The City is undertaking a planning framework study of the Weston area. The study will engage with the local community to create a renewed vision and built form, public realm, streetscape and community benefits plan for the area.

The Study Area is comprised of an area bounded to the north by the CN Rail Corridor, Queenslea Avenue, Walwyn Avenue, Lamont Avenue, Langside Avenue and Woodward Avenue, to the east by Pine Street, wright Avenue and Sam Frustaglio Drive, to the west by the Humber River and to the south by Clouston Avenue.

The Study area includes the lands delineated as part of the Weston Major Transit Station Area (MTSA).

Map of Weston in Gear Planning Study Boundary. The boundaries are Clouston Avenue to the south, the CP Rail Line, Wright Avenue, and Pine Street to the east, Woodward Avenue, Langside Avenue, Lamont Avenue, Walwyn Avenue, Queenslea Avenue, and The Metrolinx Rail Corridor to the north, and Weston Road, St. Phillips Road, and the Humber River to the west.

On March 10, 2016, City Council directed staff to undertake a planning framework study for the Weston area including built-form, density, height and public realm for the properties on Weston Road. This would include consultation with the community, together with landowners and other stakeholder groups, and the Ward Councillor, to understand the community’s concerns and to develop a vision for future development in the study area. Staff are required to report back to Council on the findings of the review in the form of recommendations for changes, if necessary, to the planning framework for the study area.

The Weston in Gear Planning Study will consist of three phases, with public engagement and consultation events and activities held each phase to inform the study components. The study will commence in the Fall of 2024.

Phase 1 –  Background Review
Phase 2 – Options and Recommendations
Phase 3 – Emerging Plan and Policy

The study will include opportunities for community engagement throughout. These opportunities will include:

  • The establishment of a Local Advisory Committee (LAC)
  • Community Consultation Meetings
  • Online Engagement Opportunities

Information on virtual and in-person meeting dates and times, how to attend and what will be discussed will be posted here once scheduled.

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Please check back for upcoming meetings & events.

Past Meetings & Events

Planners in Public Spaces Event – October 5, 2024

A Planners in Public Spaces (“PIPS”) consultation event was held on October 5, 2024, at the Weston Farmer’s Market. City staff had a tent at the Farmer’s Market and raised awareness about the Weston in Gear Planning Study for members of the community, local businesses, and other interested parties and engaged with approximately 80 residents.

Community Consultation Meeting #1 – Open House Drop-In Event – September 24, 2024

The first Community Consultation Meeting for the Weston in Gear Planning Study was held on September 24, 2024 at C.R. Marchant Middle School from 6 to 9 p.m. The meeting provided information to the public on the Planning Study process and timeline. The main purpose of the meeting was to seek initial feedback on the Study Area boundary, community transportation modes, areas of cultural heritage significance, opportunities and constraints in the study area as well as needed community services and facilities. Staff also compiled a list of interested attendees that wanted to be part of the Local Advisory Committee that will be consulted throughout the study process.

Over 100 people attended, including City staff and Councillor Nunziata, who participated in the discussions. For more information, the display panels used during the meeting are available for reference.

The Weston in Gear Planning Study – Status Report was adopted by Etobicoke York Community Council on October 28, 2024 (EY 17.3).

The study includes opportunities for community engagement throughout, including:

  • A Local Advisory Committee (LAC)
  • Community Consultation Meetings
  • Online Engagement Opportunities

You can also send us an e-mail to let us know your thoughts and aspirations for the future of the Weston in Gear Planning Study area. Information on additional virtual and in-person meeting dates and times, how to attend and what will be discussed will be posted here once scheduled.