Antonette DiNovo
Alex Amelin
Helen Han
Sophie Song
Jennifer Paredes
Dip Habib
Shemar Jordan
Paul is an effective member of Toronto City Council. He brings a broad perspective to City Hall, with more than 25 years of experience at the federal, provincial, and municipal levels of government.
As Chair of General Government Committee, Paul will strive to move the City forward in a number of important initiatives, with enhancements to municipal governance, transparency and efficiency.
As the “Night Economy Champion”, Paul will strive to establish a cohesive, respectful harmony where both residents and Toronto’s night economy will thrive.
As Chair of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors, Paul will strive to conserve, restore, and manage natural resources.
As member on the Executive Committee, Chair of Scarborough Community Council, as well as holding membership with several Boards, Paul will diligently work to ensure Toronto’s residents are well represented.
Serving on the Toronto Public Library Board as Chair, Paul added many social media tools to their portfolio, allowing for residents to interact with their library in a modern and comprehensive manner. Continuing his library role as Chair of Federation of Ontario Public Libraries, Paul strives to ensure our public libraries have an open, positive environment, where residents can gather to learn, have fun, and partake in programming. Working on the Board of Toronto Seniors Housing Corporation, Paul was committed to realizing the vision of the Tenants First report, calling for the creation of seniors-focused housing and associated services with the goal to ensure seniors age in place with dignity and comfort.
Serving on Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Paul demonstrated an ability to drive positive change in encompassing cybersecurity, digital affordability, and homelessness initiatives, and other in critical issues facing municipalities across Canada and collaborating on innovative solutions.
Paul will continue to work for residents through this work in the community and at City Hall. For the 2022 – 2026 term Paul has been appointed to the following committees: Night Economy Champion, Chair of General Government Committee, Chair of Scarborough Community Council, Executive Committee, Exhibition Place Board of Governors, Toronto Public Library, Toronto Transit Commission, Chair of Toronto Zoo Board of Management, Canadian National Exhibition Association, Municipal Section and Board of Directors, Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), Guild Renaissance Group Board of Directors, Good Roads Board of Directors, Chair of Federation of Ontario Public Libraries and Chair of Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors, Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (2SLGBTQ+) Advisory Committee, Committee of Revision, Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Board, Toronto Music Advisory Committee.
Paul envisions a city where all residents have the tools to utilize an open, accessible, transparent, and accountable local government. Paul hopes this will build public trust and confidence in our municipal government.
(Information provided by Councillor)
General Government Committee, Chair
Scarborough Community Council, Chair
Service Excellence Committee, Vice Chair
Exhibition Place Board of Governors
Toronto Zoo Board of Management, Mayor’s Designate
Film, Television and Digital Media Advisory Board, Mayor’s designated Night Economy Champion
Toronto Music Advisory Committee, Mayor’s designated Night Economy Champion
Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (2SLGBTQ+) Advisory Committee
Association of Municipalities of Ontario Board of Directors
Guild Renaissance Group Board of Directors
Hockey Hall of Fame Board of Directors
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Chair
Canadian National Exhibition Association, Municipal Section and Board of Directors
Good Roads, Second Vice-President and Board Member
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Board of Directors
(Information provided by Councillor)
Federation of Ontario Public Libraries Board of Directors, Chair