Nicolas Valverde
Catherine LeBlanc-Miller
Ava Harness
Janat Akbar
Max Pacheco
Taamara Thanaraja
Paula Fletcher has a long record of service to Toronto-Danforth residents. She first became involved as a leader in the East End Parent Network and was then elected as the TDSB Trustee in 2000. Paula was elected as City Councillor for the former Ward 30 in 2003 and has served as Councillor since. She was re-elected in 2018 and again in 2022 to represent the over 106,000 residents of Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth, which extends from the Don Valley Parkway to Coxwell Ave and from Lake Ontario to just north of O’Connor Drive.
Paula is a strong progressive voice at City Hall. She’s focused on creating affordable housing, improving public transit, parks and other public spaces, fighting the climate crisis along with enhancing community and road safety for all users. Paula works with residents, community groups and local business owners to build vibrant, healthy neighbourhoods.
Paula was appointed to a number of key committees and boards in August 2023. This includes the Executive Committee, responsible for major City-Wide issues and key priorities, and the Economic & Community Development Committee. Paula was also named the Deputy Speaker of City Council.
She was reappointed as Chair of the Film, Television and Digital Media Board and as Mayor Chow’s designate on the Boards of Toronto Community Housing, CreateTO and TOLive. She also serves on the Toronto and East York Community Council
(Information provided by the Councillor)
Economic and Community Development Committee
Audit Committee, Vice Chair
Corporations Nominating Panel, Chair
Toronto and East York Community Council
Board of Directors of TO Live, Mayor’s Designate
CreateTO Board of Directors, Mayor’s Designate
Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Board, Chair
Toronto Music Advisory Committee
Canadian Stage Company Board of Directors
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Applegrove Community Complex Board of Management