Joanne Fusillo Ademaj
Shirley He
Linda Zhu
Andrea Francavilla
Shawnim Essa
For over 20 years, Nick has lived, worked, and played, in Scarborough-Agincourt, Ward 22. He has gone to school with many of you, enjoyed a meal at Johnny’s Hamburgers, participated in civic activities at the L’Amoreaux, fought alongside you to save the Grace Hospital, and, recently, distributed masks and sanitizer to our fellow residents. At home, Nick’s life also revolves around his community as he is a devoted volunteer and community leader. He is also involved with the family business – a trusted GTA company for more than 50 years.
Having studied in several countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, Nick has developed both a solid academic background and heightened cultural awareness. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from York University, a certificate in Islamic Finance from Durham University (UK), a Post Graduate Certificate in International Shipping Finance from the Institute of Maritime and Economic Studies, Athens (Greece) and has pursued postgraduate studies in International Relations & Government at Harvard University.
For the last 15 years, he has proudly and honourably served his fellow residents of Scarborough-Agincourt in several capacities. Whether through his time as a Federal constituency assistant, a policy advisor to the Senate of Canada, or as Chief of Staff for the former Ward 22 Councillor, Nick has always had the best interests of our community as his focus. Amassing a great deal of knowledge and practical know-how, he has supported and advocated for our needs at all levels of government, in business, and through non-profit advocacy work. As someone who knows and understands the challenges, goals, and concerns of our community, Nick will continue to put Scarborough-Agincourt first.
Nick’s dedication to community service is demonstrated by his participation in many cultural, business, and political organizations, including being elected Chair of the Panarcadian Federation of Canada and serving as a Director of the Hellenic Canadian Board of Trade (HCBT). Nick’s honest approach and sincerity have earned him the respect of his colleagues and community as a whole.
Deeply committed to humanity and democracy, Nick was able to be an elections observer in Libya just after the fall of Muammar Gaddafi. After this, he was invited to observe the elections in post-Chavez Venezuela. Nick’s dedication and belief in the human spirit guided him through any perceived dangers that these environments may have posed. While most would fear for their lives, Nick saw this as an opportunity to make a difference to those who, on a daily basis, put their own lives in danger to have a taste of that which many of us take for granted. His passion and genuine nature was welcomed by the countless democracy-seekers he came across during his time in both countries.
In 2012, Nick was invited to the European Parliament in Brussels where he presented his thoughts on the cultural destruction in the occupied territory of Cyprus. Following this, he was a member of a delegation that presented a petition on the cultural destruction of occupied Cyprus to the Cultural Section at UNESCO.
Nick has effectively and respectably represented his community in all of his endeavors over the last many years, and continues to do so. He has kept close to his roots in Scarborough-Agincourt and his connection is sincere and unwavering. Nick will continue to serve you with dedication, passion, and humility as Councillor for Ward 22.
(Information provided by the Councillor)
Economic and Community Development Committee
Scarborough Community Council , Vice-Chair
Board of Management of the Toronto Zoo
Canadian National Exhibition Association, Municipal Section and Board of Directors
Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) Consultative Committee
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority