At its meeting on November 27, 2012, City Council adopted the O’Connor Drive Avenue Study, which included the portion of O’Connor Drive between Victoria Park in North York District and St. Clair Avenue East and Sandra Road in Toronto and East York District.
The report recommended the adoption of an Official Plan Amendment and Urban Design Guidelines to guide public realm improvements and assess future development proposals within the Avenue. The vision for O’Connor Drive is to become a vibrant urban corridor that provides more opportunities for people to live, work, and shop. The urban design guidelines identify how new developments will fit harmoniously into the existing/planned context and general direction for creating pedestrian-friendly open spaces and streets.
At its meeting on July 7, 2015, City Council adopted the Implementation Plan for Streetscape and Other Public Space Improvements for the O’Connor Drive Avenue Study. The purpose of the implementation plan is to provide further detail and coordinated design input for capital projects along O’Connor Drive in the 2016-2020 capital plan. The O’Connor Drive Streetscape Masterplan Project began in the Fall of 2017, studying the same boundaries as the Avenue Study, to provide a comprehensive look at the area and recommend various design solutions to improve the streetscape along O’Connor Drive. A final streetscape masterplan report will be available in the Summer/Fall of 2018.
O’Connor Drive Avenue Study – Toronto and East York District and North York District – Final Report
O’Connor Drive Avenue Study – Implementation Plan for Streetscape and Other Public Space Improvements