This study is being principally led by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Detailed information on the Highland Creek Markham Branch (Corporate Drive) Flood Remediation Environmental Assessment Study, including project schedule, stakeholder engagement and materials, can be found on the TRCA website.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), together with City staff, have initiated a Flood Remediation Study of Highland Creek (Markham Branch) to evaluate the options for flood remediation measures to help minimize the risk of flooding within the study area (see Figure 1). The study is currently in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) stage.

The study follows the direction of Council which approved the redevelopment of the lands at the southeast corner of Corporate Drive and Consilium Place with four residential buildings, ranging in height from 36 to 45 storeys and containing 1,515 dwelling units. Council approval was subject to a Holding (H) provision in the Zoning By-law which would not be removed until issues related to floodplain and stormwater management have been resolved.

Study area of the Highland Creek (Markham Branch) Flood Remediation Study.

Figure 1: Study Area of Highland Creek Markham Branch (Corporate Drive) Flood Remediation Environmental Assessment Study

View of the Highland Creek (Markham Branch) Bounded on the west by McCowan Road, Highway 401 to the north, Markham road to the east and Ellesmere Road to the south

View of the Highland Creek (Markham Branch) bounded on the west by McCowan Road, Highway 401 to the north, Markham road to the east and Ellesmere Road to the south

Study Overview

The Study is being undertaken in 2 stages.
Stage 1: Technical Feasibility Study (Completed)
Stage 2: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) (On-going)

For further information, please go to the TRCA webpage.


view of Highland Creek at Corporate Drive
Corporate Dr. – Upstream Face
view of Highland Creek at Bellamy Road North
Progress Av.  – Downstream Face
view of Highland Creek at Progress Avenue.
Bellamy Rd. North – Downstream Face