TB is a contagious disease caused by TB germs. TB usually attacks the lungs but can affect any part of the body. TB has been around for centuries.
Close, prolonged or regular contact with someone who is sick with TB disease is needed to spread the disease. It spreads from person to person through the air only when someone who is sick with active TB disease in the lungs coughs, talks, sings or sneezes.
TB is not highly contagious. TB is not spread by sharing utensils, plates, cups, clothing, bed linen, furniture, toilets, by shaking hands or by touching surfaces that have been touched by someone with TB.
People whose TB is in another part of the body (for example, glands/lymph nodes) cannot spread the TB germs to others.
Most people who breathe in the TB germs are able to stop them from growing. Most people’s immune systems trap the TB germs and keep them inactive. This is called TB infection. People with TB infection do not feel sick and do not have any symptoms, but usually, have a positive reaction to the tuberculin skin test. People with TB infection cannot pass the germs to others.
There is free treatment for TB infection to prevent TB disease.
TB germs become active when the body’s immune system cannot stop the germs from growing. The TB germs begin to grow and cause damage to the body.
The general symptoms of TB Disease include:
If you think you may have TB disease, see your healthcare provider. TB treatment and medication are free in Ontario. For more information or if you have any questions Toronto Public Health at 416-338-7600.
TB germs usually affects the lungs and can cause a disease called pulmonary tuberculosis. TB is spread when a person with TB disease in the lungs coughs or sneezes, and you breathe in the TB germs. First, the germs go to your lungs.
From there, they can go to other parts of your body through the blood stream and may affect other parts of the body, such as the bones, lymph nodes, kidneys, the stomach, the spine or the brain. This type of TB is called extrapulmonary TB. The most common site for extrapulomonary disease is in the lymph nodes (glands).
People with TB outside the lungs (extrapulmonary TB) cannot give TB to others.
This information is also available in the following languages. To request a copy, email us at targettb@toronto.ca or call 416-338-7600 and ask for the TB program.
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