

Not applicable


1. That Community Council receive the Appendix A, the proposed Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan, dated April 12, 1999, and Appendix B, the proposed Yonge-St. Clair Planning District Generalized Land Use, Map 1 for information purposes;

2. That I be authorized to hold Open Houses in the Yonge-St. Clair District to elicit input on the proposed Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan; and

3. That I be authorized, as soon as practical following the Open Houses, to schedule the public meeting required under the Planning Act at a regular meeting of Community Council to consider the adoption of the Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan by amendment to the Official Plan for the former City of Toronto and associated amendments to the Zoning By-law and that the solicitor be requested to submit, in consultation with the Commissioner of Urban Planning and Development Services, the necessary draft by-laws to give effect thereto.


(1)Reasons for the Review of the Part II Plan

The review of the Part II Plan for the Yonge-St. Clair District was not intended to generate a new Plan for the District. Rather, it was intended to address:

-the relationship of the Part II Plan to the new Official Plan for the former City of Toronto (the Part I Plan);

-design guidelines for new development along Yonge Street; and

-the appropriateness of selected, existing policies in light of current conditions.

The existing Part II Plan for the District was approved in 1976. Council of the former City of Toronto adopted a new Part I Plan for the former City of Toronto in 1994. The new Part I Plan has more detailed policies on certain subjects than either the existing Part II Plan or the former Part I Plan. Consequently, the existing Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan duplicates and potentially conflicts with some policies in the new Part I Plan. The review was intended to resolve this issue.

Although, in general, the existing Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan provides stability for the Low Density Residence Areas and guidance in the redevelopment of other areas, some issues have arisen in its implementation. Community concern has focussed on recent developments, particularly along Yonge Street, which have resulted greater density, height and "canyon-like" impacts than considered appropriate. The Part II Plan review was to suggest policies which would provide better guidance for the design of redevelopments, particularly along Yonge Street.

Finally, the Part II Plan review was to examine selected, existing policies, such as the limit on office development in the District, to determine their current relevance.


Council of the former City of Toronto, on February 3, 1995, adopted recommendations of the Land Use Committee, contained in Report No. 2, Clause No. 2, which approved the Terms of Reference for the Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan review. The Terms of Reference required that the review address issues based on the retention of the existing Part II Plan goal "to ensure and enhance the residential areas as good places to live, while allowing office and other commercial development to an extent and scale that addressed the role of the Yonge-St. Clair intersection as an intermediate office centre."

(3)Prior Public Consultation

The Land Use Committee of the former City of Toronto, at its meeting of June 13,1996, approved a public consultation program requiring the Commissioner to "consult with the Ward Councillor to create a review group of local residents made up of representatives from residents' associations and business representatives" and "based on this consultation ... prepare proposals for amending the planning policies for the area for further public review."

The Working Group of residents and business representatives met ten times between August 1996 and March 1999, reviewing and commenting upon research results and policies proposals. Generally, the proposed Part II Plan reflects a consensus of the Working Group, although, on two issues discussed below, in Section 5.4, there was not consensus.


(4)Completion of the Public Consultation Program

In accordance with the approved public consultation program, I propose to take the Part II Plan to the public via two Open Houses in the District. At these Open Houses, staff and information about the proposed Plan will be available and input from the public will be sought. I seek Community Council's authorization to hold these Open Houses.

Following these Open Houses and the receipt of public input, I will review the proposed Part II Plan in consultation with the Ward Councillors. Then the Plan will be prepared for Community Council's consideration to recommend the Plan's adoption by City Council as an amendment to the former City of Toronto's Official Plan.

Section 17 of the Planning Act requires that, prior to the adoption of an Official Plan amendment, Council must hold a public meeting at which any person or public body may make written submissions to the Council before the plan is adopted. I seek Community Council's authorization to schedule a statutory public meeting during a regularly scheduled meeting of Community Council, most likely July 14 or 15, and to notify the public in accordance with the Planning Act as soon as practical after the Open Houses.

(5)Proposed Plan

The proposed Part II Plan for the Yonge-St. Clair District, appended to this report, would, for ease of amendment, replace the existing Part II Plan in its entirety. Despite this complete replacement, the proposed Part II Plan retains many of the policy directions of the existing Part II Plan either as part of the proposed Part II Plan or through relocation of policies to the Part I Plan as discussed below.

5.1Retain the Following Existing Part II Plan Policies:

5.1.1all "Low Density Residence Areas" designations, except for the south side of Jackes Avenue which will change from Low to "High and Medium Density Residence Area" and two small areas north and south of the escarpment along Avenue Road which will change from High to "Low Density Residence Area";

5.1.2all "High Density Residence Areas" designations except as noted above;

5.1.3all "High and Medium Density Mixed Commercial-Residential Areas" (formerly shown as Yonge-St. Clair Commerce Centre Areas 1 and 3) designations;

5.1.4the Special Policy Area designation west of Yonge Street, immediately north of the CPR tracks on Birch and Alcorn Avenues which recognizes the unique mix of residential and commercial uses in the area (proposed policy 7.4); and

5.1.5all Transportation, Parking and Pedestrian Circulation policies except for a policy for the Rosehill municipal parking garage, which has been implemented and the Traffic Control Areas map.

5.2Relocate the following Existing Policies/Maps to the Part I Plan:

5.2.1the land use schedule (formerly Map A, appended to this report as Map 1);

5.2.2site specific policies for 26 to 40A Glen Elm and 26 to 40 Birch and 8 Alcorn Avenues; and

5.2.3specific references in the Part II Plan to densities in the "Mixed Commercial/ Residential Areas" which are greater than those permitted in the general Part I policies. There is no proposal to change these densities.

Some policies in the existing Part II Plan duplicate Part I policies. Other policies are handled in more detail in the Part I Plan and their retention in the Part II Plan could lead to conflict between the two plans. This duplication and potential conflict arise because of the almost twenty years difference in their adoption. As has recently been done with other Part II Plans, I propose to remove the duplicate or conflicting policies from the Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan.

5.3Delete the following Part II Plan Policies Which Are Duplicated in the Part I Plan:

5.3.1most Residence Area policies;

5.3.2existing policies 4.41 and 4.42 which specify the portions of residential and non-residential uses in Mixed Commercial-Residential Areas;

5.3.3Section 6, Parks, Ravines and Open Space policies;

5.3.4Section 7, Preservation of Community Resources within the Plan District; and

5.3.5Section 10, Non-conforming Uses.

The proposed Yonge-St. Clair Part II plan incorporates new policies which: recognize development which has occurred since the adoption of the 1976 Part II Plan; provide design guidance, setbacks and sunlight requirements for potential redevelopment areas in the District, particularly along Yonge Street and in two areas south of Heath Street - east and West of Yonge Street; improve policies for some Open Space areas which were developed as an amendment to the Part I Plan; recognize the escarpment/Lake Iroquois shoreline in the District; and strengthen residential area policies.

5.4Change or Add the Following in the Part II Plan:

5.4.1Designations for specific sites on the Land Use Schedule, consisting of: following Residence Areas, with no change in the zoning:

-part of the south side of Jackes Avenue from Low to "High Density Residence Area" to recognize existing and proposed apartment developments. There was not agreement by the Working Group on this change. However, this change, together with policies for the Natural Area, will not extend High Density Residence developments to the north side of Woodlawn Avenue;

-balance of the south side of Jackes Avenue, immediately west of David Balfour Park, from Low to "Medium Density Residence Area" to recognize, in part, existing density of development and, together with Special Policy Area E (proposed policy 7.6), permit possible redevelopment subject to certain criteria, including protecting a heritage building, sunlight on the park and views from an existing, adjacent development;.

-the east side of Avenue Road, north and south of the escarpment from High to "Low Density Residence Area" to recognize existing school uses (De La Salle College);

-north and south of Balmoral Avenue, west of Yonge Street, from "Local Commerce Area" to "Medium Density Residence Area" to recognize recent redevelopment of the site; following "Open Space" areas, with no change in zoning:

-the Vale of Avoca and the Belt Line ravines and the escarpment area north of the CPR tracks between the two ravines from "Open Space" to "Natural Area" and "Environmentally Sensitive Area" to provide greater protection for the areas and to require of assessment of impacts from developments in adjacent areas;

-add the "Open Space" area north-east of the intersection of Mount Pleasant Road and St. Clair Avenue East (Loring & Wyle Park); following Mixed Commercial-Residential (MCR) Areas, with no change in zoning:

-north side of St. Clair Avenue East, between Alvin and Ferndale Avenues from "Yonge-St. Clair Commerce Centre 2" in the existing Part II Plan and "High Density Mixed Commercial-Residential Area" in the Part I Plan to "Medium Density Mixed Commercial-Residen-tial Area" consistent with designations to the east, west and south. the following "Natural Area", with no change in zoning:

-the escarpment or Lake Iroquois shoreline between Avenue Road and the Vale of Avoca ravine together with a policy permitting only developments consistent with both the Natural Area policies of the Part I Plan and "Low Density Residence Areas" of the proposed Plan or, in the case of properties fronting on Yonge Street, "Low Density Mixed Commercial-Residential Areas" (proposed policy 6.1).

5.4.2Add a description of the urban structure of the District, together with a map illustrating some urban structure elements (proposed policy 2.1 and Map A).

5.4.3Expand the Part II Plan purpose to: protect and enhance residential areas; to require that redevelopment in MCR areas be compatible with adjacent residential areas; protect the District's special physical character; and require that new development meet high urban design standards (proposed policy 2.2).

5.4.4Add urban design principles dealing with Special Streets, prominent sites, gateways and views, lanes, enhancement of the pedestrian realm, harmony with the built form context, streetscapes and landscaping support and expand upon those design principles found in the Part I Plan (proposed policies 3.1 and 3.2).

5.4.5Add two Residence Area policies supplementing the Part I Plan by ensuring compatible development in "Low Density Residence Areas" and providing setbacks for trees in "High Density Residence Areas" (proposed policies 4.1 and 4.2).

5.4.6For "Mixed Commercial-Residential ((MCR) Areas", add policies which:

-provide additional design policies for redevelopment (proposed policy 5.1);

-require, for urban design purposes, a 3 metre setback for new buildings on the east side of Yonge Street and at the intersection of Yonge and St. Clair Avenue consistent with past redevelopment and the former, recently repealed, Metropolitan by-law. This will require a zoning by-law amendment (proposed policy 5.2);

-require that redevelopment on Yonge Street meet sunlight standards (5 hours in Low and Medium Density MCR Areas and 3 hours in High Density Areas) for the spring and fall equinoxes. This will require amending the Zoning By-law to introduce angular planes and will affect only those developments which exceed existing height and density limits (proposed policy 5.3);

-exclude portions of buildings used for interior pedestrian walkways from the calculation of non-residential gross floor area (proposed policy 5.4 (c));

-delete existing policy 4.3.1 (b) which limits office growth to 1.4 million square feet after March 31, 1976. This office cap had been included based on an assumption of a direct relationship between the growth of office space and traffic. This relationship is not defensible and existing zoning permissions exceed the cap. Office development will continue to be limited by land use designations, development opportunities and density totals; and

-add policies which specify that certain Low and Medium Density MCR Areas may be redeveloped in excess of existing height and density limits, subject to conformity with design guidelines and heights not in excess of 21 m. (Low Density) or 30 m.(High Density) (proposed policies 5.5 and 5.6). There was no agreement by the Working Group on this change. However, developments of increased height and density would be subject to the recommended built-form guidelines. Further, potential increases in height and density in the Low Density MCR Areas are limited to the east side of Yonge Street where the subway cut buffers adjacent residential areas.

5.4.7Add the following Special Policy (SP)Areas with no change in zoning:

-on the west side of Yonge, between Heath Street West and Delisle Avenue (SP Area 1) and the east side of Yonge, south of Heath Street East and west of Alvin Avenue (SP Area 2) where redevelopment is subject to site specific criteria in a new Table (proposed policies 7.1 to 7.3 and Table 1); and

-on the east side of Alvin Avenue, between St. Clair Avenue East and Heath Street East where conversion of house form buildings to office uses is permitted subject to criteria (proposed policy 7.5).


Council of the former City of Toronto directed staff to review the Yonge-St. Clair Part II Plan addressing its relationship to the new Part I Plan, improving policies guiding redevelopment, particularly along Yonge Street and examining the currency of selected, existing policies. Council also approved a public consultation program involving a Working Group consisting of representatives of residents and businesses in the District.

As a result of this process, I am proposing a Part II Plan for the Yonge-St. Clair District for further public consultation. The proposed Part II Plan retains existing policy directions, particularly those related to stable residential areas, while suggesting policies to deal with site specific issues and to provide improved guidance for redevelopment.

It is now appropriate that I take the proposed Part II Plan to the public via Open Houses. Following receipt of input from the Open Houses, I will review the Plan in consultation with the Ward Councillors. Then, in accordance with the Planning Act, notification will be provided for the statutory public meeting, likely during Community Council's July meeting, after which Council will consider a recommendation to City Council to adopt the Plan and associated amendments to the Zoning By-law. I seek Community Council's authorization for the Open Houses and for staff to schedule and undertake the required notification for the statutory public meeting .

Contact Name:Wayne Morgan

Telephone 392-1316


Beate Bowron

Director, Community Planning, South District

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