Located on the Toronto Islands, Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (BBTCA) is operated by the Toronto Port Authority (operating as PortsToronto), which is an arm’s length federal entity established through the Canada Marine Act. BBTCA is located on land that is owned by Ports Toronto (approximately 78 per cent), Transport Canada (approximately 2 per cent) and the City of Toronto (approximately 20 per cent).

The land is governed under a Tripartite Agreement signed by the three landowners. The Agreement is a 50-year lease signed on June 30, 1983.

Access the Tripartite Agreement.

Document Archive

Access background documents including the Tripartite Agreement, the Ground Run Up Enclosure and Porter Airlines' 2015 request to permit jet airline operations.

Ground Run-up Enclosure

Learn more about this project and the City's technical review.

Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan

Find out more information about how City Planning is developing a long-term vision for the Bathurst Quay neighbourhood.

Runway End Safety Areas (RESA)

Learn about the work underway to achieve federally mandated RESA-compliance at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport.