The City is improving Bob Acton Park by adding a new playground and developing a Master Plan to help inform other potential improvements.

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The project is organized into two parts: design and construction of a new playground and development of a Master Plan to inform all other park improvements. Community engagement will happen separately for each part in order to not delay construction.

Timelines are subject to change.

  • August to September 2022: Pre-community engagement
  • Fall 2022: Hire a consultant team
  • Winter to Spring 2023: Background work and proposed design

New Playground

  • June to August 2023: Community engagement
  • September 2023 to February 2024: Detailed design
  • February to April 2024: Hire a construction team
  • August 2024: Construction starts, sandbox and shade shelter close temporarily
  • Fall 2024: Construction complete, new playground opens

Master Plan

  • Summer to Fall 2023: Community engagement
  • Fall 2023 to Winter 2024: Master Plan revisions
  • Summer 2024: Present Master Plan and planning for implementation

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Level of Engagement

This project has been classified as a Collaborate project based on the International Association of Public Participation Spectrum. This means we aim to partner with the public, stakeholders, and rightsholders in each aspect of the design process, including the development of design options and the identification of a preferred design.

July 2024

Playground Construction Starts

Construction for the playground improvements starts in August 2024 and is anticipated to be completed later this fall.

Master Plan Complete

After engaging over 1,900 community members through a multi-phase community engagement process, the final Master Plan is complete. The Master Plan serves as a vision to guide future park improvements, but not all improvements are being implemented immediately. Additional projects will be considered as opportunities and associated budgets become available.

After much consideration and a location feasibility review, the final Master Plan does not include an off-leash area. Further consideration will be given if a feasible location within the park is identified and funding becomes available. Norwood Park, located 940 metres west of Bob Acton Park, is the closest park with an off-leash area.

In this phase of the community engagement process, the City will work with community members to draft a vision statement for the park and preliminary ideas to inform the development of design options for the new playground and Master Plan.

Vision Statement

Bob Acton Park will continue to be a park cherished by community members for its defining features, including the large green open space. The park provides open gathering spaces that allow for multifunctional uses by all age groups, including community yoga, activities for youth and play activities for families, like a sandbox. The park will be a space where community members can continue to visit to relax and enjoy through a new accessible playground space, seating options, and shade provided by new trees.

Community Engagement Meetings and Events

Download the Community Engagement Phase 1 Summary Report.

Summer 2022

In-Person Pop-up Events

The project team hosted three on-site pop-up events, one at the Beaches International Jazz Festival on July 24, one at East Lynn Farmer’s Market on July 28, and one at Bob Acton Park on August 17. The goal was to provide an opportunity for community members to ask questions and share their ideas and vision for the park improvements.

Online Survey

From July 26 to August 19, an online survey collected ideas on ways to improve the park.

In this phase of the community engagement process, the City and its design consultant will work off the outcomes of Community Engagement Phase 1 to develop three design options for the new playground and two Master Plan options for the park. These will be presented to the community for feedback, which will be used to develop a preferred design for the new playground and a final Master Plan.

Final Master Plan

In response to community preferences, the Master Plan includes three categories of features and amenities:

  1. Existing features to be retained and enhanced, including:
    • Open lawns
    • Park pathways and existing sidewalks
    • Shade shelter (to remain and be associated with the new playground)
    • Sand box (to remain and be integrated within the new playground)
    • Existing trees (to be protected)
  2. New features with secured budgets to be implemented in 2024, including new playground area with junior and senior play structures and swings
  3. Proposed future features to be developed and implemented as funding is secured, including:
    • Informal sports field (no permanent goal posts or line painting), sized for a “Class C” mini soccer field (30 metres by 58 metres)
    • A new community garden in the southwest area of the park, introduced in phases: the first phase on land already in the existing park; and the second phase on land currently under a lease agreement, to be developed once the lease is terminated.
    • Various new accessible seating options including benches, picnic tables, and other types of seating areas
    • A consolidated adult fitness area with wood fibre safety surfacing
    • Park lights along existing pathways
    • Proposed deciduous tree planting to provide additional shade throughout the park
    • Pollinator gardens at select locations and park entry points

The Final Master Plan for Bob Acton Park includes several new amenities for the community to enjoy, and retains existing park amenities and features. All amenities and features are numbered. A legend that corresponds with the numbers in the plan is included below.

  1. New Playground
  2. Open lawn space
  3. Informal sports field (30 metres by 58 metres)
  4. Seating areas, benches and picnic tables
  5. Adult fitness area (300 metres square)
  6. Community garden:
    1. Phase 1: 400 metre square
    2. Phase 2: 300 metre square
  1. Lighting pole
  2. Park pathway
  3. North sidewalk
  4. New tree plantings
  5. Existing trees
  6. Shade structure
  7. Sandbox
  8. Pollinator gardens

Preferred Playground Design

The preferred playground design, Option C, was revised to include more swings in response to community feedback collected in this phase.

Community Engagement Meetings and Events

September 2023

Online Survey

From September 1 to September 27, an online survey collected feedback on preliminary Master Plan options for the park.

Download the September 2023 survey summary.

August 2023

Park Pop-Up Event

On August 10, the project team and local Councillor were at Bob Acton Park to speak with local community members about the preliminary Master Plan options and playground design options.

July 2023

Public Meeting

On July 11, a public meeting took place at the Beaches Recreation Centre to share and collect feedback on the preliminary Master Plan and three playground design options.

June 2023

Online Survey

From June 22 to August 18, an online survey collected feedback on three playground design options.

Download the June 2023 survey summary.

Image of Playground Option A from a ground level perspective. Playground Option A features 3 play equipment including a spinner. The play equipment includes play structures with slides and climbing features, a swing set, and play panels.
Playground Option A.
Image of Playground Option B from a ground level perspective. Playground Option B features 2 play equipment including an assortment of spinners and play panels. The play equipment includes a large play structure with slides and climbing features, a swing set, play panels, a teeter-totter and spinners.
Playground Option B.
Image of Playground Option C from a ground level perspective. Playground Option C features 4 play equipment including a play panel and spinner. The play equipment includes two play structures with slides, climbing features, and a play panel, as well as a swing set, climbing obstacle course, a play panel, and a spinner.
Playground Option C.

January 2023

Design development for the playground is underway. Design options will be presented to the community for feedback in the spring.