The City is expanding John McKenzie Parkette by approximately 390 m2 (a bit smaller than a full basketball court) as a result of acquiring the land at 37 Norton Ave. in North York. The design for the park expansion will be developed with the help of community feedback and will include an expanded community garden area.

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  • Early April 2024: Construction starts with the demolition of the property at 37 Norton Ave.
  • May 2024: Demolition complete
  • July 2024: Hire a consultant
  • Fall 2024: Community engagement and detailed design
  • Winter 2025: Hire a construction team
  • Spring 2025: Construction starts
  • Late Summer 2025: Construction complete

The timeline is subject to change.

Online Survey

September 2024

An online survey will be posted on this page in September. The survey will present design options for the parkette expansion area and community garden.

May 2024

Demolition of the property at 37 Norton Ave. is completed.