There are sign-in procedures in place for visiting Councillors’ office areas at City Hall, North York Civic Centre and Scarborough Civic Centre.
During Business Hours
- During business hours, Council Reception staff will greet visitors at the reception desk and contact the applicable Councillor’s office.
- If the visitor is to enter the secured space, the visitor will sign the appropriate Visitor Log. This log is a system with a visitor badge that contains fields that are completed by both the visitor and the receiving party.
- The Councillor or staff member from the Councillor’s office must attend the reception desk to sign the visitor in. The badge will then be issued to the visitor to visibly wear at all times when in the secured space.
- The Councillor or staff member will then escort the visitor into the secured space
- Visitors must be escorted at all times when in the secured space.
- At the conclusion of meeting, visitors must be escorted back to a reception desk by the Councillor or staff member.
- The Visitor Badge must be returned to the Council Receptionist and the Councillor or staff member will be asked to sign the visitor “out.”
After Business Hours
- After hours, the Visitor Procedures remain in place; however, all visitors will be received by the Councillor or staff member at the facility’s main Security desk. All other procedures remain the same, the applicable log must be completed, the visitor must still wear the badge and be escorted at all times, and must be signed out at the main Security desk.
- If a visitor is signed-in during business hours at a Reception desk and the meeting finishes after-hours, the visitor will not be signed out at the Reception desk. Instead, the visitor will be escorted to the main Security desk to return their Visitor badge and be signed out.
- All Visitor badges clearly state “Visitor” and are self-expiring. This means that red letters reading “void” will automatically appear on the right hand side of the badge after 8-12 hours.
- All persons in a secured Councillor space will wear either a City-issued identification or a visitor’s badge. If you see an individual in a secured space without a visible badge or with a badge that is already expired, please immediately notify the City Council Receptionist, on-site security, or Corporate Security at 416-397-0000.
- Visitors are asked to not allow other visitors to enter the secured area by following behind when entering.
- If a visitor is attending another Councillor’s office after being signed in by the first Councillor’s office, the visitor must be escorted back out to the reception desk so the next office can be appropriately notified of the visitor, and can receive them.
Meeting Room Visitors
- A separate procedure is in place for visitors using the large meeting rooms in secured Council spaces. A separate “Meeting Room Log” is used for visitors where only the visitor’s name needs to be provided and a separate sticker reading “Meeting Room Visitor” is issued.
- Visitors are required to be escorted to the meeting room by the Councillor or staff member. Councillors may also provide a list of expected attendees to the Council Receptionist in advance as pre-authorization.
- After the meeting, visitors must sign out and return their Meeting Room Visitor badge. If the meeting concludes after business hours, visitors must sign out at the main floor Security desk and return their Meeting Room Visitor badge.