Effective January 2, 2025 – New Terms of Reference for Conceptual Servicing Plan, Site Servicing Plan, Conceptual Grading Plan, and updated Servicing Report, Site Grading Plan, and Stormwater Management Report.

Terms of Reference Application Support Materials are periodically updated to ensure application requirements are current and reflect changes in legislation, technical requirements and evolving best practices. This page provides notice of these upcoming changes and their effective date.


To show conceptual grading information for the site and building and their relationship to adjacent and surrounding streets, boulevards and properties, as well as grading of site circulation, and grading relationships for the interior and exterior of building(s). The Conceptual Grading Plan must be prepared by a Licenced Professional Engineer specialized in municipal engineering.

When Required

A Conceptual Grading Plan is required for the following application types:

  • Zoning By-law Amendment


The authority to require this work is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and to support Council-adopted policies and programs.

Required Contents


  • Metric Scale
  • Must be drawn to a 1:100 or 1:250 scale

General Details

  • Key plan including adjacent street names
  • North arrow
  • Use the Conceptual Site Plan and Topographic Survey as a base (in grey)
  • Legend for all symbols, hatching, shading, and linework
  • Benchmarks complete with description of location and geodetic elevation
  • Names of public streets and/or public lanes abutting the site
  • Site boundaries with existing/new proposed property lines
  • Municipal easements and utility easements that traverse or abut the site
  • Dimensions to boundaries of provincial highways, railway corridors, bridges, and the Toronto and Region Conservation lands in proximity to the site and including required setbacks to such areas to be denoted on the plans

Proposed Site Layout and Grading

  • Footprint of building(s) including the limit of the underground structure
  • Building elevation information including finished floor elevation (FFE), basement floor elevation (BFE), entrance elevation
  • Proposed location of vehicular accesses, internal driveways, and ramps
  • All land to be conveyed to the City including right-of-way and lane widenings, corner roundings, easements and their existing/proposed grades
  • Proposed location of entrances, accesses, and ramps, stairs, doors, and utilities, air intakes/exhausts and their respective grades and elevations
  • Grading information, including existing/proposed elevations at 6 metre intervals along property lines, driveways, sidewalks, walkways and other paved areas
  • Existing grading information external and adjacent to the site to confirm external drainage that currently traverses the site and proposed grading to accommodate external drainage through the site
  • Proposed overland flow routes through the site to their outlets


For further information please contact:

Development Engineering, Central Review Unit
Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto


To show how municipal services will be provided to the site and how those proposed services will comply with the City’s policies, guidelines, and standards.

When Required

A Conceptual Servicing Plan is required as part of the Servicing Report submitted in support of the following application types:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment


The authority to require the Conceptual Servicing Plan is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, 2006, the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Council-adopted policies, guidelines and standards (e.g., Wet Weather Flow Management Policy, levels of protection under Basement Flooding Protection Program, etc.), the City’s Sewers By-law (Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 681) and Water Supply By-law (Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 851).

The Conceptual Servicing Plan is a component of the Servicing Report.

Servicing design presented on the Conceptual Servicing Plan must meet all requirements established in the City of Toronto’s municipal engineering design policies, guidelines and standards, including but not limited to, the most recent edition of:

The Conceptual Servicing Plan must also demonstrate compliance with all applicable Provincial legislation (e.g., Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks), applicable regulations, and applicable provincial guidelines/procedures, including but not be limited to:

  • Safe Drinking Water Act;
  • Ontario Water Resources Act;
  • Environmental Protection Act;
  • MECP Procedure F-5-5;
  • Design Guidelines for Sewage Works;
  • Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual;
  • Environmental Compliance Approval design criteria.

Required Contents


  • Metric Scale
  • Must be drawn to a 1:100 or 1:200 scale

Official Plan Amendment Applications

General Details

  • Key plan including adjacent street name(s)
  • North arrow indicator
  • Municipal address(es)
  • Reference to source drawings used for existing servicing infrastructure shown on Conceptual Servicing Plan
  • Names of street(s) and/or lane(s) (public and private) abutting the site
  • Site boundaries with existing and new proposed property lines
  • Dimensions to boundaries of provincial highways, railway corridors, bridges, and the Toronto and Region Conservation lands in proximity to the site and including required setbacks to such areas to be denoted on the plans

Proposed Site Layout

  • Footprint of existing to be retained and proposed building(s) including the limit of any underground structure(s)
  • All lands that are intended to be conveyed to the City including new public streets, right-of-way and lane widenings

Existing Public and Private Servicing Information

Existing municipal and private infrastructure abutting, downstream of, or within the site including:

  • Sewers including grade, size, direction of flow, and material
  • Watermains including size and material, valves, and chambers
  • Fire hydrants
  • Existing service laterals
  • Third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)

Proposed Public Servicing Information

Proposed municipal infrastructure abutting, downstream of, or within the site including:

  • Conceptual service connections to municipal sewers and watermains
  • Conceptual new municipal infrastructure
  • Modifications and/or upgrades to existing municipal sewers and watermains
  • Third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)

Zoning By-Law Amendment Application

General Details

  • Key plan including adjacent street name(s)
  • North arrow indicator
  • Title block including City of Toronto Application Number, full municipal address(es)
  • Reference to source drawings used for existing servicing infrastructure shown on Conceptual Servicing Plan
  • Names of street(s) and/or lane(s) (public and private) abutting the site
  • Site boundaries with existing and new proposed property lines
  • Municipal and private easements that traverse or abut the site
  • Dimensions to boundaries of provincial highways, railway corridors, bridges, and the Toronto and Region Conservation lands in proximity to the site and including required setbacks to such areas to be denoted on the plans

Proposed Site Layout

  • Footprint of existing to be retained and proposed building(s) including the limit of any underground structure(s)
  • Building elevation information including height of building, finished floor elevation (FFE)
  • Proposed location of entrances, vehicular accesses, internal driveways, and ramps
  • All land that are intended to be conveyed to the City, including new public streets, right-of-way and lane widenings, corner roundings, easements.

Existing Public and Private Servicing Information

Existing municipal and private infrastructure and abutting or within the site including:

  • Sewers including grade, size, direction of flow and materials
  • Watermains including size and material, valves, and chambers
  • Fire hydrants
  • Existing service laterals
  • Third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)

Proposed Public Servicing Information

Proposed municipal infrastructure abutting or within the site including:

  • Conceptual service connections to municipal sewers and watermains
  • Conceptual new municipal infrastructure
  • Modifications and/or upgrades to existing municipal sewers and watermains
  • Third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)


For further information please contact:

Development Engineering, Central Review Unit
Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto

Attachment 1 – Servicing Requirements for Different Built Forms

The following potable water, storm and sanitary sewer servicing requirements apply to all new development applications in the City of Toronto, excluding residential developments of less than 5 dwelling units. These requirements apply in addition to and separate from any other municipal by-law or legislative requirements, including but not limited to those under the Toronto Municipal Code Chapters 681 and 851 or the Ontario Building Code.

Residential, Residential Mixed-Use, or Commercial Office Point Tower Developments

Every point tower shall have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. For clarification, this applies regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structures (including all forms of condominium ownership). Any podium that provides a base for more than one point tower shall also have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water, storm, and sanitary sewer services.

Residential or Residential Mixed-Use Townhouse Developments

Every anticipated standard or common-elements condominium corporation shall have an independent servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities.

Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all townhouse applications on the assumption that they will form part of one standard or one common-elements Condominium Corporation. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies for more than one condominium corporation encompassing any or all of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to the condominium applicant.

All Other Commercial and Industrial Development

Every parcel of land that will be separately conveyable requires its own servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. In this situation, each condominium corporation will be considered one parcel of land.

Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all commercial and industrial applications on the assumption that they will form part of one parcel of land. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies to sever or condominiumize any part of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to that applicant.

Other Forms of Development, Including Phased Development and Phased Condominiums Under Part Xl of the Condominium Act

Every building shall have its own independent servicing connection to the municipal water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities, regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structure (including all forms of condominium ownership).


To evaluate the effects of a proposed change to the Official Plan that may impact the City’s municipal servicing infrastructure (including sanitary, storm and water) and watercourses, or the effects of development on the City’s municipal servicing infrastructure and watercourses.

A Servicing Report must conduct capacity analyses to determine if the existing municipal servicing infrastructure has the capacity to accept demand generated by a proposed development or, where applicable, the proposed change to the Official Plan. If the analysis identifies that the existing municipal infrastructure does not have available capacity, the Servicing Report must also identify any improvements to existing municipal infrastructure, or new municipal infrastructure, to support the proposed change to the Official Plan or to support the proposed development. The Servicing Report must be prepared by a Licenced Professional Engineer specialized in municipal engineering.

Where a Stormwater Management Report is required, the Servicing Report must also include a  summary of the stormwater management plan documented in detail in the Stormwater Management Report (refer to the Stormwater Management Report – Terms of Reference).

When Required

A Servicing Report is required for the following application types:

  • Official Plan Amendment
  • Zoning By-law Amendment
  • Plan of Subdivision
  • Site Plan Control **

**For Site Plan Control applications, the Servicing Report will require a capacity analysis if there is a change to the existing sanitary drainage pattern, changes to the combined sewer system, or in limited cases groundwater foundation drainage discharge proposed to the sanitary system or both.


The authority to require this work is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, 2006. the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Council-adopted policies, guidelines and standards (e.g., Wet Weather Flow Management Policy, levels of protection under Basement Flooding Protection Program, etc.), the City’s Sewers By-law (Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 681) and Water Supply By-law (Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 851). The Servicing Report must be prepared in conjunction with the Conceptual Servicing Plan and, where applicable, the Stormwater Management Report. For Site Plan Control, the Servicing Report must be prepared in conjunction with the Servicing Plan and the Stormwater Management Report.

Analysis and recommendations presented in the Servicing Report must meet all requirements established in the City of Toronto’s municipal engineering design policies, guidelines and standards, including but not limited to, the most recent edition of:

The Servicing Report must also demonstrate compliance with all applicable Provincial legislation (e.g., Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks), applicable regulations, and applicable provincial guidelines/procedures, including but not limited to:

  • Safe Drinking Water Act;
  • Ontario Water Resources Act;
  • Environmental Protection Act;
  • MECP Procedure F-5-5;
  • Design Guidelines for Sewage Works;
  • Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual; and
  • Environmental Compliance Approval design criteria.

Required Contents

The Servicing Report must contain the following, and be signed and sealed by the Licensed Professional Engineer(s) responsible for its preparation:

  1. Introduction – Include brief description of development background, site description, and site proposal.
  2. Watermain System Analysis – Include estimated existing consumption, current capacity of the local watermain system, proposed domestic and fire demand under all future scenarios (average day, minimum hour, peak hour, and maximum day), identify proposed connection point(s), proposed phasing of development, net impact to the local watermain system and identify any improvements to existing watermain system, or new municipal watermains.The following information is required to be included in the Servicing Report to support the analysis of the watermain system:
    1. Information on existing watermain system:
      1. Pressure district number, where applicable. In instances where the site abuts a pressure district boundary the analysis must clearly identify which pressure district has been used for analysis.
      2. Size of existing watermain abutting the site
      3. Size and location of existing on-site watermain(s) with reference to any easement(s) as specified in Section 6 below
      4. Size and location of existing service connection(s)
      5. Existing site population (residential and non-residential)
      6. Existing water consumption
      7. Hydrant flow test result (a hydrant flow test must be completed within the 24 months before the date of submission of the development application)
    2. Water demand requirements for the development:
      1. Design parameters:
        • Proposed total population
        • Per capita demand
        • Non-residential Use Demand
      2. Maximum day demand
      3. Peak hour demand
      4. Minimum hour demand
      5. Fire flow demand (based on methodology identified in the current version of the Water Supply for Public Fire Protection A Guide to Recommended Practice in Canada prepared by the Fire Underwriters Survey)
      6. Total water demand
      7. Hydraulic analysis of watermain system
      8. Size and location of proposed service connection(s)
    3. Recommendation to mitigate any identified impact on the watermain system and identify any improvements to existing watermain system, or new municipal watermains.
  3. Foundation Drainage Assessment – Append the Foundation Drainage Technical Brief complete with Summary Form (in accordance with the Foundation Drainage Policy and Guidelines).For long-term discharge containing only infiltrated stormwater as defined in the Foundation Drainage Policy and Guidelines, include estimated discharge in the preparation of the Stormwater Management (SWM) Plan (Section 5) and, also where applicable, include Sanitary Sewer System Analysis (Section 4) for discharge to combined sewers.
  1. Sanitary Sewer System Analysis – Include all existing and proposed estimated discharges to applicable sanitary or combined sewer systems, analysis of local sewer system capacity and levels of protection in accordance with the criteria identified in Table 1 of the City’s Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines up to trunks or combined sewer overflow (CSO) points under all applicable flow conditions (e.g., design, extreme wet weather), identify net impact to the applicable sanitary sewer system and/or combined sewer system, and identify any improvements to existing sanitary sewer system, or new municipal sanitary sewers, including any proposed phasing of development.The following information is required to be included in the report to support the analysis of the sanitary and/or combined sewer system:
    1. Information on existing sanitary and/or combined sewer system:
      1. Existing sanitary sewer and size of sanitary sewer abutting the site that currently receives existing sanitary flow
      2. Where applicable, the existing combined sewer and size of combined sewer abutting the site that currently receives existing sewage flow
      3. Size and location of existing on-site sewer(s) with reference to any easement(s) as specified in Section 6 below
      4. Size and location of existing service connection(s)
      5. Existing site population
      6. Existing peak sanitary flow discharging to sewer
    2. Estimated sanitary flow from proposed development:
      1. Design parameters
        • Total proposed population
        • Per capita demand
        • Non-residential use demand
      2. Proposed peak sanitary flow
      3. Location of trunk or combined sewer overflow (CSO)
      4. Analysis of local system capacity from all proposed discharges up to trunk or CSO points in accordance with the City’s Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines.
      5. Sanitary drainage plan(s)
      6. Size and location of proposed service connection(s)
      7. If flows are proposed to discharge to a combined sewer, the report must demonstrate compliance with Provincial Procedure F-5-5 for the combined sewer.
    3. Recommendation to mitigate any identified impact on the sanitary sewer system and identify any improvements to existing sanitary sewer system, or construction of new municipal sanitary sewers.For combined sewer systems, mitigate any identified impact on the combined sewer system in accordance with the MECP Procedure F-5-5 or identify the construction of new separate sanitary sewer system and new storm sewer system.
  1. Stormwater Management Report Summary – Include summary of the Stormwater Management Report, prepared in accordance with the Stormwater Management Report – Terms of Reference.The summary is required to include the following:
    1. Information on existing storm and/or combined sewer system and drainage:
      1. Existing storm sewer and size of the storm sewer abutting the site that currently received existing storm flows
      2. Where applicable, the existing combined sewer and size of the storm sewer abutting the site that currently received existing storm flows
      3. Size and location of existing on-site storm or combined sewer(s) with reference to any easement(s) as specified in Section 6 below
      4. Size and location of existing service connection(s)
      5. Existing site area (in hectares)
      6. Existing storm flow discharging to sewer
      7. 2-year pre-development flow (allowable release rate)
      8. Existing external flows that traverse the site
    2. Proposed stormwater management:
      1. Proposed release rate
      2. Proposed release control type
      3. Uncontrolled run-off
      4. Required storage volume
      5. Proposed storage volume
      6. Proposed quantity control facility
      7. Proposed quality control facility
      8. Required water balance
      9. Proposed water balance
      10. Storm drainage plan(s)
      11. Size and location of proposed service connection(s)
      12. Accommodation of external flows that will be maintained and will continue to traverse the site
      13. Analysis of local combined system capacity from all proposed discharges up to trunk or CSO points in accordance with the City’s Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines, where applicable.
      14. If flows are proposed to discharge to a combined sewer, the report must demonstrate compliance with Provincial Procedure F-5-5 for the combined sewer.
                    1. Easements – where there is an existing easement on the site for City infrastructure, the following information is required in the Servicing Report:
                      1. Description of the easement(s), including description of compliance with the applicable Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains and description of any existing City infrastructure subject of the easement(s);
                      2. Reference plan identifying the limits of the easement(s);
                      3. All registered easement(s) document on the site that identify the purpose, permissions, and restrictions of the easement(s);
                      4. On a plan or drawing to show:
                        1. The extent of the easement(s) on the site;
                        2. The proposed location(s) and setback(s) of all proposed building(s), structure(s) and landscape features from the easement(s);
                      5. Zone of influence analysis in accordance with the Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains to identify any below-grade structure(s) associated with above-grade development and the impact on City infrastructure within the easement(s).If there is existing City infrastructure on-site without an easement, the following information is required:
                      6. Description of any existing City infrastructure on-site that is not currently subject to any existing easement(s) complete with identification and evaluation of one of the proposed solutions below:
                        1. Proposal to relocate any existing City infrastructure;
                        2. Proposal for new easement(s) to protect the existing City infrastructure, including the information requested above in 6.a., d., and e.
                    1. Conclusions and Recommendations – Include conclusions related to the sections above and recommendations pertinent to the proposal.


                    For further information please contact:

                    Development Engineering, Central Review Unit
                    Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto

                    Attachment 1 – Servicing Requirements for Different Built Forms

                    The following potable water, storm and sanitary sewer servicing requirements apply to all new development applications in the City of Toronto, excluding residential developments of less than 5 dwelling units. These requirements apply in addition to and separate from any other municipal by-law or legislative requirements, including but not limited to those under the Toronto Municipal Code Chapters 681 and 851 or the Ontario Building Code.

                    Residential, Residential Mixed-Use, or Commercial Office Tower Developments

                    Every tower shall have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. For clarification, this applies regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structures (including all forms of rental or condominium ownership). Any podium that provides a base for more than one tower above shall also have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water, storm and sanitary sewer services.

                    Residential or Residential Mixed-Use Townhouse Developments

                    Every anticipated standard or common-elements condominium corporation shall have an independent servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities.

                    Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all townhouse applications on the assumption that they will form part of one standard or one common-elements Condominium Corporation. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies for more than one condominium corporation encompassing any or all of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to that applicant.

                    All Other Commercial and Industrial Development

                    Every parcel of land that will be separately conveyable requires its own servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. In this situation, each condominium corporation will be considered its own parcel of land.

                    Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all commercial and industrial applications on the assumption that they will form part of one parcel of land. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies to sever or condominiumize any part of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to that applicant.

                    Other Forms of Development, Including Phased Development and Phased Condominiums Under Part Xl of the Condominium Act

                    Every building shall have its own independent servicing connection to the municipal water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities, regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structure (including all forms of condominium ownership).


                    To show detailed existing and proposed grading information for the site and building, and their relationship to adjacent and surrounding streets, boulevards and properties. The Site Grading Plan must be prepared by a Licenced Professional Engineer specialized in municipal engineering.

                    When Required

                    A Site Grading Plan is required for the following application types:

                    • Site Plan Control Approval


                    The authority to require this work is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, and to support Council-adopted policies and programs. The Site Grading Plan should be prepared alongside the Site Servicing Plan to support the Servicing Report, and where required, the Stormwater Management Report. The Site Grading Plan is also a statutory requirement for Site Plan Control under subsection 114(5) and (11)(a) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 as part of a complete application.

                    Required Contents


                    • Metric Scale
                    • Must be drawn to a 1:100 or 1:250 scale

                    General Details

                    • Use the Site Plan and Topographic Survey as a base (in grey)
                    • Key plan including adjacent street names
                    • North arrow
                    • Municipal address(es)
                    • Legend for all symbols, hatching, shading, and linework
                    • Benchmarks complete with description of location and geodetic elevation
                    • Names of public streets and/or public lanes abutting the site
                    • Site boundaries with existing/new property lines
                    • Municipal and private easements that traverse or abut the site
                    • Dimensions to boundaries of provincial highways, railway corridors, bridges, and the Toronto and Region Conservation lands in proximity to the site and including required setbacks to such areas to be denoted on the plans.

                    Proposed Site Layout

                    • Footprint of building(s) including the limit of the underground structure
                    • Building elevation information including finished floor elevation (FFE), basement floor elevation (BFE), entrance elevation
                    • Proposed location of entrances, accesses, vehicular accesses, internal driveways and ramps, stairs, doors, and utilities, air intakes/exhausts and their respective grades and elevations
                    • All land to be conveyed to the City including right-of-way and lane widenings, corner roundings, easements
                    • Integrate proposed landscaping works as shown on landscaping plans submitted with the application clearly identifying the boulevard and streetscape design and their respective grades and elevations relative to the building and the adjacent street or lane

                    Existing Grading Information

                    • Existing grading information of:
                      • external and adjacent to the site to confirm external drainage that currently traverses the site
                      • adjacent street(s) and lane(s) every 10 metres to the centreline of each street or lane
                      • abutting properties
                    • Existing grading information to show accommodation of any external drainage that traverses the site under the current condition
                    • Existing grading and elevation of:
                      • Top elevation of catchbasin(s), area drains, and maintenance holes, and gutters
                      • Top and bottom elevation of curbs and curb depression
                      • Existing Retaining walls (elevation for top and bottom of walls, both sides)
                      • Top of bank, bottom of bank, and stable top of bank
                    • Existing Overland flows routes including:
                      • Delineated and direction of flow routes as arrows
                      • Spill points and elevation(s)
                      • Along adjacent public streets and/or lanes
                      • external overland flow routes
                      • drainage patterns on adjacent properties clearly delineated as arrows

                    Proposed Grading Information

                    • Proposed grading information to show accommodation of any external drainage that traverses the site under proposed conditions
                    • Proposed grading information, including existing/proposed elevations at 6 metre intervals along property lines, driveways, sidewalks, walkways and other paved areas
                    • Grading and elevation information for:
                      • Top elevation of catchbasin(s), area drains, and maintenance holes, and gutters
                      • Top and bottom elevation of curbs and curb depression, including curb restoration, limit and transition
                      • Proposed Retaining walls (elevation for top and bottom of walls, both sides)
                      • Proposed boulevard/sidewalk widening or narrowing and their proposed grades and impact on curb height
                      • Proposed modifications (including widenings) to existing public road(s) and/or lane(s) and their proposed grades to ensure positive drainage
                    • Grading and slope information for:
                      • Driveways: 2% to 8%
                      • Sidewalks and walkways: 2% to 4%
                      • Boulevards and landscaped areas: 2% to 4%
                      • Lay-by lanes within public street to identify positive drainage to maintain road drainage
                      • Ditches and swales: top (flow depth), bottom, slope (direction of flow), cross- section
                    • Details for proposed retaining walls:
                      • Protective barrier/guard for walls higher than 0.6 metres
                      • Cross-sections with elevations (bottom and top of wall) for walls over one (1) metre in height
                      • Structural Engineering certification of any proposed retaining walls or caissons
                    • Ponding/surface storage elevation information:
                      • Location and limit to be delineated as hatching on drawing
                      • Storage volume
                      • Maximum ponding/water level during 100-year storm event
                      • Proposed spill location
                    • Overland flows:
                      • Delineated and direction of flow routes as arrows
                      • Spill points and elevation(s)
                      • If there are any changes to existing overland flow routes, that they are directed away from adjacent properties, existing buildings, and proposed buildings
                      • Existing external overland flow routes to be maintained or reduced
                      • Existing drainage patterns on adjacent properties clearly delineated as arrows and identified as either unchanged or reduced


                    For further information please contact:

                    Development Engineering, Central Review Unit
                    Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto


                    To show how the site will be provided with municipal services and that those services comply with the City’s policies, policies, guidelines and standards.  The Site Servicing Plan includes information to allow for technical review of the proposed site servicing.

                    When Required

                    A Site Servicing Plan is required for the following application types:

                    • Site Plan Control


                    The authority to require this work is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Council-adopted policies and programs (e.g., Wet Weather Flow Management Policy, levels of protection under Basement Flooding Protection Program, etc.), the City’s Sewers By-law (Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 681) and Water Supply By-law (Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 851). The Servicing Plan is a component of the Servicing and Stormwater Management Report(s) set out in the regulations under the Planning Act and Schedule 3 of the City’s Official Plan and is also a statutory requirement for Site Plan Control under subsection 114(5) and (11)(a) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 as part of a complete application.

                    Servicing design presented on the Site Servicing Plan must meet all requirements established in the City of Toronto’s municipal engineering design principles and guidelines, including but not limited to, the most recent edition of:

                    And ensure compliance with all applicable Provincial (e.g., Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks) acts, and regulations in effect, including but not be limited to:

                    • Safe Drinking Water Act;
                    • Ontario Water Resources Act;
                    • Environmental Protection Act;
                    • MECP Procedure F-5-5;
                    • Design Guidelines for Sewage Works;
                    • Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual; and
                    • Environmental Compliance Approval design criteria.

                    Required Contents


                    • Metric Scale
                    • Must be drawn to a 1:100 or 1:200 scale

                    Site Plan Control

                    General Details

                    • Key plan including adjacent street names
                    • North arrow
                    • Title block including full municipal address, and City of Toronto Engineering & Construction Services signature block
                    • Benchmarks complete with description of location and geodetic elevation
                    • Reference to source drawings used for existing servicing infrastructure
                    • Legend identifying all symbols, hatching, shading, and linework used within the plan
                    • Use the Site Plan and Boundary and Topographic Survey as a base (in grey)
                    • Names of streets and/or lanes (public and private) abutting the site
                    • Site boundaries with existing and new property lines
                    • Municipal and private easements that traverse or abut the site
                    • Engineering drawings must be signed, stamped, and dated by a Professional Engineer

                    Site Servicing Drawing Notes

                    Proposed Site Layout

                    • Footprint of building(s) including the limit of the underground structure
                    • Building elevation information including finished floor elevation (FFE), basement floor elevation (BFE), entrance elevation
                    • Proposed location of entrances, vehicular accesses, internal driveways, ramps, and air intakes/exhausts.
                    • All land to be conveyed to the City including road and lane widenings, corner roundings, right-of-ways, easements
                    • Integrate proposed landscaping works as shown on landscaping plans submitted with application

                    Existing Public and Private Servicing Information

                    Existing public and private infrastructure abutting or within the site including:

                    • Sewers including grade, size, direction of flow, and material
                    • Watermains including size and material, valves, and chambers
                    • Fire hydrants
                    • Maintenance holes complete with inverts and top elevations
                    • Catchbasins and ditch inlets complete with inverts and rim elevations
                    • Existing service laterals
                    • Existing services to be disconnected
                    • Existing third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)

                    Proposed Public and Private Servicing Information

                    Proposed public and private infrastructure abutting or within the site including:

                    • Proposed service connections:
                      • The design must include the required number of service connections for potable water, storm and sanitary connections as specified within Attachment 1 – Servicing Requirements for Different Built Forms
                      • Size, length, slope, material for all storm, sanitary, and water services with reference to the City standards and design criteria for connections
                      • For sites with multiple connections per the City’s Servicing Requirements, each connection to be labelled with a corresponding municipal/tower/building reference
                      • Fire service connection(s)
                      • Invert information for sewer service connections at property line and at point of connection to the City mains
                      • Connection method and standard denoted at City main connection point
                      • Horizontal clearances to other services and utilities including the proximity of street trees, utility poles, landscaping features
                      • Minimum depth of cover for all service connections
                      • Hydraulic grade line elevation of the City sewer at point of connection
                      • Cross-sections of all service connections to show vertical clearance from crossing sewers, watermains, and other utilities
                      • Deflection of existing watermain to accommodate sewer connection requires compliance with MECP Procedure F-6-1
                    • Any proposed private on-site servicing, sewer and water works, including size, slope, length, material of such private services
                    • Control and on-site maintenance holes including
                      • size, reference to City standard drawings and specifications, top elevation, and invert elevations
                      • safety platforms
                      • drop structures
                    • Catchbasins, area drains, ditch inlets including rim and invert elevations
                    • Stormwater management facilities including:
                      • Type, location, and size
                      • Maximum water level and required and proposed total storage volume for quantity and water balance
                      • Access port for maintenance with access lid and hatch details
                      • Emergency overland flow outlets
                      • Inlet and outlet pipe locations with elevations and sizes
                      • Orifice or vortex valve controls and details
                      • Overflow mechanisms
                      • Monitoring systems for shared stormwater management facilities (sampling port/maintenance hole)
                      • All stormwater management 100-year high water ponding elevations at catchbasins labelled
                      • Water quality units and manufactured treatment device (MTD) including make, model, and connection details
                      • Horizontal separation dimensioned between building footings and soakaway pits or infiltration galleries. Cross section to demonstrate highest seasonally recorded ground water elevation and bedrock elevation.
                      • Rooftop storage details including location and number of drains and controlled flow
                      • Cross-sections and dimensions including elevation for top and bottom of the facility footprint area
                    • Groundwater sampling ports
                    • Water meter chambers and valve boxes with reference to City standard drawings and specifications
                    • Water meter, backflow preventer, detector assemblies, and meter room or chamber with reference to the applicable City standard drawings and specifications
                    • Schematic of the metering configuration shown in conformance with Water Servicing and Metering Manual.
                    • Proposed siamese/fire department connections with dimensioning to nearest hydrants
                    • Proposed third party utilities (Bell, Rogers, Hydro, gas, etc.)


                    For further information please contact:

                    Development Engineering, Central Review Unit
                    Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto

                    Attachment 1 – Servicing Requirements for Different Built Forms

                    The following potable water, storm and sanitary sewer servicing requirements apply to all new development applications in the City of Toronto, excluding residential developments of less than 5 dwelling units. These requirements apply in addition to and separate from any other municipal by-law or legislative requirements, including but not limited to those under the Toronto Municipal Code Chapters 681 and 851 or the Ontario Building Code.

                    Residential, Residential Mixed-Use, or Commercial Office Point Tower Developments

                    Every point tower shall have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. For clarification, this applies regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structures (including all forms of condominium ownership). Any podium that provides a base for more than one point tower shall also have its own independent service connection to the municipal potable water, storm and sanitary sewer services.

                    Residential or Residential Mixed-Use Townhouse Developments

                    Every anticipated standard or common-elements condominium corporation shall have an independent servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities.

                    Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all townhouse applications on the assumption that they will form part of one standard or one common-elements Condominium Corporation. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies for more than one condominium corporation encompassing any or all of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to the condominium applicant.

                    All Other Commercial and Industrial Development

                    Every parcel of land that will be separately conveyable requires its own servicing connection to the municipal potable water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities. In this situation, each condominium corporation will be considered one parcel of land.

                    Unless otherwise notified in writing at the time of application, staff will review all commercial and industrial applications on the assumption that they will form part of one parcel of land. If any party, including but not limited to the applicant and all subsequent owners of the development, applies to sever or condominiumize any part of the development, different service connections, including revised plans and studies, may be required by the City at the sole cost to that applicant.

                    Other Forms of Development, Including Phased Development and Phased Condominiums Under Part Xl of the Condominium Act

                    Every building shall have its own independent servicing connection to the municipal water and sewer services, including all associated stormwater management facilities, regardless of any shared podium structures, common underground parking structures, or anticipated ownership structure (including all forms of condominium ownership).


                    To identify, evaluate, and mitigate the impacts of the change in stormwater runoff on existing infrastructure and the environment due to a proposed development.

                    A Stormwater Management Report must determine improvements to municipal servicing infrastructure required to support the proposed of development, where applicable. As part of this report, it must also evaluate and determine mitigation measures to minimize negative impacts on stormwater management facilities, identify opportunities for improvements of stormwater management facilities and features onsite and nearby, and to ensure compliance with the City of Toronto’s Wet Weather Flow Management Policy (WWFMP) and other applicable guidelines, standards, and policies from the City of Toronto and other regulatory bodies. The Stormwater Management Report must be prepared by a Licensed Professional Engineer specialized in in municipal engineering/stormwater management. The Stormwater Management Report must include all appropriate reports, plans, computer modeling results and design calculations relating to how stormwater run-off is proposed to be managed.

                    The Servicing Report must also include a summary of the stormwater management plan documented in detail in the Stormwater Management Report (refer to the Servicing Report – Terms of Reference).

                    When Required

                    A Stormwater Management Report is required for the following application types:

                    • Zoning By-law Application
                    • Plan of Subdivision*
                    • Site Plan Control*

                    *Note: Additional details/sections may apply for these application types. Specific sections are identified when additional details are required for Plan of Subdivision or Site Plan Control applications.


                    The authority to require this work is provided by the Planning Act, the City of Toronto Act, 2006. the Official Plan, the Provincial Policy Statement, A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, Council-adopted policies, guidelines and standards (e.g., Wet Weather Flow Management Policy, etc.), the City’s Sewers By-law (Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 681). The Stormwater Management Report must be prepared in conjunction with the Conceptual Servicing Plan or Site Servicing Plan and the Servicing Report.

                    Analysis and recommendations presented in the Stormwater Management Report must meet all requirements established in the City of Toronto’s municipal engineering design policies, guidelines and standards, including but not limited to, the most recent edition of:

                    The Stormwater Management Report must also demonstrate compliance with all applicable Provincial legislation (e.g., Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks), applicable regulations, and applicable provincial guidelines/procedures, including but not be limited to:

                    • Safe Drinking Water Act
                    • Ontario Water Resources Act
                    • Environmental Protection Act
                    • MECP Procedure F-5-5
                    • Design Guidelines for Sewage Works
                    • Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual and
                    • Environmental Compliance Approval design

                    Required Contents

                    The Stormwater Management Report must contain the following, and be signed and sealed by the Licensed Professional Engineer(s) responsible for its preparation:

                    1. Cover Page of Report
                      1. Full municipal/civic address
                      2. Date the report was prepared and subsequent revisions
                      3. Name of engineering consulting firm who prepared the report
                      4. Name of the registered landowner and/or applicant
                    2. Description of Existing, Proposed, and Interim Site Conditions
                      1. Location of Site:
                        1. Special Policy Area as designated in the Official Plan
                        2. Basement Flooding Study area
                        3. Jurisdiction of other regulatory bodies and any relevant guidelines, standards and policies (if applicable)
                      2. Size of Site
                      3. Existing and proposed land uses
                      4. The property area under existing conditions and under proposed conditions, minus any land conveyances
                      5. All lands to be conveyed/dedicated to the City of Toronto including any road widening, corner rounding, public road, public parkland, etc.
                      6. Any proposed interim conditions (if applicable)
                      7. Copy of site plan
                    3. Pre-Development Flows
                      1. Reference and present catchments in the Pre-Development Drainage Plan in tabular form including identifying any external drainage, new public roads and parks, land conveyances, and overland flow routes
                        1. For each catchment include:
                          • catchment ID, Impervious Area, pervious area, total area, weighted runoff coefficient, peak flow rate for each design storm event (rainfall parameters and intensity calculations, including model outputs as required, should be appended), and existing outlet location(s)
                    4. Interim-Development Flows


                      If there is any proposed phasing or interim conditions complete the following:

                      1. Reference and present catchments in the Interim-Development Drainage Plan in tabular form including identifying any external drainage, new public roads and parks, land conveyances, infiltrated stormwater in accordance with the Foundation Drainage Policy and Guidelines, and overland flow routes
                        1. For each catchment include:
                          • catchment ID, Impervious Area, pervious area, total area, weighted runoff coefficient, peak flow rate for each design storm event (rainfall parameters and intensity calculations, including model outputs as required, should be appended), and proposed outlet location
                      2. Provide brief written summary of the proposed strategy to manage flows in each catchment
                    5. Post-Development Flows
                      1. Reference and present catchments in the Post-Development Drainage Plan in tabular form including identifying any external drainage, new public roads and parks, land conveyances, infiltrated stormwater in accordance with the Foundation Drainage Policy and Guidelines, and overland flow routes
                        1. For each catchment include:
                          • catchment ID, Impervious Area, pervious area, total area, weighted runoff coefficient, and peak flow rate for each design storm event (rainfall parameters and intensity calculations, including model outputs as required, should be appended), and proposed outlet location
                      2. Provide brief written summary of the proposed strategy to manage flows in each catchment including comment and justification for proposed changes to outlets and external flow patterns
                    6.  Stormwater Management
                      In the absence of City design criteria use industry best practices and consider the following design references for additional design guidance throughout this section:

                      •  Ministry Environment, Conservation and Park (MECP) Stormwater Management Plan and SWMP Design Guidelines
                      • Sustainable Technologies Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guide
                      1. Site-Specific Criteria
                        1. Summarize the site-specific target criteria in accordance with the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines including water balance targets, water quality targets, water quantity targets, and erosion & sediment control during construction. Water quantity targets include flood flow management criteria and erosion control criteria (typically governed by TRCA), as well as discharge criteria to municipal infrastructure. Include all relevant calculations
                      2. Plan of Subdivision Water Quantity and Quality Assumptions


                        1. Include a summary of basic quantity and quality assumptions upon which the Stormwater Management Report is based, and all appropriate functional plans of infrastructure elements for major and minor flows, which could have an impact on the layout of the Plan of These infrastructure elements will include, where applicable:
                          • stormwater management facilities
                          • all water resource features and functions (i.e. watercourses, riparian areas, recharge/discharge areas)
                          • existing overland flow routes, surface features (i.e. top of bank) and
                          • existing infrastructure (i.e. water and wastewater infrastructure and underground utilities)
                      3. Assessment of impact to water resource, feature or function
                        Where a development proposal may impact a water resource feature or function, the Stormwater Management Report must incorporate design recommendations to mitigate impacts on that water resource feature or function. The Stormwater Management Report must provide sufficient engineering information to allow for the necessary review and acceptance of the proposed stormwater management plan. This report should address the following:

                        1. Identify constraints and potential opportunities – quantitative, qualitative, erosion sensitivity and environmental concerns related to water resources for both interim and ultimate development conditions, both on and off-site
                        2. Identify the inlets (from upstream) and outlets (to downstream) for the minor and major systems, including overland flow routes
                        3. Demonstrate that the proposal has maximized source control measures to reduce runoff from the site
                        4. Indicate if off-site land or works are required to implement the stormwater management proposals and comment to what extent (e.g., easements, dedication, land acquisition, etc.)
                        5. Indicate if other agencies are required to grant approvals or issue permits
                      4. Water Balance Management
                        1. Detail proposed mechanism to achieve water balance target
                          • Include detailed calculations that account for each catchment in post-development scenario including initial abstraction values and infiltration rate of soil as required
                          • As applicable, for infiltration solutions include the following at a minimum:
                            1. Vertical separation distance between the bottom of the infiltration facility and the elevation of the seasonally high ground water table [as supported by a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist)] in compliance with industry best practices such as the Sustainable Technologies Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guideline
                            2. Horizontal separation distance between the edge of the infiltration facility and the edge of any foundation walls in compliance with Section of the Ontario Building Code
                          • If infiltration is proposed (i.e., soil parameters and groundwater elevation), append and reference a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist) confirming the site conditions are suitable
                          • FOR SITE PLAN CONTROL AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ONLY: Include detailed calculations that account for each catchment the interim-development and scenario including initial abstraction values
                          • FOR SITE PLAN CONTROL APPLICATIONS ONLY: if water re-use in a building is proposed, append and reference a letter from mechanical engineer confirming the volume of water that can be re-used by building
                          • FOR SITE PLAN CONTROL APPLICATIONS ONLY: if water re-use for site irrigation is proposed, append and reference a letter from landscape architect confirming the volume of water that can be used for irrigation
                        2. Provide a summary table including site-specific water balance target criteria and demonstrate that all proposed water balance measures achieve site-wide water balance criteria considering all contributing drainage areas
                      5. Water Quality Management
                        1. Detail proposed mechanism to achieve water quality target
                          • Include detailed calculations that account for each catchment in the post-development scenario
                          • As applicable, for infiltration solutions include the following at a minimum:
                            1. Vertical separation distance between the bottom of the infiltration facility and the elevation of the seasonally high ground water table [as supported by a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist)] in compliance with industry best practices such as the Sustainable Technologies Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guideline
                            2. Horizontal separation distance between the edge of the infiltration facility and the edge of any foundation walls in compliance with Section of the Ontario Building Code
                          • Append and reference a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist) confirming the site conditions are suitable if infiltration is proposed (i.e., soil parameters and groundwater elevation)
                          • FOR SITE PLAN CONTROL AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ONLY: Include detailed calculations that account for each catchment in the interim-development scenario
                        2. Provide a summary table including site-specific water quality target criteria and demonstrate that all proposed water quality measures achieve site-wide water quality criteria considering all contributing drainage areas
                      6. Water Quantity Management
                        1. Describe method used to determine post-development peak flows (i.e., MRM, hydrologic model, etc.) and list key input parameters as necessary (e.g., rainfall parameters and intensity calculations)
                        2. Summarize post-development peak flows along with mitigated peak flows complete with supporting calculations for the different design events. For flood flow management and erosion control criteria (typically governed by TRCA), calculations shall be based on the watershed that the proposed development is located within and for discharge criteria to municipal infrastructure, calculations shall be based on the municipal sewer system (rainfall parameters, intensity calculations, design storm events, and model outputs as required should be appended)
                          • Include a comparison to the applicable water quantity criteria
                          • Indicate associated required and provided on-site storage volumes required to achieve the site-specific water quantity criteria considering proposed water quantity mechanisms
                        3. Detail proposed mechanism(s) to achieve water quantity target including attenuation controls (i.e., orifice, vortex valve, roof drains, etc.) and storage solutions (i.e., roof, stormwater tank, ponding, oversized pipe, LID, etc.). Include detailed calculations that account for each mechanism and each catchment in the post-development scenario
                          • As applicable, for attenuation controls include the following at a minimum:
                              1. Design in accordance with the City’s Design Criteria for Sewers and Watermains
                              2. Control type and size required to achieve the water quantity control target
                              3. Actual release rate
                          • As applicable, for storage mechanisms include the following at a minimum:
                              1. 100-year high-water-level elevation, depth of storage, available freeboard, footprint of storage facility, required volume of storage facility, and actual volume of storage facility
                              2. Areal extent, depth, and volume of ponding under various design storm events, as applicable
                              3. Append and reference a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist) confirming the site conditions are suitable if infiltration is proposed (i.e., soil parameters and groundwater elevation)
                          • As applicable, for infiltration solutions include the following at a minimum:
                              1. Vertical separation distance between the bottom of the infiltration facility and the elevation of the seasonally high ground water table [as supported by a report from a Qualified Professional (Geotechnical Engineer or Hydrogeologist)] in compliance with industry best practices such as the Sustainable Technologies Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Planning and Design Guideline
                              2. Horizontal separation distance between the edge of the infiltration facility and the edge of any foundation walls in compliance with Section of the Ontario Building Code
                        4. Provide a hydraulic analysis in accordance with Section of the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines to demonstrate safe overland flow route(s) for the proposed development in the post-development scenario without causing damage to the adjacent public and private properties. All supporting calculations and cross-sections must be appended to the report
                        5. Identify emergency overflow route in the post-development scenario to convey:
                          • Complete system failure for the minor (piped) flow and major overland flow
                          • Buildings on site and adjacent properties will not be flooded
                        6. Where stormwater is proposed to discharge to a combined or partially separated sewer system in the post-development scenario:
                          • Demonstrate compliance with MECP Procedure F-5-5
                          • Demonstrate compliance with the City’s Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines
                        7. Provide a summary of site-specific water quantity target criteria and demonstrate that it is achieved
                        8. FOR SITE PLAN CONTROL AND PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ONLY: Repeat Water Quantity Management requirements i. – vii. for the interim-development scenario, as applicable
                      7. Erosion & Sediment Control during Construction


                        1. Append and reference an Erosion & Sediment Control (during construction) drawing with relevant notes and standard drawings
                        2. Summarize compliance with the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines requirements for erosion & sediment controls during construction
                    7. Municipal Infrastructure Upgrades
                      1. Append and reference functional plans showing proposed upgrades and/or modifications to existing storm sewers with layout and details of proposal, all within existing or proposed public streets
                      2. Where applicable, append and reference plans showing the phasing of construction of the storm sewer(s) and stormwater infrastructure, all within existing or proposed public streets
                      3. FOR PLAN OF SUBDIVISION APPLICATIONS ONLY: Append and reference a drawing indicating new proposed municipal infrastructure both internal and external to the Plan of Subdivision including any applicable phasing details, all within existing or proposed public streets
                    8. Maintenance and Verification of Performance
                      1. Append and reference all relevant documents to adhere to the Maintenance and Verification of Performance requirements in the City’s Wet Weather Flow Management Guidelines and Design Criteria for Manufactured Treatment Devices
                        1. Includes but not limited to operating and maintenance manuals for all proposed stormwater management measures and facilities that will be operated and maintained by the City such as low impact development features, manufactured treatment devices, stormwater management ponds, stormwater management detention facilities, pumping stations, etc.
                    9. Conclusions
                      1. In bullet point form summarize the relevant sections including target criteria, proposed mechanisms to achieve the criteria, and conclusion as applicable
                    10.  Professional Engineer Stamp
                      1. The report must be stamped, signed, and dated by a Professional Engineer licensed by Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
                      2. Drawings separate from the report stamped, signed, and dated by a Professional Engineer licensed by Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
                    11. Redirection of Flows (Minor and/or Major)
                      1. Flow analyses of sewer system to confirm capacity of sewer system and compliance with MECP Procedure F-5-5 when redirection of flow is proposed. Flow analyses requires:
                        1. If flows are proposed to be re-directed to a storm sewer, either provide confirmation that the proposed receiving storm sewer system was designed to convey stormwater from the site or provide a capacity and hydraulic grade line (HGL) analysis of the sewer system from the site connection point to either the location downstream where the pre-development flow conditions are maintained, the receiving trunk sewer, or the storm outfall. This should be completed as applicable for pre-development, post- development, and post-development with mitigation measures conditions
                        2. If flows are proposed to be re-directed to combined sewer demonstrate compliance with the City’s Sewer Capacity Assessment Guidelines including MECP Procedure F-5-5

                          Note: InfoWorks modelling to be used for sites located within a Basement Flooding Protection Program Area where the study has been completed.  A copy of the study can be obtained through a request to the DR case manager
                      2. Major system (overland flow) analyses from the site to the receiving facility. Analyses require:
                        1. Hydraulic analysis to demonstrate safe overland flow route(s) for the proposed development without causing damage to the adjacent public and private properties. All supporting calculations and cross sections must be appended to the report


                                          The applicant is encouraged to discuss the scope and the proposed stormwater management concepts and design assumptions with Engineering and Construction Services prior to preparing the Stormwater Management Report as part of the submission of a prescribed application.

                                          For further information please contact: Development Engineering, Central Review Unit

                                          Engineering & Construction Services Division, City of Toronto devengcru@toronto.ca