George Bell Arena opened in 1961 and includes an indoor ice rink, mechanical and electrical rooms, change rooms, washrooms, and office spaces. The City is improving the roof and some of the building’s components to ensure the facility is in a state of good repair.

  • October 2023: Hire a consultant and preliminary schematic design
  • December 2023 to July 2024: Develop schematic and detailed design
  • August 2024 to March 2025: Hire a construction team
  • April 2025: Construction starts, facility closes
  • March 2026: Construction complete, facility reopens

The timeline is subject to change.

February 2024

Design work is progressing and is anticipated to be completed in summer 2024.

November 2023

A consultant is hired for the project.

July 2023

The City started the process of hiring an engineering consultant to provide design, engineering, and contract administration services for the project.

June 2023

On June 1, the facility re-opened. Hockey associations and contract holders that typically use the arena will be operating their 2023/2024 ice season as usual from September 2023 to March/April 2024.

May 2023

The City reviewed the final engineering report which noted that the roof required replacement within two years. The report allowed the facility to reopen in June 2023.

December 2022

Unplanned closure of the facility for additional engineering investigation and physical testing of the facility roof. The City worked closely with the Arena Board of Management to relocate ice user groups for the spring and summer season.

The arena improvements will include:

  • Removal, replacement and refurbishment of the roof structure and the roofing system
  • Upgrades to the public washrooms and changing rooms
  • Upgrades to the building’s mechanical and electrical system
  • Accessibility improvements within the facility and at the parking lot
  • Upgrades to flooring and lighting
  • Upgrades to the refrigeration system

The arena will be closed during construction.