Introduction of front & back swim, front, side and back glide, submersion & breath control, surface support and deep water. Continuous swim of 25 to 50 metres.
Prerequisite: None.
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Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 5 - 6pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 7 - 8pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 7 - 8pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 12 - 1pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 12 - 1pm
Development of front crawl, back crawl, glides, surface support and deep water. Introduction of stride entry, eggbeater and breaststroke. Continuous swim of 50 to 100 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Adult Swim 1.
no results found...
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 7 - 8pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 12 - 1pm
This course is offered with the Lifesaving Society. This is an intense program designed for strong swimmers or swimmer who are ready for National Lifeguard certification.
The Bronze Medallion component teaches how to manage complex water rescues through the development of physical fitness and judgment skills. The Bronze Cross component teaches the difference between lifesaving and lifeguarding, the principles of emergency procedures and teamwork. The Standard First Aid (CPR C) component teaches in-depth first aid including spinal injuries, heat or cold injuries, bone and joint injuries, abdominal and chest injuries, burns, medical emergencies, and how to use an AED. Candidates must be able to swim 400 metres in 11 minutes or less by the course exam date.
Prerequisite: Minimum age 13 years old or Bronze Star. Candidates with Bronze Star, that are under 13 years of age, can register for this course by calling 416-396-7378 or visiting an in-person registration site.
For information about attendance, withdrawals and refunds for courses offered with the Lifesaving Society, visit no results found...
Sep-06-2024 to Sep-15-2024, Sun, Fri, Sat, 5 - 9pm
This course serves as an excellent preparation for Bronze Medallion. Participants develop problem solving and decision making skills, learn one-rescuer adult CPR and obstructed airway response, how to contact Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and develop Water Smart confidence and Lifesaving skills.
Prerequisite: Minimum 9 years old.
no results found...
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12 - 1:15pm
Program designed to promote comfort and safety in the water for the caregiver and child. Introduction to entries & exits, submersion & breath control, and basic floats with assistance. One child per caregiver.
Prerequisite: None
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Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 6:30 - 7pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11:30am - 12pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10 - 10:30am
Program designed to promote comfort and safety in the water for the caregiver and child. Development of front float, back float and surface support. Introduction to front and back glide and submersion. One child per caregiver.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Guardian Swim 1.
no results found...
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10:30 - 11am
Introduction to entries & exits, submersion & breath control, and basic floats with assistance.
Prerequisite: None
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5 - 5:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 6 - 6:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 6:30 - 7pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 7 - 7:30pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 9:30 - 10am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11 - 11:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11:30am - 12pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12 - 12:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 1 - 1:30pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11:30am - 12pm
Development of entries & exits, bobbing and floats without assistance. Introduction to front swim. Continuous swim three metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Preschool Swim 1 or Guardian Swim 3.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5 - 5:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 6 - 6:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 6:30 - 7pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 7 - 7:30pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 9:30 - 10am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11:30am - 12pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12:30 - 1pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11:30am - 12pm
Development of front swim and back swim. Introduction to side glides, sculling and deep water. Continuous swim of five metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Preschool Swim 2.
no results found...
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 6:30 - 7pm
This course is offered with the Lifesaving Society. Candidates will learn to organize, plan, teach and evaluate swimming, lifesaving and first aid skills. Candidates will work to develop skills in the area of class management, teaching, evaluation, leadership, communication and administration. With the successful completion of this course candidates will be qualified to instruct the Toronto Learn to Swim program, the Lifesaving Society Swim for Life program, Emergency First Aid with CPR-B, Rookie Ranger and Star Patrol and Bronze Star, Medallion and Cross.
Prerequisite (current or expired): Minimum age 15 years old and Bronze Cross
For information about attendance, withdrawals and refunds for courses offered with the Lifesaving Society, visit no results found...
Sep-20-2024 to Sep-29-2024, Sun, Fri, Sat, 5 - 9pm
Dec-27-2024 to Dec-31-2024, Sun, Mon, Tue, Fri, Sat, 9am - 7pm
Introduction to entries & exits, submersion & breath control, and basic floats with assistance.
Prerequisite: None
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4 - 4:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5:45 - 6:15pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12 - 12:30pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11 - 11:30am
Development of front swim, back kick and glides. Introduction to deep water, surface support, side glide and kicking. Continuous swim of 5 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 1 or Preschool Swim 3.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4 - 4:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6:30 - 7pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6:30 - 7pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12 - 12:30pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11 - 11:30am
Development of surface support, side glide and kicking. Introduction to front crawl, diving and back swim. Continuous swim of 10 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 2 or Preschool Swim 4.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4 - 4:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 6:30 - 7pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 9:30 - 10am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 9:30 - 10am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12 - 12:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12:30 - 1pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12:30 - 1pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11 - 11:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11 - 11:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 1 - 1:30pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 1 - 1:30pm
Development of front crawl and treading water. Introduction to side breathing, somersault, whip-kick and forward roll. Continuous swim of 25 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 3.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5 - 5:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 9:30 - 10am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11 - 11:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 12:30 - 1pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11:30am - 12pm
Development of front dive, forward roll and front crawl. Introduction to back crawl, eggbeater kick and elementary backstroke arms. Continuous swim of 75 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 4.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5 - 5:30pm
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5:30 - 6pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 6 - 6:30pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 5 - 5:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4 - 4:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 4:30 - 5pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11 - 11:30am
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 1 - 1:30pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10 - 10:30am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 10:30 - 11am
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 11:30am - 12pm
Development of front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and eggbeater. Introduction to stride entries, surface dives, breaststroke and interval training. Continuous swim of 150 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 5.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5:30 - 6:15pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 7 - 7:45pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 6:30 - 7:15pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 6 - 6:45pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5:30 - 6:15pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 1 - 1:45pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 1 - 1:45pm
Development of surface dives, eggbeater, front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke and breaststroke. Introduction to shallow dive into deep water and clothed treading water. Continuous swim of 200 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 6.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 5:30 - 6:15pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 7 - 7:45pm
Oct-02-2024 to Nov-27-2024, Wed, 6:30 - 7:15pm
Oct-03-2024 to Nov-28-2024, Thur, 6:45 - 7:30pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5:30 - 6:15pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 1 - 1:45pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 1 - 1:45pm
Development of surface dives with underwater swim, object support and all strokes. Continuous swim of 300 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 7.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 7 - 8pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 4 - 5pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5:30 - 6:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11am - 12pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 12 - 1pm
Development of non-contact rescues and stroke improvement. Introduction of stride jump. Continuous swim of 400 metres.
Prerequisite: Successful completion or skill ability equal to Ultra Swim 8.
no results found...
Sep-30-2024 to Dec-02-2024, Mon, 4 - 5pm
Oct-01-2024 to Nov-26-2024, Tue, 7 - 8pm
Oct-03-2024 to Dec-05-2024, Thur, 4 - 5pm
Oct-04-2024 to Nov-29-2024, Fri, 5:30 - 6:30pm
Oct-05-2024 to Nov-30-2024, Sat, 11am - 12pm
Oct-06-2024 to Dec-01-2024, Sun, 12 - 1pm