Use MyVote to find where you go to vote, access your voter information card, check the list of candidates and more.
Did you know? The boundaries of Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Ward 11 (Don Valley West) are the same as the boundaries of the City of Toronto Ward 15, Don Valley West.


Confirm that you’re eligible to vote in this by-election.

Starting January 20, use MyVote to:

  • Find out if you are on the voters’ list
  • Apply for Mail-in Voting (until 4:30 p.m. on February 6)
  • Add or update your voters’ list information (until 4:30 p.m. on February 6)
  • Check out a list of the candidates running for trustee
  • Find out where and when to vote, and accessibility information about voting places
  • View, download or print your Voter Information Card
  • View a sample of the ballot

Note: continue to check MyVote before you go to vote in person, as voting places may change.

When you are entering your address, please wait for your address to appear in the dropdown menu. Then select your address and select GO.

Helpful tips:

  • Keep typing until your address appears in the dropdown – you may have to type the street number or the complete street name to achieve success.
  • You must select your address from the dropdown menu.
  • Be patient. It might take a few seconds for the application to recognize your address in the dropdown menu.
  • You might be used to typing your address a certain way and pressing enter before selecting the address from the dropdown menu.
  • If you live in a property with units, and you can’t find yourself on the Voters’ List, try to adjust the value in the Unit field. For example:
    • Try typing “unit” followed by the unit type “PH” and followed by the unit number “1”. For example: “unit PH 1”; or
    • Try typing the unit type “PH”, space, and the unit number “1”. For example: “PH 1”; or
    • Try using spacing between the unit type and unit number. For example: “unit 1”; or
    • Try typing your unit type, for example: unit, suite or PH.
  • If you need further assistance, call 311 or email 

Sometimes this means that you might be entering an alternative address for your residence. The building could have more than one address, an example of this is: 550 Jarvis and 108 Isabella. Contact 311 or if you need assistance with your address or a range address, for example 56-88 Cassandra Blvd.

Reference to Former

The use of “former” is in reference to old municipality names, for example former Toronto, Scarborough, East York, Etobicoke, North York, York.

As you navigate to this section your ward and address are populated. This is also where you can check, add or update your voters’ list information. Fill out the mandatory fields and follow the process to completion.

Information must be entered completely to get back a confirmation result, if you are on the list or not. You then have a chance to update your information or apply to vote by mail.

If you make changes or add yourself to the voters’ list you will be added to a provisional voters’ list, which means that you must show identification when you go to vote in person.

It’s important to remember you can only add or update your voters’ list information through MyVote until February 6. After this date you can add or update when you go to vote in person.

If you have questions about your voter information, or how to get on the voters’ list email

You can check all the candidates that are running for trustee through this tab on MyVote. The list of candidates you see and all association information is strictly provided by candidates to the City Clerk.

The City Clerk provides these links to the public strictly as a convenience to promote citizen involvement in the by-election. The Clerk does not operate or control any aspect of these sites. By providing a link to a candidate, the Clerk is not endorsing them.

The Clerk does not review, endorse or approve the sites and is not responsible for them in any way. You agree that neither the City of Toronto nor the Clerk is liable for any damages resulting from your linking to a candidate site.

This is where you will find information about where and when you go to vote during advance voting or on election day. This information includes accessibility information about your voting place. This tab will also link to a map of where your voting place is located, as well as your qualifying address.

  • Apply to vote by mail (until 4:30 p.m. on February 6)
  • Sample of the ballot (available after the close of candidate nominations)
  • Map of TDSB Ward 11 (Don Valley West)
  • View, download and print your Voter Information Card (VIC)