The new park has officially been named Bathurst Quay Common. Construction started on June 21, 2023 with a ground-breaking ceremony.

As part of the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan, a multi-phase project to revitalize the Bathurst Quay community, a new approximate 4,000 square metre (1 acre) park is coming to the historic Canada Malting Co. property located at 3 Eireann Quay. The new park, named Bathurst Quay Common, will include seating areas by the water with lush plants and landscaping, a multi-purpose plaza that can accommodate special events and cultural programming, and architectural accent lighting to illuminate the historic Canada Malting silos during the evening.

The construction of this new park is a critical part of a larger plan to transform the under-utilized space into an attractive and animated destination for waterfront residents and guests, and to create a welcoming gateway into the downtown core for visitors to Toronto arriving from the adjacent Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport.

  • March 2021: Hire a design team
  • Spring 2021 to Spring 2022: Community engagement
  • Summer 2022: Design development
  • Fall 2022 to Winter 2022: Detailed design
  • Winter 2022: Hire a construction team
  • June 21, 2023: Construction starts
  • Fall 2024: Construction complete

The timeline is subject to change.

Spring 2024

Construction is progressing well. The shape of the new water’s edge seating along the Western Channel promenade is now visible after the concrete pour and formwork removal.

Next, contractors will install woodwork to give the benches a warm, welcoming feel. In the multi-purpose plaza, preparations are underway to pour concrete for the foundations and platforms that will support seating and performance spaces. Additionally, structural steel beams are being installed for the water’s edge sundeck, which will soon offer seating with harbour views and flexible event space.

A construction site along a waterfront showing the progress of a promenade with newly installed concrete structures and woodwork. On the left, a building with windows covered in protective material is visible, and on the right, the promenade stretches toward the city skyline in the distance. Some sections of the promenade feature wooden seating integrated into the concrete forms. The area is fenced off with orange safety barriers and construction equipment is present in the background. The scene is captured at dusk, with a clear sky and the city skyline partially visible in the background.

An aerial view of a construction site with large cylindrical silos in the background. The site features wooden formwork structures laid out on the ground, outlining the shape of future concrete foundations. Construction workers in high-visibility vests are scattered across the site, working on various tasks. Construction materials, equipment, and storage containers are organized along the perimeter of the site. The ground is mostly dirt and appears muddy, with some areas showing signs of recent excavation or preparation for further construction.

: Construction workers are installing a large steel beam at a construction site near a waterfront. A crane is being used to hoist the beam into place, while several workers in high-visibility vests guide it onto concrete foundations. In the background, tall cylindrical silos and a brick building with windows covered in protective material are visible. The CN Tower is partially visible behind the silos, and the sky is clear and bright. The site is actively being developed, with formwork in place for additional concrete work.

February 2024

Construction Update

Construction continues with the demolition and removal of physical barriers and buried remnants, the installation of new site services like electrical for future light fixtures, and the pouring of structural concrete slabs that will support key park features. In spring, the construction and installation of park features will start to take shape.

The construction site showing a crane and large excavated boulders and concrete in the foreground with the silos and part of the city skyline in the background.

The construction site along the edge of Lake Ontario showing excavated dirt and fencing surrounding the construction area. The photo is taken facing the sun at sunrise.

June 2023

Park Ground-Breaking and Name Announcement

On June 21, 2023, both the Deputy Mayor and the Councillor for Spadina-Fort York, alongside project partners and stakeholders, participated in a ground-breaking ceremony to mark the start of construction on Bathurst Quay Common. This ceremony marks the third and final construction phase for the revitalization of the Canada Malting property. Ground-breaking for Phase 1 was in October 2019 and Phase 2 was in November 2021.

This ceremony event also marks the official announcement of this new park’s name: Bathurst Quay Common. The name was chosen after a consultation process with the Ward Councillor and the local Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association. The park’s name commemorates the enduring community spirit of the Bathurst Quay neighbourhood, which is one of the oldest and most diverse residential neighbourhoods on Toronto’s central waterfront.

Photo of the ground-breaking ceremony for the new park on June 21, 2023, which shows a small crowd of people around a podium with a speaker. The Silos and CN tower can be seen in the background.

Spring 2023

Community and Stakeholder Engagement

The project team initiated additional community and stakeholder engagement to name the new park. The park’s name is anticipated to be announced at the spring ground-breaking ceremony.

Leading up to the June ground-breaking ceremony, this project was also showcased in numerous community meetings, as well as various talks and tours taking place as part of several conferences hosted in Toronto. These various events include:

  • Jane’s Walk Toronto, “Revitalizing the historic Canada Malting property” on May 6, 2023.
  • Urban Land Institute Spring Meeting, “Toronto by Water – Boat Tour” on May 17, 2023
  • Federation of Canadian Municipalities 2023 Annual Conference, “Revitalizing and Decarbonizing the Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood” on May 26 and 27, 2023
  • Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting, “Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Plan Implementation Update” on June 7, 2023.
  • Park People 2023 National Conference, “Parks at the Core: A Tour on Delivering Innovation in Downtown Parks” on June 22, 2023

A view of the water's edge portion of the Bathurst Quay Common site just a few weeks before the start of construction in June 2023. The completed dockwall is seen to the right in the foreground. In the distance, the Corleck Building and malting silos can both be seen under renovation.

March 2023

Publication of Request for Tender

The process to hire a construction team is underway. The successful bidder will be announced in spring 2023, with a ground-breaking ceremony anticipated in June.

December 2022

Finalized Detailed Design

The project team finalized detailed design drawings for the new park and started work on technical specifications and tender call documentation in anticipation of hiring a construction team in spring 2023.


Community Engagement

This project had a robust community engagement process that involved regular meetings with a Waterfront Stakeholder Advisory Committee and a Technical Advisory Committee. The project team held meetings and events with the community, local neighbourhood association, and key stakeholders which resulted in important feedback that informed the park design.

On June 16, 2021, a virtual public meeting took place to present the proposed conceptual park design and collect feedback from the community and stakeholders. Key feedback collected at this meeting included:

  • Diverse seating options for the new park
  • More seating areas with shade
  • Simplifying the park layout
  • Removing the fixed stage to accommodate a more flexible pop-up performance space
  • An enhanced relationship to the existing Ireland Park
  • Addition of a water fountain and bottle-filling station

November 2, 2021

Phase 2 Ground-Breaking Ceremony

The Mayor and Councillor for Spadina-Fort York again joined project partners and stakeholders to break ground on the silo property. These Phase 2 projects included the start of a major rehabilitation of the nearly 100-year-old Canada Malting silos in order to safely integrate these structures into new and expanded public spaces, to begin preparing these structures for new uses, and to also the start of work on The Corleck Building by Canada Ireland Foundation.

October 25, 2019

Phase 1 Ground-Breaking

A construction crew at work in December 2019 rebuilding the Western Channel dockwall, which will provide an important connection and pathway between Bathurst Quay Common and the Lake Ontario shoreline.

The Mayor and Councillor for Spadina-Fort York broke ground on the first phase of construction for the revitalization of this property. The first two (of six total) projects launched in Phase 1 were the rehabilitation of the Western Channel dockwall, including the construction of a new water’s edge promenade; and the reduction of the Island airport’s community footprint by PortsToronto. This initial phase also delivered all of the environmental approvals necessary for the re-use of this formerly industrial site into a new park and public realm space.

A view of the Toronto skyline and inner harbour in June 2023, with impressive results from the ongoing silo rehabilitation project now clearly visible.
Toronto city skyline.
Artist's rendering of a nighttime cultural event taking place in the new plaza being built beside the historic Canada Malting silos. A small crowd is watching live music performed on a temporary stage, while other guests enjoy the activity from nearby park benches. Architectural accent lighting on the silos provides a dramatic backdrop for the scene.
An close-up artist illustration of the new park at 3 Eireann Quay.