The City is improving the playground and adding fitness equipment and a half court or practice court for basketball in Balmoral Park.

  • Summer 2023: Design development
  • Fall 2023: Community engagement (online survey)
  • Winter 2023/2024: Detailed design
  • Spring 2024: Hire construction team
  • Fall 2024: Construction starts
  • Winter 2024/2025: Construction complete

The timeline is subject to change.

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Level of Engagement

This project has been classified as a Consult project based on the International Association of Public Participation Spectrum. This means we obtain public feedback on existing analysis, alternatives, and/or proposals.

June 2024

Online Survey

From June 1 to 16, an online survey collected feedback from 463 community members on the design options for the park improvements. The feedback collected in this survey will help develop a final design.

The survey results will be posted on this page.

November 2023

Online Survey

From October 16 to November 5, an online survey collected feedback from 567 community members on the design options for the playground and other park improvements. The project team will use this feedback to develop the final design. Some respondents were concerned that the existing splash pad would be removed, however it will remain as-is.

Feedback Summary
  • 64 per cent preferred layout and basketball court option 1, 25 per cent preferred layout and basketball court option 2, and 11 per cent had no preference
  • 44 per cent preferred playground design A, 44 percent preferred playground design B, and 12 per cent had no preference
  • The three most important play features to include in playground design A were swings (69 per cent), slides (48 per cent), and web net climber (38 per cent)
  • The three least important play features to include in playground design A were play counter (28 per cent), sensory play panels (24 per cent), and barrel spinner (21 per cent)
  • The three most important play features to include in playground design B were swings (57 per cent), slides (43 per cent), and climbers (26 per cent)
  • The three least important play features to include in playground design B were a telescope (28 per cent), play counters (22 per cent), and sound sensory panels (21 per cent)
  • 79 per cent preferred fitness area design A, 8 per cent preferred fitness area design B, and 13 per cent had no preference
  • 85 per cent liked or strongly liked additional benches, 84 per cent liked or strongly liked umbrella tables, 74 per cent liked or strongly liked accessible picnic tables, 65 per cent liked or strongly liked Adirondack chairs, and 41 per cent liked or strongly liked armour stone seating
  • To make the playground, fitness area, basketball court and/or seating more welcoming and accessible, respondents most frequently commented that there should be shade or shade structures, more seating options and types (e.g. benches), and a soft or rubber surface in the playground (rather than sand or woodchips)
  • Respondents frequently commented that the sand surface be removed from the playground and a sandbox be added
  • Some respondents commented that the tennis court be resurfaced or repaired, however the project does not include these improvements given the available budget
  • Some respondents were concerned that adding a half court for basketball would obstruct use of the hill for tobogganing. The project team will take this feedback into consideration
Layout and Basketball Court Option 1

Map of Layout and Basketball Court Option 1 shows a fitness area located close to the northeast corner of the park, a playground to the south of the fitness area with seating areas along its northeast and south edges, and a half court located immediately south of the tennis courts. These amenities are connected by pathways.

  1. Proposed playground
  2. Proposed fitness area
  3. Proposed half court for basketball (18m x 18m)
  4. Accessible benches
  5. Accessible umbrella table
  6. Adirondack chairs
  7. Accessible picnic table
  8. Reused armour stone seating
  9. Shrub planting
  10. Armour stone seating
Layout and Basketball Court Option 2

Map of Layout and Basketball Court Option 2 shows a practice court close to northeast corner of park, a playground immediately to the south of the court, a fitness area to the west of the playground, and a seating area immediately to the south of the fitness area and playground. These amenities are connected by pathways, with a pathway separating the playground and fitness area.

  1. Proposed playground
  2. Proposed fitness area
  3. Proposed practice court for basketball (13.5m x 8.5m)
  4. Accessible benches
  5. Accessible umbrella table
  6. Adirondack chairs
  7. Accessible picnic table
  8. Reused armour stone Seating
  9. Shrub planting
Playground Design A
Aerial view of Playground Design A looking northwest shows web net climber in the foreground, followed by a junior play structure and a senior play structure in the background. Features as described below.
Aerial view of Playground Design A from looking southeast shows senior play structure at the north end, a junior play structure at the centre, and web net climber and swing set at the south end, with smaller play elements along the western edge. Features as described below.

Playground Design A includes:

  • Belt swings
  • Inclusive swing seat
  • Web net climber
  • Sensory play panel
  • Barrel spinner
  • Jet springer
  • Senior play structure for ages five to 12 with:
    • Curved slide
    • Circular net climber
    • Overhead rotator
    • Double trapeze rings
    • Tower access climber
    • Crawler climber
    • Rudder climber
    • Mineshaft climber
    • Overlook with seat
    • Sensory play panel
    • Stepping pods
  • Junior play structure for ages two to five with:
    • Double slide
    • Wave slide
    • Rudder climber
    • Space walk climber
    • Sensory play panel
    • Play counter
Playground Design B
Aerial view of the Playground Design B looking southwest shows a junior play structure at the south end, a senior play structure at the north end, and smaller play elements located in between and along the edges. Features as described below.
Aerial view of Playground Design B looking north shows a senior play structure with smaller play elements to the south. Features as described below.

Playground Design B includes:

  • Belt swings
  • Inclusive swing seat
  • Circular spinner
  • Standing spinner
  • Standing teeter totter
  • Twist climber
  • Frog springer
  • Senior play structure for ages five to 12 with:
    • Curved slide
    • Straight slide
    • Sound sensory panel
    • Percu sounds panel
    • Cozy seats
    • Leaf climber
    • Climbing wall
    • Ant climber
    • Challenge bridge
    • Cable bridge
    • Counter
    • Sensory play panels
  • Junior play structure for ages two to five with:
    • Double slide
    • Wave slide
    • Spider web climber
    • Wave climber
    • Percu sounds panel
    • Telescope
    • Mini hammock
    • Counter
    • Educational panels
Fitness Area Design A

Aerial view of Fitness Area Design A shows bars of specific heights and a bench. More details are described following the image.

Fitness Area Design A includes:

  • Parallel bars
  • Long bench
  • Pull-up bars
  • Push-up bars
Fitness Area Design B

Aerial view of Fitness Area Design B shows bars of specific heights, a bench, seated equipment and specialized upper body equipment. More details are described following the image.

Fitness Area Design B includes:

  • Bar combination
  • Leg lift and pull
  • Twist and flex wheel
  • Over and under
  • Turbo challenge

The playground in Balmoral Park Playground is located in the northeast area of the park.

The playground currently includes:

  • One swing set with four swings
    • one accessible swing
    • one swing for ages two to five
    • Two swings for ages five to 12
  • A tower structure with two slides
  • Two climbing structures
  • A curved slide
  • Sand under all play areas

The playground, fitness equipment, and basketball court will be redesigned using feedback from the community. The redesigned playground is proposed to include:

  • Playground equipment for ages two to 12
  • Engineered wood fibre playground surfacing
  • Play equipment and a pathway connecting to the new playground area that complies with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). This means that people of varying abilities will be able to play at this playground. Learn more about how playgrounds are made accessible
  • A new seating area