Book an appointment to get school-based vaccines.
Find details about booking a Meningococcal vaccine for ages 18 to 38.
Book an appointment for an mpox vaccine.
Find out how to book an appointment for STI testing at one of Toronto Public Health's Sexual Health Clinics.
Find out how to book a breastfeeding/chestfeeding clinic appointment with a Toronto Public Health Nurse.
Find programs for families and caregivers of children aged birth to 6 years.
Find out how to register for Following Nutrition Guidelines for Student Nutrition Programs Training.
Online education session for parents/legal guardians seeking non-medical exemption for their school-age child(ren) (ages 4-17).
Find out how to register for a Virtual Prenatal Breastfeeding Program with a Public Health Nurse.
Book an appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine.