The City and the local Councillor are improving Havenbrook Park. The playground was selected by the Henry Farm neighbourhood as one of the winning projects through participatory budgeting, a system of direct democracy where residents suggest and then vote on how City funds are spent in their community. The improvements will include a new playground, lighting and upgraded seating.

  • Fall to Late 2023: Community engagement
  • Winter to Summer 2024: Detailed design and hire a construction team
  • Fall 2024: Construction starts
  • Late Fall 2024: Construction complete, playground reopens

This timeline is subject to change.

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June 2024

Final Playground Design

The final design for the new Havenbrook Park playground, which has been refined based on community feedback. It will be a natural colour palette of browns and greens with some highlights of bright green, and include the play features listed below.

The final playground components were determined using feedback from the community. The new playground will be Acessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) compliant and will include the following features:

  • A swing set with:
    • Two belt swings
    • One tot swing
    • One accessible swing
  • Combined Junior and Senior structure with:
    • One small double slide
    • Two large curved slides
    • Six climbing options
    • One overhead climber
    • Two bridges
    • Two step pods
    • Two toadstool seats
    • Two play panels
  • One large rope climber
  • One imaginative play vehicle with climbing option
  • One large group spinner
  • One zip track with two overhead climbing options

December 2023

Online Survey

From November 16 to December 3, 2023, feedback on multiple playground equipment and design options was collected in an online survey. The survey was promoted through paid social media ads, outreach to nearby schools, the local Councillor’s office, on-site signage and on this page. The survey received responses from a total of 175 respondents.

The design team will use this feedback to refine a final design. The final design will be available on this page in spring 2024.

Feedback Highlights

When asked which playground features they liked:

  • 80 per cent liked group swings, 10 per cent did not and 10 per cent were neutral
  • 91 per cent liked individual swings, three per cent did not and six per cent were neutral
  • 72 per cent liked small or individual spinners and motion toys, nine per cent did not and 19 per cent were neutral
  • 81 per cent liked large group spinners and motion toys, eight per cent did not and 11 per cent were neutral
  • 87 per cent liked a zip track, five per cent did not and eight per cent were neutral
  • 83 per cent liked large individual climbers, seven per cent did not and 10 per cent were neutral
  • 67 per cent liked sensory play features, 11 per cent did not and 22 per cent were neutral
  • 53 per cent liked quiet play features, 20 per cent did not and 27 per cent were neutral
  • 72 per cent of respondents liked imaginative play features, 10 per cent did not and 18 per cent were neutral

When asked which playground style they liked best, 49 per cent liked natural playgrounds, 34 per cent liked traditional playgrounds and 17 per cent had no preference.

When asked which playground structure they liked best, 57 per cent liked one main structure, 31 per cent liked no main structure and 12 percent had no preference.

When asked what the three most important features to include were, 62 per cent indicated climbing structures, 52 per cent indicated a senior play structure for ages five to 12 and 27 per cent indicated stand-alone toys.

When asked what the three least important features to include were, 45 per cent indicated play panels, 30 per cent indicated motion toys and 29 per cent indicated a double slide.

When asked what features they would like more of if budget permits, 53 per cent indicated climbing structures, 38 per cent indicated a senior play structure for ages five to 12 and 35 per cent indicated stand-alone toys.

When asked what type of seating they liked:

  • 77 per cent liked benches
  • 74 per cent liked shaded umbrella tables
  • 59 per cent liked picnic tables
  • 54 per cent liked stone seat walls
  • 45 per cent liked Muskoka chairs

When asked what types of colours they liked best, 44 per cent liked bright colours, like yellow, orange and purple, 31 per cent liked earthy colours and 16 per cent liked neutral colours.

Havenbrook Park is located northeast of the Leslie Street access to Highway 401. The playground is located at the centre of the park, east of Henry Farm Tennis Club.

The playground currently includes:

  • Two swing sets with:
    • Two swings for ages two to five
    • Two swings for ages five and up
  • A medium-sized slide
  • One teeter-totter
  • A junior structure with:
    • One double slide
    • Three climbing options
    • One tunnel bridge
    • Two play panels
  • A senior climbing structure with:
    • Two overhead climbing options
    • One zip-line
    • Two climbing options
  • Sand under all play areas

The playground will be redesigned using feedback from the community. The redesigned playground is proposed to include:

  • Playground equipment for ages two to 12
  • Additional seating
  • Engineered wood fibre playground surfacing
  • Accessible play equipment and an accessible pathway connecting to the playground area. This means that people of all abilities will be able to play at this playground.
  • Improved lighting within the park

Improvements will only be made in the general playground area, with the exception of lighting. This will not include any new water features or improvements to other areas of the park.