The City is looking for an operator for Allan A. Lamport Stadium and wants community feedback to ensure the Stadium continues to meet the needs of its users and the surrounding community.

  • May 2024: City Council directs staff to seek proposals for stadium operator.
  • June to September 2024: Project planning and review
  • November 2024: Community engagement
  • February 2025: Request For Proposals posted for Stadium Operator
  • September 2025: Recommendations to Council for future Operator.

The timeline is subject to change.

November 2024

Online Survey

From November 12 to November 29, an online survey collected community feedback on priorities for service improvement at Allan A. Lamport Stadium. The survey received 746 responses.

Allan A. Lamport Stadium is a 9,600 seat stadium located in the Liberty Village neighbourhood.

City Council has directed staff to seek a stadium operator that will help ensure the facility is reaching its full potential by improving the stadium infrastructure and providing equitable community access and great customer service.

Staff are currently in the planning stages of the project and are consulting with the local community and stadium users to ensure stakeholders are informed of the project and its objectives.

The City is planning to release a Request for Proposals in Q1 of 2025 with a potential award in Q4 of 2025.