The Kennedy Crossing Regeneration Area Study will set out a renewed vision for the study area as it evolves from employment uses to a new mixed-use community. The Study will look at a range of components, including land use, parks and open spaces, housing, infrastructure, streets, community services and facilities and built form. Together, this work will provide an updated policy framework to guide new development on the subject lands.
The City’s Official Plan designates certain lands in Toronto as Regeneration Areas – which opens up unique areas of the City to a wide array of uses to help attract investment, re-use buildings, encourage new construction and bring life to the streets. A Regeneration Area Study provides an important opportunity to comprehensively study and guide the revitalization of these areas to develop a new vision for the lands with an updated policy framework.
The Regeneration Area Study for Kennedy Crossing will help identify what the future policies for the lands should be as they move from primarily employment uses to allow for housing, services and amenities. Kennedy Crossing will result in a City-initiated amendment to the Official Plan – the City’s overarching policy document guiding growth and development.
The Kennedy Crossing study area was converted from the General Employment Areas land use designation to the Regeneration Areas land use designation through Official Plan Amendment 591, which was approved by the Provincial Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing in December 2023. This resulted in a Site and Area Specific Policy (SASP) 790 which sets out the requirements for a Regeneration Area Study for the lands. The outcomes of the Kennedy Crossing Regeneration Area Study will update or replace SASP 790.
Kennedy Crossing will be undertaken in the following three phases:
Gather and review information on the existing study area context and study potential development scenarios. This phase will include the first major public engagement event in the winter 2025.
Review potential development scenarios and draft a policy framework to support the desired outcome. This phase includes the second major public engagement event.
Refine and edit draft policy framework based on input received and prepare staff report for consideration by the Planning and Housing Committee and City Council. The Planning and Housing Committee will include the statutory public meeting.
All proposed time frames are approximate and subject to change.
Check back later for information about our first public engagement event.
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