The Administrative Penalty Tribunal obtains its jurisdiction from many provincial statutes and municipal bylaws. The Tribunal’s jurisdiction arises under the following acts.

City of Toronto Act, 2006 governs the Administrative Penalty Tribunal, including outlining the power and authority of the tribunal.

The Ontario Regulation 611/06 applies to administrative penalties that are required by the City.

The Ontario Regulation 355/22 establishes authority for automated speeding enforcement and red light camera systems to be managed under the administrative penalty system.

The Statutory Powers Procedure Act, RSO 1990 governs Administrative Penalty Tribunal exercise of statutory powers and provides minimum rules of natural justice.

The Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 610 governs the Administrative Penalty System program.

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act sets out a framework for when participation in decision-making is appropriate.

The Code of Conduct for Members of Adjudicative Board, City of Toronto describes the written standards of conduct for citizen members who are appointed to adjudicative boards by Council.

The Code of Conduct Complaint Protocol for Members of Local Boards (Restricted Definition) and Adjudicative Boards provides the procedures for making complaints about members of the Administrative Penalty Tribunal and also sets out the authority of the Integrity Commissioner to investigate such complaints.

Rules of Procedure sets out tribunal processes and outlines timelines duties and expectations.

Rules of Procedure (English/Anglais Version)

Rules of Procedure (Français/French Version)