Walking is one activity that can help you achieve the health benefits described in the Canadian Physical Activity Guidelines. Walking is the number one physical activity in Canada. It is easy to do and can be done by people of all ages. To achieve health benefits, try to walk in bouts of 10 minutes or more.

Walking Tips

  • Staying motivated
  • Be safe
  • Stretching exercises after walking

Where to Walk

  • Join a walking group
  • Places to walk and be active

Walking to School

  • We can work with your school community to develop active transportation programs.


  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce stress
  • Increase energy
  • Help you achieve or maintain a healthy weight
  • Lower cholesterol and blood pressure
  • Reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease and cancer
  • Make muscles and bones stronger

Make walking for health a part of your life by:

  • Setting goals
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator
  • Walking to the grocery store
  • Parking your car at the farthest corner

Make walking interesting by:

  • Changing your route
  • Walking at different times during the day
  • Exploring new trails and parks
  • Walking in all seasons
  • Increasing your distance and speed
    • Make it more challenging
    • Use a pedometer