Article V of Chapter 743 of the Toronto Municipal Code requires that all property owners in Toronto:

  • Sustain all vegetation planted in the boulevard in a state of healthy growth, with boulevard sod kept trimmed to a height less than 20 cm (8 inches);
  • Maintain all private encroachments, including stairs, landscaping, fences, retaining walls or noise barriers in a state of good repair and free of graffiti and posters;
  • Maintain driveways, parking areas and walkways in a state of good repair;
  • Keep the boulevard and sidewalk clear of noxious weeds, litter, rubbish, brush, leaves, lawn and tree trimmings;
  • Keep an unobstructed two metre radius around fire hydrants;
  • Keep bushes, hedges and gardens trimmed at a height of less than 0.85m, measured from the travelled surface of the adjoining road;
  • Prune and trim hedges, soft landscaping and private trees to ensure that they do not obstruct sidewalks and bicycle paths.

The City does not repair any private encroachment, such as a fence, stair or retaining wall, damaged as a result of road repair, reconstruction or snow removal and street cleaning.

Property owners who do not maintain the boulevard are subject to a fine as well as any costs incurred by the City to perform any required repairs or alterations.

The City will maintain street trees, hedges and shrubs planted by the City, and will repair damage to municipal boulevards, excluding private encroachments, that are caused as a result of a motor vehicle crash.

If a homeowner is not maintaining either their front lawn and the boulevard, you can submit a Property Violations and Property Issues service request online at, or call 311.

If a homeowner is maintaining their front lawn but NOT the city boulevard, you can submit  a Long Grass and Weeds complaint online at or call 311.

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