If you have any questions about the accessibility features of this location, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator: courtaccesssouth@toronto.ca
Walkways, ramps from parking: Yes
Walkways, ramps from street: Yes
Walkways handrails on both sides: Yes
Main entrance barrier-free: No
If not, how many are barrier-free: 1
Accessible Entrance is on the North Side of the Building
Barrier-free path of travel through the lobby: Yes
Where restrictive measures/also a clear path through lobby: Yes
Buttons in Braille: Yes
Handrails on both sides of stairs/ramps: Yes
All floors accessible by ramp or elevator: Yes
All hallways barrier-free: Yes
Interior public doorways have a clear width: Yes
Barrier-Free Washrooms
Barrier-free washrooms: Yes
TTY phone identified by symbols: Yes
How many: 10
Phones include volume controls and symbols: Yes
Information Desk: Yes
Information desk staffed: Yes
Do they have accessible entrances: Yes
How many: 1
Maneuvering room for wheelchairs, scooters and walkers: Yes
Is an ALS available in the courthouse: Yes
Do building alert and alarm signals include audible and visual signals: Yes