The Nordheimer Ravine runs south-east from St. Clair Ave. W. near Bathurst past the south end of Sir Winston Churchill Park to Roycroft Park. This area contains one of the finest stands of old Oaks in the city.

History and Ecological Restoration
Historically, Nordheimer Ravine was the home of Castlefrank Brook, which ran southeast, down through Rosedale Valley and eventually into the Don River. In the mid-1970s the stream was buried when the Spadina subway line was built. Even though the original creek now flows inside a storm sewer there are still many places along the valley slope where ground water seepage causes wet pockets to appear at the surface. This feature is one of the reasons why Nordheimer Ravine has been the focus of several ecological restoration projects.

Restoration efforts began in 1997 when ponds were created by the City of Toronto to collect water in some of the wetter sites within Nordheimer Ravine. Over the years volunteers have helped to plant trees, shrubs and many native terrestrial and aquatic herbaceous plants. Ongoing work by the City of Toronto, as well as volunteer stewards, has helped keep non-native invasive species at bay and allowed native species to flourish. The ravine has become a popular stopping point for many birds and other wildlife.